Brake Pad Wear Question Pics

Mar 20, 2007
Hamilton Ontario
Took saddlebags off and looked at rear brake pads. Do the pics look normal? Thought they’d be more uniform. The fronts are also getting grabby at low speeds so I tried cleaning the bobbins it not much change. Dealer says 35%+ left and are OK

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Yea, I might be a bit concerned too ... but Larry should be along for expert opinion.

A better "straight on" shot would be more revealing, as these photos appear to favor the outer pad side.
pic #2 shows the piston out pretty far and the inner pad is questionable. Lots of rust. It should be taken apart, clean pistons, lube slides. Replace pads and flush fluid if it hasn't been done recently.
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Sounds like the dealer either didn't have a clue, didn't care, or wants you to damage more stuff to generate revenue :rofl1:
A few things jump out at me in your pictures.
1. Non-OEM pads (probably EBC)
2. The scrape marks on the edge of the rotor, as if the front of the pads are not seated correctly in the clip, and the rotor is damaging the rear caliper mounting bracket etc.
3. The pistons are in terrible shape with rust and pitting on them, which makes me wonder about the condition of the seals etc.
4. You say the Front's are getting grabby? sounds like your sliding dowels are probably dirty or dry, and its not moving (floating) smoothly as it should.
5. The last picture shows the inboard pad sitting crooked (probably due to some/all of the above noted comments) which means the pistons are not working together, and pistons are sticking etc.
and while its hard to tell from the angle of the photo, it looks like the outboard pad is much more worn than the inboard one, which indicates that the caliper is not moving/working correctly etc.
6. This type of wear, and issues could also be caused by your SMC either dying a slow death, or already damaged and sticking in the bore, and/or clogged up in the return port screen.
When was the last time the brake system was serviced? Who did it? Was it done correctly? And I'm kind of hoping it wasn't done by the shop who told your your pads were acceptable and let you ride your bike out of his shop, without pointing out any/all of these things for your safety.
Sounds like the dealer either didn't have a clue, didn't care, or wants you to damage more stuff to generate revenue :rofl1:
A few things jump out at me in your pictures.
1. Non-OEM pads (probably EBC)
2. The scrape marks on the edge of the rotor, as if the front of the pads are not seated correctly in the clip, and the rotor is damaging the rear caliper mounting bracket etc.
3. The pistons are in terrible shape with rust and pitting on them, which makes me wonder about the condition of the seals etc.
4. You say the Front's are getting grabby? sounds like your sliding dowels are probably dirty or dry, and its not moving (floating) smoothly as it should.
5. The last picture shows the inboard pad sitting crooked (probably due to some/all of the above noted comments) which means the pistons are not working together, and pistons are sticking etc.
and while its hard to tell from the angle of the photo, it looks like the outboard pad is much more worn than the inboard one, which indicates that the caliper is not moving/working correctly etc.
6. This type of wear, and issues could also be caused by your SMC either dying a slow death, or already damaged and sticking in the bore, and/or clogged up in the return port screen.
When was the last time the brake system was serviced? Who did it? Was it done correctly? And I'm kind of hoping it wasn't done by the shop who told your your pads were acceptable and let you ride your bike out of his shop, without pointing out any/all of these things for your safety.
Yes the rears are EBC pads, fronts are Honda and appear to be wearing evenly. I have a full set of Honda pads waiting to go on next. I do rely on my dealer. Been going to them since 85 with 2 wings and 2 st1300’s. The mechanic who said they are OK I have never met before so may be new.
Tires have 18k klm so will get brakes overhauled, flush etc. when new ones go on. Can only hope they do it right.
I’d pull the EBC pads out and toss them before you end up replacing a damaged rear caliper mounting bracket.
Have you inspected the SMC for function?
I would not trust the shop to do this.
Just saw your second post on engine vibrations.
Have you considered that these two threads are connected????
I’d pull the EBC pads out and toss them before you end up replacing a damaged rear caliper mounting bracket.
Have you inspected the SMC for function?
I would not trust the shop to do this.
dealer, don’t have much of a choice. Head mechanic been there 25yrs. Doesn’t mean he is reall good though
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