Rear caliper brakes: weird clip positions?

Mar 7, 2017
Dear friends

I'm replacing the rear tire in my st1300@2009 and following the guide ('Front Wheel Remove and Replace: a personal record') and got stuck.

The issue is the little flimsy clip that goes in the calipers. When I removed the brake pads, the clip dropped to the ground and I'm unsure how it should be installed back.

It seems to fit on either side (i.e. little tabs aligned to the left or to the right).

Is the below photo the correct alignment?


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While at it, are these the correct parts for replacing the rear pads?


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I'm afraid my rear brake pads are toast.


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Seriously? You've got to be joking right? :rofl1:
The silver clip that you have stuck into the center of the spring clip does not belong there :nuts:
If you look at your picture, at the bottom of the picture, you'll see the little ledge where the clip is supposed to sit.
If you really thought that the clip went there, :please1: stop, and let someone help you with it before you damage something or get hurt :doh1:
Seriously? You've got to be joking right? :rofl1:
The silver clip that you have stuck into the center of the spring clip does not belong there :nuts:
If you look at your picture, at the bottom of the picture, you'll see the little ledge where the clip is supposed to sit.
If you really thought that the clip went there, :please1: stop, and let someone help you with it before you damage something or get hurt :doh1:
can't win for losing
Bottom of first post.
I recall that I've ordered 2 years ago the correct set of pads, just found them in the middle of the mess.

@Mellow: thanks for the link, that is actually pretty helpful.
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I recall that I've ordered 2 years ago the correct set of pads, just found them in the middle of the mess.
I'm sure those pads have gone stale being dormant all that time and have since long passed their Best By... date. You should order a new set ASAP.

I'll be happy to take those old stale pads off your hands and will even pay postage! :D
Update: followed the instructions in the linked article to perform cleaning of the pistons, they are nice and shiny now.

Removed some fluid from the rear reservoir and pushed the pistons (using the old brake pads as a support) to make room for the new pads.

Just wanna double check if the damned clip is in the right place/orientation (please see below):


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An update: the clip as it seats on the bracket (used some copper anti-seize paste to keep it from falling).


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Put the wheel + axle back, installed the new pads (all loose yet, haven't torqued anything).


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Close in of the external pad.

@all: Everything looks ok? The wheel spins freely (but I haven't torqued anything or engaged the brakes yet).


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Close in the internal pad.

@all: anything suspicious? I will clean the excess copper paste next.

If all is looks good, I'm torquing the whole thing and will test the brakes next.


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Be sure when you start tightening things down, that you torque the stopper bolt before you tighten the axle nut.
When you had the wheel off, did you inspect/replace both O-rings (one at the base of the splines, and the second one behind the spline plate).
The small one behind the spline plate should be changed every time the wheel is off. If that very thin O-ring goes flat, it damages the boss on your aluminum hub.
When you do finish everything, be sure to perform the SMC function test to make sure there are no surprises when your riding.
@Igofar: I wasn't aware that the o-rings had to be replaced (maybe it was mentioned in the guides I'm following but I don't recall).

What I did though was to properly clean the splines and use Honda Moly.


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Torqued the whole thing, took the bike for a 20 minutes ride through downtown (lots of cross-walks and traffic lights, never went past 25 miles/h).

Engaged the rear brake many times, as also the front and both at same time.

Also engaged the brake and let it go to see if there was any pads dragging.

The bike feels normal.

I guess if something was wrong, I should notice a difference on behavior or weird/rattling noises?

Next weekend is the time for the front wheel.
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Be sure when you start tightening things down, that you torque the stopper bolt before you tighten the axle nut.

Is there a reason for doing in this sequence? Asking out of curiosity.

And how could I test the SMC function?
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