Clear lenses for the front turninglights ST1100

Their 5/21W (as tail/brake-light) so the different brightness is given...

The amber ones I removed from my bikes are rated at 8.3/26.9W. Doesn't equal a 4:1 ratio.
When I get some time, I'll measure the resistances of the bulbs and actual voltages of my bikes, to get real-world, rather than theoretical values. Maybe they are 4:1.
Okay, so I promised pics tonight.
I apologize for the quality, but circumstances conspired against me being able to take time and do it right (especially the failing light levels.

But below are some shots showing the bikes with lights off, DRL's on, and indicators on (one at a time).

I'll do better when I have better light, more time, and a better camera available.
01 Black with DRL LEDs on 2.jpg 04 Black with LH ind LED on.jpg 05 Black with RH Ind LED on.jpg 07 Red with lights off.jpg 06 Both  with each end ind LED on.jpg

Can't we put a video on this site ?



I don't know, but I will be taking a vid this weekend. If I can't get it to post here (possibly file size), I can web-host, and post a link.
So hopefully by Monday I'll have a video. It will show things so much better.

Can't we put a video on this site ?
Throw it on YouTube and link it into here...

But seeing Fatjock's picks already tells me that this switchback mod would cause legal issues over here...
The white front marker plus headlight simply outshine the activated turn-signal.

Like this should not be a problem in any country.


That's exactly the way I have it, but Headlights are permanently on in the US (No switch), so unfortunately I cant display the same way. I will get some video in daylight this weekend, and get it on here this weekend. Pics were shot in near darkness, so it should not flare out the lens so much in daylight.
Hi. That video will not play in the UK. Shame as your bike is the same colour as mine and would be really interested to see how they look.
video working uk for me (northern ireland)
yea, indicators should be brighter.
here's an idea, put orange bulbs in them and use them as indicators only, as honda made it.
or a tiny wee single led could be fitted in the corner and used with lights, and the orange flash over it. instead of all this overthinking.???
less to go wrong.
Has anyone found good foam tape like what went around the old lenses, it insulated the lense from the housing. I don't worry about water leaks into the light assembly, I used some good silicone for that. Every foam tape I've found so far is to thick. All we have around here is big name autoparts stores and hardware stores. Thanks.
I'd opt for some type 2 Dual Colour Switchback LEDs, but they don't come in "dual power", meaning the white side is a bit too bright (not like the 5W side of a standard 1157 incandescent bulb...)
Anyone having more luck in this?
I have used these bulbs on other bikes and recommend them. The white is very bright like a spot, very good for added visibility. The yellow flash is very noticeable. I needed to replace the flasher with an LED flasher on other bikes to prevent hyper flash. I haven't installed them on my ST yet. I'll post pics when done.
Great up grade, looks cool and I think it's safer as you are much more noticeable during the day with nice triangle of light.
Load resistors are only required when using LED light bulbs, and are meant to make the blinker relay detect sufficient load to blink normally. Without the resistor the relay would blink at a much higher frequency - as if a normal blinker bulb has burned out. There's a resistor mounted in parallel with each LED bulb to increase the total power consumption, and as they are extra do-dads. Fairly small, though, and easily fitted inside the mirror cover. Personally I hated the idea of having to add resistors to 'burn off extra power' and replaced the blinker relay with a version suited for LED lights. I don't need those resistors anymore.

However, combined with the proper switchback LEDs you can have your turn indicators shine bright white while not blinking, and shine yellow/orange while indicating. When you stop indicating, the white light comes on again after half a second or so with most LEDs. This type of lighting will make you more visible indeed! That looks like this (it's an ST1300, but the idea is the same):

The original unit can be warmed e.g. in hot water, after which some slow & steady pulling will enable you to pull the original lens off. The clear lens is then indeed glued in place.
Nosegear, that's what I did. I did not care to wire in a resistor and find a place for it to draw more power. I simply replaced the flasher relay unit with a plug n play LED compatible flasher relay.
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Got my pair (Thanks Ad). Can anyone that has done this swap over tell me the best way to remove the existing orange lenses? Is hot water enough, or should I stick them in a (low) oven?

I've also got 2nd hand some stop / tail bulb holders from Ebay. These have three wires. Plan is to wire one feed to the headlights to give me DRL's and the other to the indicators.

I have an electronic flasher unit waiting to be fitted.

I work with people who occasionally go to our office in the US, so I'm also going to order these: - and have them brought back over.

I'll post piccies / video once complete, but it'll take a while...
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