Im leaving boston

So, one of the things I am really enjoying about this thread is how clearly Michael's adventure is not only a great experience for him, but it's also helping @ChriSTian_64 re-live what was obviously a high point for him, more than a decade ago. That add some "special sauce" to an already great thread.

Oh, I think its a whole lot more than Christian re-living this. My trip was 30 odd years back, but memory is clear as yesterday for most parts. Many of us have made very similar trips and hope to again. Living it again through Stedy's eyes makes me want to go, like NOW! And that's a good thing.

it's also helping @ChriSTian_64 re-live what was obviously a high point for him, more than a decade ago.

That's right, Keith.

For all my life, I had dreamed of crossing the states, and go see the west. But... when can you do that ? It takes time to do that.
When I became a city bus driver in montreal, at age fifty, following a carrer change... maybe because I then started to have, more than ever, the feeling that I was driving all day but always along the same circle, as we all do, right, around our neighbourhood... so I was looking at the freeway... and started to think, more and more often (until it became an obsession) : what if... I could leave on that road, to see where it leads.

Lots of people had been all around the planet by plane. But, except for some truck drivers, not that much people have made such trips.
And, even truck drivers.. it is not exactly the same, 'cause that it is their job, they are on duty. They are paid to be there and to be in time.
The summer of 1993 I quit my job, loaded my Mazda pickup and left with my girlfriend at the time for Maine. Started there and worked our way to Key West, then up and over to Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, West to GC, Death Valley, meandering to SoCal, then up the coast to the Columbia river. Turned East, and ran pretty much until we turned South for Yellowstone, and then pretty much East, heading home. Saw all kinds of things, most every National park along the way. Slept inside for 5 days in the 3 months we were gone. We had exactly $33/day budget, and that included the $12 it took to gas the truck each day. It was great. Shoestring budget and no safety net. I'm gonna go again, with or without the wife, on a MC in 10yrs tops when I retire. Maybe sooner. Reading this post confirms how much the desire is still there to do so. I look forward to each post and check multiple times a day for updates. It's just great to read about.

The summer of 1993 I quit my job, loaded my Mazda pickup and left with my girlfriend at the time for Maine. Started there and worked our way to Key West, then up and over to Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, West to GC, Death Valley, meandering to SoCal, then up the coast to the Columbia river. Turned East, and ran pretty much until we turned South for Yellowstone, and then pretty much East, heading home. Saw all kinds of things, most every National park along the way. Slept inside for 5 days in the 3 months we were gone. We had exactly $33/day budget, and that included the $12 it took to gas the truck each day. It was great. Shoestring budget and no safety net. I'm gonna go again, with or without the wife, on a MC in 10yrs tops when I retire. Maybe sooner. Reading this post confirms how much the desire is still there to do so. I look forward to each post and check multiple times a day for updates. It's just great to read about.

Today, it cost me that much to fill my 1100! I love the responses because i was the the guy that almost chickened out last year. Today, i saw hawks hunting, dust storms, high heat, a couple of accidents, palm trees and cactus. I saw teepees and sand, old cars and new ones. I saw stars so thick i was reminded of the cream in my coffee I got overcharged at a motel and didnt care.
I have forgotten so much of what i saw today. Hopefully, ill dream of it one night.
Today, it cost me that much to fill my 1100! I love the responses because i was the the guy that almost chickened out last year. Today, i saw hawks hunting, dust storms, high heat, a couple of accidents, palm trees and cactus. I saw teepees and sand, old cars and new ones. I saw stars so thick i was reminded of the cream in my coffee I got overcharged at a motel and didnt care.
I have forgotten so much of what i saw today. Hopefully, ill dream of it one night.
Lol that's why we do this.
I am tearing up over this undeserved gift.

Which I somehow read on the first go as "I am tearing up this undeserved gift" and I was wondering why you were tearing up a gift at all...?

As for Vegas: you couldn't pay me to go there. Well okay yes you could but it would take a LOT of cash. And I wouldn't stay. And I wouldn't enjoy it while I was there.
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