Lost my father, ST owners member Alan, Sunday

Hi Everyone, I misunderstood the way the 'reply' button worked--I thought I was replying to various specific threads. The quote I referenced about was the one where he said he'd be at the upcoming event, and thank you all for the pictures. I don't have many of him smiling (very somber, serious 'me & my motorcycle' pictures, usually), so I was glad to get a couple with friends and smiles.

My mother, Diane, my brother, Eric and I (Cassie) have just read all 6 pages of posts, and we didn't realize our dad had this many friends. You have no idea how much it means to us to learn about all the people who cared about him. He was much a loner here at home, and very much a family man, always putting us first. He planned all year for his summer road trips on his bike...it was how he spent the long Michigan winters! He was looking forward to the April and May events.

We don't know what happened, all we know is that is was instantaneous. The visitation is this Thursday, March 24th, from 5-8, at the Reeb funeral home in Sylvania, Ohio. The service and burial will begin at 11:00am at the Reeb funeral home. We are going to bring his bike to the funeral home for the cermonies and bury him in his motorcycle gear. You are welcome to come, and join us at our house for a light lunch after the funeral.

The Dippold Family
So sorry to hear of your dad's passing. While I never met Alan in person, I certainly felt a kinship with him here. How wonderful that he was able to enjoy his ST the day before.

The love and support from friends and family will help you in the days, weeks, and months to come. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Dan Nelson
Eric, Cassie and Diane, your father/husband shared a passion for riding we all understand here. It's also what makes us appreciate our families even more.

I would like to believe that if anything ever happened to me, my extended family here would help my real family with anything.

Please ask if you need help with anything. I'm sure anyone nearby that can make the services will be there. The motorcycle gear is a touch he would like a lot.

We will all have you in our thoughts and prayers.
Cassie, your dad never appeared somber around us. Somewhere on this forum is your dad making a statement about seeing my smiling face. I can recall that because that's the kind of thing that a person remembers. I'm adding two more photos I have in my archives. The first was taken at the "post" Moonshine event in November, 2010 in Terry Hammond's garage. The second one, I caught him off guard coming into Terry Hammond's Farm house. I got a chuckle out of the look on his face as he tried to avoid my shot.

It doesn't take long to sense the goodness in some people. Alan was one of those people.


I'm very glad I had the opportunity to meet Alan at ArkanSTOC last year at the RTE. He was a pleasure to spend time with.

Very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
Eric, Caissie and Diane - my thoughts and prayers go out to you from Nova Scotia. While I never met your father/husband, from the posts here it sounds like he was a well liked and respected man. I lost my father February 15 but he was 95 and it was time - not a sudden loss like yours. There will be grief and sadness in your family but try to remember the good times and remember how blessed you are to have had a man like him in your life.

Rest in peace Alan....
Sorry to hear Eric. Meet your father at CampStoc & Moonshine.
A father is special. A father that shares motorcyling riding with his son, are times treasured.

Ride on forever Alan
Tim (TMUS2122) and I are planning on attending. we are going to meet at the BP gas station (6131 Monroe st, Sylvania) on monroe st just west of 23 in Sylvania at about 10:00. If anyone else is going to attend and wants to ride in together, please PM me so we know how many to expect.
HI everyone,

I just just got back from the funeral. Tim and I were both able to attend. Diane, Cassie, and Eric wanted to express how grateful they are for the kind words and especially the pictures, it means a lot to them! Like Alan, they are great people! keep them in your thoughts and prayers

I had the honor of being requested by Diane to be a pall bearer. It was as good funeral...if there is such a thing....Alan was buried with Military honors! taps get me every time....
Dan/Tim, thanks, did you guys ride? I'm sure Alan would have liked that.

I looked at some of his posts and I believe he was a Vietnam Vet. Thanks for your service Alan, Rest in Peace sir.
Dan/Tim, thanks, did you guys ride? I'm sure Alan would have liked that.

I looked at some of his posts and I believe he was a Vietnam Vet. Thanks for your service Alan, Rest in Peace sir.

yup...was a little cool @ 22*... ;) and had a moonshine shirt on!
Just got back too. It was a little cool, when I left home it was 19 :eek:

Thanks Dan for passing on the family's thanks. They were very glad we came. And as Dan said, they wanted to let all of us know how much he loved riding his ST, in fact they had it in the room next to him, with helmet and gloves, he was in his gear. Also he loved being a fellow ST-Owners group member.
HI everyone,

I just just got back from the funeral. Tim and I were both able to attend. Diane, Cassie, and Eric wanted to express how grateful they are for the kind words and especially the pictures, it means a lot to them! Like Alan, they are great people! keep them in your thoughts and prayers

I had the honor of being requested by Diane to be a pall bearer. It was as good funeral...if there is such a thing....Alan was buried with Military honors! taps get me every time....

Thanks, On behalf of the St owners. What a great honor.
Taps gets me too.

Just got back from Viet Nam vet funeral. 15:30 hours
I didn't know Alan was a Viet Nam Vet.
Thanks again Ace 1/501 Inf b company 101 airborne/airmobile
I think that's neat a couple of you guys were able to make it to Alan's funeral. Thanks! It means a lot to see a few two-wheelers show up and pay their respects.

Like others, I too met your father last year at CAMPSTOC in west virginia. He and I hit it off right away and spent quit some time in converstation about various subjects. Even though we only met briefly, I will always remember Alan.
My thoughts go out to your family.
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