Medicine Bear Died November 14, 2010

Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Very sad indeed.

Terry informs us that Fred had passed and only 5 days later, Terry himself suffers a life ending heart attack. Tragic. :( :cry:
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Fred attended a couple of WeSTOC rallies, and he struck me, when I met him, as a fine person. Condolences to his family, he will be missed.

Godspeed, Fred.
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Fred attended a couple of WeSTOC rallies, and he struck me, when I met him, as a fine person. Condolences to his family, he will be missed.

Godspeed, Fred.

Yeah... when I first met Fred, I thought he was Coop's brother..

I still think that...
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Joe, we're all brothers who ride with the wind. We ride for them and we ride for each other. Each time we meet, we renew those bonds which hold us together. Those stories we tell will keep them alive and fresh in our memories. Here's to Terry and Medicine Bear and Putt and all those who have passed before. It's a time to celebrate their passion and love so common to us all.
Medicine Bear, God speed.
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Joe, we're all brothers who ride with the wind. We ride for them and we ride for each other. Each time we meet, we renew those bonds which hold us together. Those stories we tell will keep them alive and fresh in our memories. Here's to Terry and Medicine Bear and Coop and all those who have passed before. It's a time to celebrate their passion and love so common to us all.
Medicine Bear, God speed.

If I'm not mistaken, Coop is still with us.
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
Mark "Coop" Twain ;-)
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

It's funny you should mention Fred being a brother, we did have alot of fun telling stories and causing trouble at CheapSTOC. I still think I should have won the gaudy shirt contest since Fred's shirt was custom made by Arlene and should have been ruled illegal. I remember how much Arlene liked SheRob's Wing and think of Fred often.........everytime I see a red Goldwing to be exact. ACL called me before he posted to give me a heads up about Fred's passing. I've been so blessed to know both Fred And Terry, but it doesn't stop there. I'm blessed to know all the people within our big extended family. Bless you all!!
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Same to you Coop. It has been a pleasure meeting all of you sport touring guys along the way, and I hope that we meet up out on the road many more times before I or any of you hang up the keys.

Ride Safe,
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

It's funny you should mention Fred being a brother, we did have alot of fun telling stories and causing trouble at CheapSTOC. I still think I should have won the gaudy shirt contest since Fred's shirt was custom made by Arlene and should have been ruled illegal. I remember how much Arlene liked SheRob's Wing and think of Fred often.........everytime I see a red Goldwing to be exact. ACL called me before he posted to give me a heads up about Fred's passing. I've been so blessed to know both Fred And Terry, but it doesn't stop there. I'm blessed to know all the people within our big extended family. Bless you all!!

I will always remember him at CheapSTOC... and his story telling at the Yardhouse during WeSTOC at Golden.

I loved watching Fred's face when Arlene would jump on my Wing... could see those dollar signs ringing up in his head... miss the big guy... I am blessed as well for knowing him, Terry, Putt... and all the others in my MC family... that includes you too, Coop.
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Bless you too Coop.. and everyone else here..
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Terry started this thread to let us know about Fred's passing. I contacted Fred's wife, to let her know about Terry's passing. This from Fred's sister.


Thanks so much for the email. Fred's wife (Arlene) forwarded your email to me since I am back home now (Nacogdoches, TX).

Arlene called me to tell me of the shocking news of Terry. Even though our correspondence was brief, I felt a special bond toward Terry. He sent the poem that he had written in church on the back of his bulletin the Sunday before Fred passed. He didn't specifically say, but I assumed that Terry felt the poem was for Fred. Now we know that Terry had been given a premonition of his own passing!

None of this was expected! A lesson to us all, to be kind, forgiving, and live everyday as if it is our last. Also, to have our affairs in order even if we think we have plenty of time to get that done. (Fred did not)

Please send my condolences to the Hammond family. I love the thought that Fred now has a riding buddy with Terry.

Stephanie Arbuckle Miller

PS. Forest, did you know that Fred played the clarinet in school. It was his Dad's instrument that had been passed down to him. Dad played and toured with a jazz band during college!
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

I got caught up in the sweep of my eloquence.;)
I hope to see as many of you as possible this coming year. Stay safe.
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Terry started this thread to let us know about Fred's passing. I contacted Fred's wife, to let her know about Terry's passing. This from Fred's daughter.


Thanks so much for the email. Fred's wife (Arlene) forwarded your email to me since I am back home now (Nacogdoches, TX).

Arlene called me to tell me of the shocking news of Terry. Even though our correspondence was brief, I felt a special bond toward Terry. He sent the poem that he had written in church on the back of his bulletin the Sunday before Fred passed. He didn't specifically say, but I assumed that Terry felt the poem was for Fred. Now we know that Terry had been given a premonition of his own passing!

None of this was expected! A lesson to us all, to be kind, forgiving, and live everyday as if it is our last. Also, to have our affairs in order even if we think we have plenty of time to get that done. (Fred did not)

Please send my condolences to the Hammond family. I love the thought that Fred now has a riding buddy with Terry.

Stephanie Arbuckle Miller

PS. Forest, did you know that Fred played the clarinet in school. It was his Dad's instrument that had been passed down to him. Dad played and toured with a jazz band during college!

I believe Stephanie was Fred's Sister.
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Thank you for doing that George! I am sure you did a great job of reading the poem at the dinner. I know you did a great job at Sink's memorial service!


Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Hurry back Keith, there is plenty of BBQ with your name on it!!
Re: Medicine Bear Died November 14th...

Fred was the first person I met through this forum. I was getting ba ck into riding in the summer of 2008 after a long break, and MAC_JD, my cousin, was telling me about how great a bike the ST was. However, none of the dealers around had one on the floor for me to go look at, and JD was headed off to Italy, so I could not take a look at his! He suggested contacting Fred, so I did and we setup a lunch meeting at BBQ place we both like in Tomball.

After a few minutes, it was like we were old friends, and let me climb on his bike, and was quickly showing off his baby. He even offered to let me take a test ride sometime, but I wound up buying a Shadow a few weeks later instead. It was a good bike to get started again, but he showed me the future that day.

He also showed me what a great group of people we have on this fourm, and that has only been reinforced reading the tributes to Fred & Terry, the concern for MCL and Raven after thier accidents, and many others that I've followed over the past couple of years.

So, thanks Fred for introducing me to the ST, but even more for welcoming me into this community.

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