Essentials Tools for distance riding?

DeanR said:
Tools get heavy quickly. Tank bag not the best place for them.

Especially if you have a tip over. A full tank was a huge impediment to get the ST on its center stand. I can't begin to imagine what a tank bag full of tools would do. Of course mav may not be getting the tank bag for the tools specifically but for lighter stuff.

And speaking of light-er stuff I took spiderman302's advice and picked up an AA battery operated bicycle tail strobe. In the event you're stuck somewhere at night the ST's battery (and lights) won't last long. If you've converted all your lights to LEDs the battery will last slightly longer than not long. If you have a dedicated separate light on the back the battery will last slightly longer than slightly longer than not long. <whew> An AA or 2xAA strobe will last a good while.
An air compressor and the tools to effect a puncture repair are as useful 3 miles away from home as well as 300 miles so I always carry them.

My Hondas have always been reliable so I carry no particular tools other than the tool kit supplied with the ST1300 prior to 2007. I add a small pair of side cutters and a little pair of vice grips to the Honda tools. A set of fuses and a roll of electrical tape round out the long distance kit. Oh, and my up-to-date roadside assistance card.

My sentiments exactly. Get that Honda tool kit if your bike didnt come with one. I carry three inflation devices a hand pump, a can of fix a flat, and a 12v compressor on long trips.

Now that my 92 ST11 is 26 years old and the 2004 ST13 14 years old maybe I should worry more? :confused:
Honestly, and I know I'm 'going against the grain' here... My main long-distance riding accessory is my AMA "OK, come and pick me up" card...
Not much point in carrying any tools or repair kits unless you practice using them until you're good.

In my experience tires will be the number one thing to cause you problems. Get good at plugging them because it's always harder by the side of the road and doing it yourself saves you lots of time and money.
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