Been Working on Something

I did a set of RT Gold emulators on my KLR and WOW! What a difference.....

I'll probably not need them for the ST as my riding style isn't very aggressive and I don't feel like I have any handling issues....

That said, it's always nice to see the efforts of one person done in a way to benefit the group. Thanks for taking the time Rob!


OK, I got that part. I went to the Traxxion site and the STeed wasn't, if I wanted the Traxxion unit, I'd send my forks in and wait for two weeks.

BUT, Rob is working with another outfit and believes that their final product will be superior to the Traxxion's. The reason he's telling us about his work is to give us a preview of coming attractions... a FYI as it were.

or am I still missing something... it is late.

Perhaps it is late. I think Rob was just saying the two week wait was one issue he had with traxxion. I suppose the kit he is working on developing will be off the shelf. But then I am still waiting after about 4 weeks for some raceteck valves for both sides of my ST11 forks to turn up. They are not listed as an off the shelf item, so if Rob can get the ST13 on the list he will be doing well.
Yea, personally I like to buy things that are listed as a product and that I can buy and install myself if I want.
Hey, if he can make springs, gold valves, fork oil and sell it all for $200...more power to him.
Well, it just works. I switched out the rear for a Race Tech spring as well and the bike does what it should.

If I add weight or a passenger I can quickly dial in the difference and the bike performs exactly as it does with just me.

And now of course I've been contact by another company....
I second the table comment! I noticed that before the part. Little blood and grease please, this hurts my head!!
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