Ride For Cambodia?

Keep the pics comin!!!!!! Looks like you're all havin a good time. Like the price of the hotel including breakfast!!!
Let's not forget to keep them in our prayers!!!!! Stay safe crew and take notes like Smash said.
We're about ready to investgate the famous ancient Angor Wat Temple.

NOTE: Some pics on the STOC Tag thread may not arrive here. New shots were just uploaded.

Enjoy your day :D

Droid S 3 & TT2
Pretty amazing that no beer/biere/cerveza/Srah Beer/Bi Yia is in any Pictures.
Khmer phrase of the day:
Since I missed yesterday you get 2:
Be yair mooey tlai poonmaan
Go robaw nayaak chawt no gawnline kinyum
Translation to be provided by Motards de Cambo...AKA OFs.

Ride Safe and stay Thirsty my friends.

GC Paypal sent for school supplies.
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A tour of Angkor Wat and a few of the surounding sites. We all got three day passes so we don't miss anything. This was a long day and again, we're tapped.










I'd be remiss if I didn't do a Peacock pose at the Hindu Temple:

Remember: This is for the children :) This sweet little sales person was very savvy about the US Dollar, it's conversion rate, and how to obtain them. Raven tried to sell me to her but no deal. :)

Droid S 3 & TT2
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^OK everyone in the background is going look at those goofy American's haha. Y'all look like you are having a blast. Kinda like Disney World without the roller coasters. Be safe on those scooters wouldn't want some of my favorite people getting hurt by speeding to fast.

Keep the pics coming guys we are all very jealous. (even though I'm not sure I could handle the food)
^OK everyone in the background is going look at those goofy American's haha. Y'all look like you are having a blast. Kinda like Disney World without the roller coasters. Be safe on those scooters wouldn't want some of my favorite people getting hurt by speeding to fast.
TB, you shorely don't have to worry about "our" scooters going too fast.:D However, I'm sure they'll go fast enuff to kill us.


This image is the Stairway to Heaven at the main tower at Angkor Wat. It is very steep and I just wondered if anyone should fall, how many would go back down with them?
This is only a test.....Danny is on my butt for not posting enuff??? He's trying to improve my file posting skills and I appreciate it but it is taking away from my beer drinking time. Tomorrow we are getting up early for a sunrise pic at the big temple, our tuk tuk is pre-arranged.
Food is fine, just finished a simple but delicious plate of pork, veggies and rice with the HOT sauce on the side at the Home Sweet Home Hotel.
This place asks everyone to remove their shoes before entering. They are always sweeping the floor too. I like it here at $12 per night with a full hot breakfast from a menu.

Plenty of western travelers through here. We are getting a lot of STOC Tag shots.
Angor Wat is over 1000 Years old. Built in 12th century... (so they claimed)
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Great video and photos, thanks for sharing! It is amazing as to how intricate the construction of these old temples are, and they are still standing after a 1000 years or more in some cases, with large numbers of people passing through them daily!
I wonder how many decades it took to build the temple.
Guide told us 37 years to build Ankor Wat There is a refernce to 37 in one of the structures We've seen a lot of tumble down rock Went to sunrise view this morning, many more pics to come
Amazing looking place!
Today's phrase. Hope it doesn't happen to you.
Doang mooey bok kbal kinyum

Your cow is parked in my parking space.
Go robaw nayaak chawt no gawnline kinyum

How much for one beer
Be yair mooey tlai poonmaan
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