MIT-100 w/ GMRS tricks?

I have the MIT-100 with the same Midland radios.
No problem at all.
As to the cell phone-I was fine with a Verizon Treo 650.
I switched to a Sprint Treo 700P (big mistake for a bunch of reasons) and the cell phone won't work with the engine running.
I've switched to my wife's Audiovox phone just to try it out, and everything works properly, so there is some interference, specific to the Treo 700P that I can't figure out.
I tapped the bike power off of the tail light lead.
I am using the same phone and have not changed anything. When a call would come in, the sat radio would mute. I would take my call and when the person on the other end would hang up, my phone would also hang up and the sat radio would turn back on.

Now, the sat radio mutes on my end, I can hear the person talking, but they are hearing the sat radio and not me. When they hang up, the sat radio comes back on.

The mic is in the same spot as before I had the problems. I need to get my daughter on the back and talk to her over the intercom. I may have a mic that has gone bad.

It also may be that I did some damage to the unit. I tried to hook my 2610 up through the phone plug. It did not work, so I did not try and mess with it any more.
My friend and I have the MIT-100 on our bikes, we have the same GRMS radio as you (Midland 600GXT). We also both have Motorola Razr cell phones. Great minds think alike, I guess :-D

Anyhow, the music (he has XM, I just have an MP3 player for now) works great, and the GRMS radios work great with the "CB" cable that came with the intercom, and the PTT button works flawlessly.

However, we've both found that neither of our systems work correctly when our cell phones are hooked up. If the cell phone is connected, the PTT switch does not trigger the GRMS radio, although the cell phone works fine. As soon as the cell phones are disconnected, the PTT switch works, and the GRMS radio works fine.

So, anyway...the point of the the original poster - if you also have a cell phone connected, try disconnecting your cell phone and see if that helps.

If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, I'm all ears. The motorola razr has only a mini-usb plug, so we are using this adapter between the cell phone and the intercom. I'm assuming it is an issue with the cell phone and I'm just SOL. Not really that big of a deal, as we bought the setups for music and GRMS...the cell phone useage was just an extra bonus. Still...a bit annoying that I paid $200 for this setup, it should work, and it doesnt.
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