Post Your Funny ATGATT Encounters!

I was at Sears last night (where America shops) and the guy behind the register asks, "Is that a riding jacket ?" I just stared at him until he rephrased the question.

"So, what do you ride?"

A snowmobile ..... says I.

I did not know that Californians know what a snowmobile is. Did he look at you like a deer caught in headlights?
I did not know that Californians know what a snowmobile is. Did he look at you like a deer caught in headlights?

How else would you cross the desert ? Duh.

I have a picture for everything. I caught this out headed towards Borrego Springs. I have no clue why anyone would bring one of these to CA.
actually, a snowmobile in some of the lower desert sand would prolly work well, til the bearings filled with, ah, ya know, sand. :D
I went to Freedom Cycle in Concord NH last Bike Week. Big place must have 50+ toys in the showroom but only one new GW and ST1300, and one used GW.

Went to the service desk and asked if they carry Gerbing heated gear, and the parts guy asked me why I don't just use those little heated packs when it gets cold out in a manner that made me feel like i was some kind of wimp looking for heated cloths in June.

After failing to educate him that even though it was 48 that night, a 70MPH wind chill made it feel like it was in the 20's, I fell back on "Because I ride well past October" and bailed to find it myself.

Later another employee stated they stopped carrying Gerbing because it was not selling. Well no Sh** Sherlock, if your guys behind the counter are recommending 50 cent heat packs!
Reminds me of the vending machine guy who wouldn't put in Snickers because, "...we can't keep'em in stock." :22yikes:

I went to Freedom Cycle in Concord NH last Bike Week. Big place must have 50+ toys in the showroom but only one new GW and ST1300, and one used GW.

Went to the service desk and asked if they carry Gerbing heated gear, and the parts guy asked me why I don't just use those little heated packs when it gets cold out in a manner that made me feel like i was some kind of wimp looking for heated cloths in June.

After failing to educate him that even though it was 48 that night, a 70MPH wind chill made it feel like it was in the 20's, I fell back on "Because I ride well past October" and bailed to find it myself.

Later another employee stated they stopped carrying Gerbing because it was not selling. Well no Sh** Sherlock, if your guys behind the counter are recommending 50 cent heat packs!
I've had someone tell me "If it takes that much time to get ready for a ride, it's not worth it".

So my reply the last time was: "I like my chicken and noodles". Meaning my flesh and my brain. I had to explain the meaning behind it, but the initial look on their face was worth it.
I was wearing my snowmobile suit in the winter and I witnessed an automobile accident. As I was talking with the parties involved I looked at them and they were standing there freezing.

So I said, "Wow, you ladies look so cold ... where are YOUR snowmobile suits ?"

They looked at me like I lost my mind so I said ....

"Dang, the guy that sold me this suit said that this season EVERYBODY would be wearing one!"

I gave me story to the Deputy and went on my way.
I was leaving work the other day, wearing mesh riding jacket and mesh pants, and our young admin got in the elevator with me. "Nice pants," she says. I explain they keep my skin intact should I have an accident and go sliding down the road.

She looks at me, pauses, and says "Oh, do you ride a motorcycle?"

I can't imagine what she thought those pants were for.....
I was leaving work the other day, wearing mesh riding jacket and mesh pants, and our young admin got in the elevator with me. "Nice pants," she says. I explain they keep my skin intact should I have an accident and go sliding down the road.

She looks at me, pauses, and says "Oh, do you ride a motorcycle?"

I can't imagine what she thought those pants were for.....

One word: Disco.
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I wear a don't squash me yellow Motoport air kevlar mesh jacket that zips onto Motoport air kevlar black mesh pants, a yellow Shoei full-face helmet, motoport kevlar black mesh gloves, and black Alpinestar boots(road racing).

Two weeks ago Thursday, I was in a McDonalds for breakfast on Route 80 in PA at the Delaware Water Gap. The guy in line in front of me said "is there a race today, are you in it". I said no, sir just the Rat race.

The woman behind the counter said "you usually come in here in a grey suit right?". I said enthusiastically "yes" - even though I don't own a grey motorcycle suit. That seemed to make her very happy.
In a Utah gas station last week, standing at a gas pump wearing the Roadcrafter:

Guy at other pump: "You look hot in that thing!"

EASt: "Thanks!"
That would NOT have been a good time to leave your ignition on...
Paddle faster I hear banjos.
A fried of mine a few years back wore leather before textile was around... even in Canada he said there were days that you lost a few pounds sweating... someone asked why he wore all that ...and if it was hot

His reply was YES but I'm allergic to asphalt.... If I fall I break out in a bad rash!

Love the Canadian humor (EH?)

I just found this thread and it's great! I need one of the laminated cards too!

91STride shared a bit of this story from my youth. This event made a strong impression on me so I'd like to share... the rest of the story...

College in Vancouver, BC and the summer of 1983 was unusually hot. One 38 degrees C (100F) day, I'm out by my motorcycle, a 1982 Honda V45 Sabre (red - of course) suiting up with full face helmet, black leather jacket, jeans, boots & leather gloves and sweating off the pounds when Art, one of my class-mates (wearing 3/4 helmet, running shoes, shorts, and tank top) asks me "aren't you hot - why do you wear all that stuff?". I say, "yes I'm hot but I wear it because of allergies" he gives me the deer-in-the-headlights look. "I break out in a bad rash if I fall down without it". Art laughs and tells me I just need to ride carefully. Two weeks later he was riding home after classes when a lady in a cage turned left in front of him and he couldn't be careful fast enough. He was doing about 35mph when he hit the pavement on his belly. He didn't have any broken bones but he had road-rash on his toes, knees, thighs, belly, fore arms, elbows, hands and even lost his nipples. When he returned to school I didn't say anything about protective gear since anything I might say would just add insult to injury. Later he came up to me and agreed it is much better to be hot than rashed!
Not so funny but it sure helped me stick with ATGATT.

I still have the black leather jacket but for some strange reason it shrunk :confused:

Today I ride with armored mesh pants and Olympia AST HiViz jacket. I get a lot of remarks like "wait till I get my sunglasses on!", "where do you hide the battery pack for that thing?" and "did you buy that thing at a fireman's yard sale?"

I guess since I don't have loud pipes I need a loud jacket to save lives :D
Art laughs and tells me I just need to ride carefully. Two weeks later he was riding home after classes when a lady in a cage turned left in front of him and he couldn't be careful fast enough.

That is priceless. So true.

careless careful

We pass through Kings Canyon cleanly then approach Yosemite and heavy traffic heading into the south entrance, all of it traveling well under the posted speed limit. No one is using the turnouts. Never exceeding the speed limit and passing only on dotted yellow lines we pass probably 2 dozen cars in 30 miles, only to get stuck at a dead stop waiting to get into the Yosemite itself. As we creep forward in line, a park ranger approaches us from behind. Apparently someone behind us had complained about our riding.

"Gentlemen," the park ranger says to us, "while I'm sure you are very safe and experienced riders [all of us wearing full ATGATT], I need you to stop intimidating the other park guests. They should all be paying attention to the road but some of them are looking at our beautiful scenery. You could scare them and they could drive right off a cliff. We don't want to have to recover them."
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