Lost my father last night


Dave Elliott
Oct 4, 2007
Trinity Alps, Northern California
2014 Super Tenere
He had Alzheimer's, and was very frail, but nobody expected him to complain of not feeling well in the morning, and 18 hours later he's gone.

These last few years my life has been shaped by taking care of aging parents. I've been lucky to be able to attend a few STOC events, and the good part has been logging about 18,000 miles a year on my ST going to and from to attend to their care. There will be a few more trips to Lompoc to take care of loose ends, and then I guess I get to reinvent my life. One thing, I think I just inherited a little poodle. I wonder if she rides. Guess we'll find out.
So sorry to hear about your loss Dave. I know it seems shallow but I feel for you. My dad had dimentia when he died in 1995. He really wasn't my father anymore. It is very hard to see them decline.
Take good care of his best friend. He would be happy to know that you are loving his dog in his absence.

Take care.
Dave - I know how much you have given to your dad over the last year. So many trips and so much of yourself you have given to him. I have not known you very long having met you over this forum about a year ago and we had ridden together a few times. Your depth and caring is an inspiration to me. I know your dad has found peace and I know you too will find peace as well. As you know I too lost my dad back in October. It is definitley an experience with so much to reflect on after one's father passes on. I learned so much about him as well as myself. My very best wishes to you and your family. I hope we will take a ride together again soon.

Your friend

My condolences Dave. I lost my Mom to Alzheimer's and it wasn't pleasant trying to explain to her who I was when I was with her. I'm sure RealST can give you tips on carrying the pup with you on the bike. He takes his dog everywhere.

I'm sorry for your loss. My mother in law died of Alzheimer's quite a few years ago. She had reached the point where she could remember things from her distant past like it was yesterday, but couldn't recognize her husband or any of her other family members.

Very sorry for your loss, Dave.

Lost my dad to complications from Parkinson's last April.

God bless you for being there for your dad. He has found peace.

I sure hate to hear this Dave. I know you were close. I have admired your dedication to your pop's care and I'm sure he was the better for it. I offer my condolences and wish you the strength to move through grieving process. Know you have friends here and anything you may need please let us know. For now my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sorry for your loss.

My father died in '04 having suffered the same illness for several years.
Sorry about your loss Dave. I know from one of my relatives experience that it is a very tough job taking care of someone with Alzheimers. Time to relax, reflect, and enjoy life.
So sorry to hear of your loss. I know its never easy, and you are never really ready for the end to come.
It made me realize it was 45 years ago this month when I lost my father.
Heaven is sure filling up with angels... Best wishes to you and your family. You're dedication to you father is admirable. I often wonder if I have what it takes to be there for my parents should their health decline that way...
Dave, my condolences! I know the feeling, I truly do. It's been just 13 months for me, and in the same circumstances.

Also, put me on the list of "If I can do anything, let me know."

I don't know your father, but for mine, his passing was a release from the bondage of a steadily collapsing mind.
Please accept my condolences, Dave. My grandfather had Alzheimer's and my father died following complications from surgery. I'm not sure how you feel, but I know how I felt when each of them passed. Good vibes heading your way.
I'm very sorry for your loss. My Mam suffered from Alzheimer's too. I lost her 14 years ago and miss her every day.

I wish peace to you and joy of your new companion.

Very sorry Dave. You and your family are in our prayers.
Sorry for your loss. Alzheimer's is right at the very top of the worst possible afflictions, in my opinion. At times, it seemed like an endless suffering for my dad. He was taken away long before he passed. My visits with him were like visiting a hollow shell. Alzheimer's made it nearly impossible to care for him and it was unrelenting. Horrible! After the jolt of losing him faded the good memories started to take its place. I hope you have the same experience.

My heart goes out to you, Dave. My Mum will be 89 in March and suffers from dementia. It's very hard.
I wish you strength, healing and peace.

My condolences Dave on the loss in your life. No doubt a few of the upcoming rides you take will become very deep memories. Prayers from my household.
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