Rider Mag Darkside article online

Boy, it don't take much to get you darksiders fired up...oh wait...whole magazine articles...being told you are going to die a fiery death...rim beads are not designed for CT's articles...OK...let's go ride!:D
Boy, it don't take much to get you darksiders fired up...oh wait...whole magazine articles...being told you are going to die a fiery death...rim beads are not designed for CT's articles...OK...let's go ride!

No it is because of something you believe in, Freedom
That was what I was trying to say...I think it's great that we all can do whatever we want...but everybody wants to try to tell you what you can't and can do(published articles, friends, etc) I think the darkside is getting way to much publicity, and the unfortunate result will be more nanny laws.
Dan, your link takes one to the letters-to-the-editor page which was interesting to read. Here is the link to the actual article...
Just got my Rider magazine today...still my favorite magazine! That new triumph adventure might be calling my name this spring. Always looking for Bones's stuff to read as well!
Dan, your link takes one to the letters-to-the-editor page which was interesting to read. Here is the link to the actual article...

Thanks and a link to the article is at the top of the letters to the editor page.
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