Alaska 2023

Questions - As I look at planning another Alaskan ride for next year (assuming the Canadian Border is open), I have questions.

1. Is a stop at Homer worth the trouble?
2. Is a stop at Whittier worth the trouble?
3. Is a stop at Valdez worth the trouble?

Are they all just 'towns' or are there things to see there and along the way (especially history and such)?
BTW, I don't drink and party so that aspect of it is of no interest to me at all.
What say ye for those that have been there?

Hit all 3 of those during the 2019 IBR. Obviously didn't have time to really visit the towns, but I really enjoyed the scenery around all of them. It was my first time in Alaska, so I was just in awe of the place.
BTW, I don't drink and party so that aspect of it is of no interest to me at all.
What do you mean you don't party???:shrug2: What I have to say is Rock On :headbang:
There is a ferry out of Bellingham Washington Alaska Marine Highway Ferry System that has a good map of different places the ferry goes.

Where every you go, have a safe trip... Find yourself in Washington drop me a line....

Well, the inputs are very much appreciated - and please keep them coming.
The big challenge as I said is the ferry from Whittier to Valdez or vice versa - not a lot of choices either way.
I'm now looking at a possible Bellingham To Haines Ferry ride (4 days, about $2,500 with cabin).
I would just skip Skagway as I've been there several times and it's more a cruise ship destination anyway (31 jewelry stores I counted one day).
If I did that, I could work in Lolo Pass Highway again and Highway 20 across Washington again in the getting to Bellingham.
Then ride to Homer, and Whittier, and then Valdez and then Hyder and then home.
That has the making of a wonderful trip!
Where was your departure point for the ferry and how many days did it take?
. IIRC, two nights from Prince Rupert, after visiting Hyder, to Juneau. Overnight camp there and another short Ferry ride to Haines. BTW: I popped for a berth but you can camp upon the top deck for free. The food on the Ferry was top notch too. I believe my fare was quite reasonable.
Well, the inputs are very much appreciated - and please keep them coming.
The big challenge as I said is the ferry from Whittier to Valdez or vice versa - not a lot of choices either way.
I'm now looking at a possible Bellingham To Haines Ferry ride (4 days, about $2,500 with cabin).
I would just skip Skagway as I've been there several times and it's more a cruise ship destination anyway (31 jewelry stores I counted one day).
If I did that, I could work in Lolo Pass Highway again and Highway 20 across Washington again in the getting to Bellingham.
Then ride to Homer, and Whittier, and then Valdez and then Hyder and then home.
That has the making of a wonderful trip!

Planning is so much fun!
The run down to Valdez is one of the most spectacular, scenery wise, that I remember from our 2001 AlaskaSTOC trip all around Alaska, BC and NWT. Valdez is incredibly scenic as well. The Kenai and Homer is a great run also. Not sure about Hyder - never been there.
The run down to Valdez is one of the most spectacular, scenery wise, that I remember from our 2001 AlaskaSTOC trip all around Alaska, BC and NWT. Valdez is incredibly scenic as well. The Kenai and Homer is a great run also. Not sure about Hyder - never been there.

I wasn't that impressed with Hyder. But I was there at like 3am and had to ride like 15 miles on a dirt road in 2nd gear up to the Salmon Glacier.
I stayed ONCE at the 'Seadump' Inn in Hyder ( and that's why I always stay in Stewart now (the Canadian side). The Salmon Glacier past Hyder on the construction road is the real attraction for me (the two pictures in post 6 - one from each trip). And the Boundary Gift Shop is a special place for me also - long history there. If the ferry schedules stay the same from April to July, I think I've got a 'workable' schedule that will allow me to do the 4 day ferry up from Bellingham, Haines to Haines Junction, down to Homer, over to Whittier and the ferry to Valdez then down to Hyder, then back to the Holler. With Lolo Pass highway, Old CorkScrew Highway at Lewiston, Washington Highway 20, and a overnight stop at Wall Drugs tossed in for good measure!
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I enjoyed Stewart/Hyder in 2017. I stayed two nights at the Stewart Mountain Lodge in Stewart. Arrived early enough to walk around Stewart taking pictures of the eclectic architecture and signage. The next day it was raining hard but I rode round passed the non-existent US Border to Hyder and stopped at the Fish Creek Wild Viewing Area. I spent most of the day there photographing Bald Eagles, Black Bears and a few Grizzly/Brown Bears all feeding on the Salmon swimming up the creek. It rained hard almost all day but the elevated viewing area is covered.

I had planned to ride up to the Salmon Glacier in the late afternoon but it was raining very hard and I was uncertain about the gravel road. With the low rain cloud, I probably would not have seen anything. So instead I went and had a great Halibut and Chips dinner at the famous Seafood Express Diner in Hyder. The Canadians are less trusting as there is a Canadian Border post to check you coming back into Canada!

So I would return to Hyder/Stewart when I go back up to Alaska.
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I had planned to ride up to the Salmon Glacier in the late afternoon but it was raining very hard and I was uncertain about the gravel road. With the low rain cloud, I probably would not have seen anything. So instead I went and had a great Halibut and Chips dinner at the famous Seafood Express Diner in Hyder. The Canadians are less trusting as there is a Canadian Border post to check you coming back into Canada!

So I would return to Hyder/Stewart when I go back up to Alaska.

Yeah that border thing had me confused. It was the wee hours of the morning and I was expecting a booth of some sort on my way in. Next thing I know I'm in the center of town thinking I blew through the border. I was only there to get a quick picture of a sign at the Salmon Glacier so I figured I would straighten things out on my way out. I stopped at a booth on my way back out (I guess technically I crossed back into BC somewhere on that dirt/gravel road up to the Glacier) and picked up the bat phone that connected to some border patrol guy. I envisioned him answering the phone from his bed. I told him I think I ran the border on my way in...he laughed. He asked if I was alone. I know damn well he could probably see me on camera. Anyway, he ran my passport number and sent me on my way.
Just got off the phone with the Alaska Marine Highway folks and the ferry that runs from Valdez-Whittier-Valdez is 'laid up' - means it is out of commission for a quite while - so there ain't a ferry (and probably won't be one next summer either). So looks like getting from V to W or vice-versa is going to be by land - but that ain't bad. After many of the comments, I definitely want to visit Valdez and Homer (two nights) and I'll probably run by Whittier just to go through the tunnel. And I plan on two nights in Hyder/Stewart so I can visit the Salmon Glacier again. Looks like a 20 day trip right now at a more than laid back pace for me. :biggrin:
Canadian border is even going to be open in 2021
I have my doubts. In Ontario we're heading for another lock down from Dec. 23rd-Jan. 21. Northern Ontario will only have a 2 week lock down.

It's easy to go down a rabbit hole on that one, so, I best think positive and hope that the border will be open so you get to go a wonderful trip.
Well, the inputs are very much appreciated - and please keep them coming.
Somehow my RTC Whitehorse thread got :d1:

Post a RTC (no set up required) at Takhini Hot Springs; make it after NatSToc which gets people most of the way to the Great Falls MT border crossing (or any border crossing for that matter), and it might surprise you who shows up. :thumb:


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Surprised that no one has mentioned that Americans are still being allowed into Canada if they are going through to Alaska. Not supposed to deviated from the direct route. There have been multiple cases of guys visiting the main tourist spots which are not on the way North or South and been sent on their way. No 14 day quarantine required - coming either way.
Have to shake my head that this is allowed - if only I could head to Mexico via the USA without restrictions then I'd probably feel different!
Interestingly "Essential Persons" can still cross as before - hence the still present line ups at the borders during the rush hour. I have made several trips to import/export aircraft parts overt the past months with no hassle - you have to ask who is considered "essential"?
If the borders were to be open as normal I'd happily take a run up to Alaska for a Northern RTE/RTC !
Post a RTC (no set up required) at Takhini Hot Springs; make it after NatSToc which gets people most of the way to the Great Falls MT border crossing (or any border crossing for that matter), and it might surprise you who shows up. :thumb:
I don't know - those fellers look pretty shady to me ... probably too much moonshine filtered by a car radiator ... :biggrin:
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Surprised that no one has mentioned that Americans are still being allowed into Canada if they are going through to Alaska.
I am aware of that, but I want to stop by Hyder to see the Salmon Glacier again, so that would 'legally' eliminate me.
Although my occupation has been declared 'essential' by the US Federal Government. ;)
I could just take the ferry up and back from Bellingham, WA but then I would miss a lot of the good riding in BC and the Yukon.
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