Non-fixed, hitchless Tire Changing Setup?

Jul 24, 2006
not quite Columbian Spoon, UT
'06 ST1300A
I'm looking for a quality tire changing solution that doesn't involve a hitch (I gotsme no cage), and doesn't involve putting holes in concrete, an activity that upon which the landlord would frown.

Any suggestions?
Some have mounted the floor versions on 2x4s or whatever works then mounted those on flat boards as well... I haven't seen that setup before but have heard it works.
That's gonna be a tough one. The purpose of the hitch or mounting it to the ground is to make sure the machine doesn't spin when putting on/off the tire. You could do the floor mount and upon leaving just put a little bit of concrete in the holes.
Some have mounted the floor versions on 2x4s or whatever works then mounted those on flat boards as well... I haven't seen that setup before but have heard it works.

Perhaps, find/make a good sized palet-like thing to bolt the machine to. Shouldn't spin if the operator is standing on it at the time.
3 tar arns 'n a customized Wonder Bar, I can change yur tires on any surface, no clamps or bead breakers required. Also, my 12V Hausefield compressor has seated the beads on the last two tars I've tried it on. Self-contained tar changing in my left saddle bag. :D
Mounted my HF unit on a 4 X 4 sheet of plywood, works great. Remove from the plywood to store.
I also have my HF mounted to a 4x4 piece of plywood works fine as long as I'm standing on it while working.
I also have my HF mounted to a 4x4 piece of plywood works fine as long as I'm standing on it while working.

+1 here. I used two piece of 3/4" 4x4 plywood, so the base is 1.5" thick. Works great.
Mounted my HF unit on a 4 X 4 sheet of plywood, works great. Remove from the plywood to store.

Ditto. Standing on the plywood while pushing the lever around adds to the weight on the plywood. Keeps it in place pretty good.
The minimal method:

3 Tire Irons + plastic clip-on rim protectors
2 large C-clamps (to break bead)
1 Balancer setup of your choice
1 soapy water dispenser (dish soap + water in old windex spray bottle)
3 short 2x4 to keep rim off ground

You can change your tires using that setup, no big/special tools required.
I would however, have someone that know what they're doing assist you, my 1st tire change, I busted my hand and could not ride for 3+ weeks....

You don't need the big tire changers etc... they do make the job easier however, but are not necessary.

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