Saturday Caff.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
There's nothing like a full English on a Saturday morning with a mug of French Roast, help yaselves. There'll be Staffordshire Oatcakes on the side too.
If we survive that it'll be onto baking Bara Brith and an Apple and Plum Turnover. Then I'll get my Hot Skoked Scottish Loch Trout prepared for tonight. Does life revolve around food? Seems to.
The weather is.......daft......, 54 to 66, 56 mph blow from the SW and it'll get wet, again. Thank you Kathleen. Pffffffftttttt.
Av a gud un and remember, eat your pig pudding.
Thx Ray!
Now that’s a proper breakfast! (I had leftover shrimps…..they are better in the evening with wine).

Strange evening yesterday.
I’ve had a couple of serious problems weighing heavy on me for a while, and suddenly it got solved without a lot of ado.
Nice, my steps are lighter today.

Another strange thing happened yesterday…
Many years ago, a local lad with learning disability, was attacked and badly injured.
The skunk who did it, got what he deserved, he then would and could not do such things again.
It was never known who taught him the lesson, but it turns out my siblings and probably others as well, believe it was me.
It was not, but I think I’ll just leave it with that.

4˚c/39f, calm and grey.
Too much snow left for a walk.
Think I’ll just stay in the garage and talk to the bike.

For dinner, I don’t know. Maybe Mrs Stu steps up and cook something good, or not.

Have a good one!
GoodMorning and HappySaturday!
Thanks Ray and Stu for the wakies and thoughtful thoughts!
I'll have another slug from the mug - Ahhhhh!

I spent most of the day yesterday reviewing taxes and making corrections.
It was a mad party - let me tell you - enough fun to choke a horse (or several horses).
I'd rather have been tractoring for sure.
I guess I'm paying my unfair share. The game is rigged.

Hmmm, humans revolve around food eh, Ray? Why, today is grocery day for me too.
With stops along the way for propane, gas, and diesel, I'm doing my best to keep this industry alive.
And I always like to bring Mr Tractor a treat for working so hard.

Another mug of the black stuff please, I'm in need of the energy!

Y'all have a windyfull day!


as much as I like a full English, I stuck to two cups and a few slices of (self baked) whole grain bread, butter and strawberry jam... dunno which is better/worse for the waistline...

Only a few clouds, already 27°C/80°F outside... just finished mowing the lawn, I'm soaked...
Put the robo mower in it's charging bay, gonna be his job from now on...

GF still bravely sweating outside, prepping the flower beds (humming with bees and other critters) to gain space for the next project... sanding the lawn...
Nah, not with a belt-sander, but leveling, venting and driving those massive earth-worms away...
So she's clearing a corner wherein they can deliver/place the 1.5 tons big-bag with quartz sand...

Already spent Friday afternoon sweating... bike shop is fully a/c-ed now... comfy... :cool:

IMG_20231118_174854_688.jpg IMG_20240406_083501_407.jpg

cooling/dehumidifying in summer, heat in winter...

have a splendid w/e everyone!
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee Ray. The breakfast spread is also appreciated, despite that it will likely contribute to my own... spread.

56 mph blow from the SW


I’ve had a couple of serious problems weighing heavy on me for a while, and suddenly it got solved without a lot of ado.
Nice, my steps are lighter today.

Glad to hear that. Hope it stays that way. Also glad to know that there's some justice in the world; however rough it may have been it sounds perfectly well-deserved. I sometimes wish I could dispense the same.

It's 38°F and clear in Rockville, and also not especially windy- something of a change from yesterday's breezy conditions although they were in no way comparable to Ray's maelstrom. It'll reach perhaps 52 here but by the time it does we'll be long gone, headed towards my cousin's place on the west side of the Indianapolis area, from where we hope to view the total solar eclipse on Monday. Her house is well inside the margin of the totality zone so, if we're lucky enough to have clear skies overhead, all we'll need do is walk outside and look up. No muss, no fuss, no crowds to contend with.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee Ray, and thanks for the breakfast suggestion. I’ll grab some really fresh eggs from under the neighbor’s chickens, when I let them out of the coop. I’m minding their yard birds, while they’re on vacation. They’re paying me by letting me keep all the eggs. Let’s see…..gone for 5 days….10-12 eggs per day……adds up to a good size buttload of eggs in the fridge.

31 with decent frost. Pffffttt. High of 61, with sun. So much for living the warm south. Keith has warmer weather and he’s 700 miles to the north.

Today is the annual Mule Day celebration in Columbia, TN, the mule capitol of the world. Yep, parade and mule pulling. Probably 250,000 asses in town, which gives me just one more reason to stay on the Ridge today.
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and heart-attack-on-a-plate, Ray! I'll skip the black pudding (can't abide the stuff), but I will gladly sample some of that bara brith, if you please, once it's ready. How long did you soak the fruit? Inquiring minds want to know.

A lot of the snow that fell has already melted, and the warming temperatures ought to make short shrift of the rest of it. Today, we have a temp range of 3°C/37°F to 7°C/45°F with only a teensy bit of wind. It's partly cloudy with some sunshine peeking through right now, but will change to mostly cloudy this afternoon.

Stu, I'm glad to hear that a burden has been lifted from your shoulders. There's nothing worse than carrying stress around for an indefinite period of time. Believe me, I know.

I'm off...gotta go get my all-season tires put on. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and heart-attack-on-a-plate, Ray! I'll skip the black pudding (can't abide the stuff), but I will gladly sample some of that bara brith, if you please, once it's ready. How long did you soak the fruit? Inquiring minds want to know.

A lot of the snow that fell has already melted, and the warming temperatures ought to make short shrift of the rest of it. Today, we have a temp range of 3°C/37°F to 7°C/45°F with only a teensy bit of wind. It's partly cloudy with some sunshine peeking through right now, but will change to mostly cloudy this afternoon.

Stu, I'm glad to hear that a burden has been lifted from your shoulders. There's nothing worse than carrying stress around for an indefinite period of time. Believe me, I know.

I'm off...gotta go get my all-season tires put on. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

About 24 hours Patts in Earl Grey.
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray.

I’ll clean up that black pudding that Patty didn’t want!

A fine day in the works for us here in Canucksville today!
Currently 36F, a breezy one this morning, a north blow 12 - 28, then sunny & warmer, the high is 53.

We travelled over to London, On., last evening, picked up a few bits at Princess Auto, (our version of Harbour Freight) then spent a bit of time at the Mandarin Chinese restaurant, waddled out & meandered home.
Back to cleaning up the yard today, the 14 yd bin is only about 1/4 full.
The next bin will be dropped by the garage, as I’ll have it opened up in the next few days so there’s room to get it there.
Enjoy your Saturday.
Morning all! 5C and cloudy, 10C and rain to come. In fact, it looks like it's going to be a wet weekend and beyond. So much for getting the grass cut. I'll need a combine by the time I can get to it.

Finished the first week of work at the new gig. I think I am going to like it. The cool kids in the office seem to like me; they invited me along for the coffee run yesterday. Everyone seems to be really nice and helpful, offering to assist with any issues or provide advice. That makes the difference between wanting to go to work and having to go to work.

Not sure what's on tap for today, have to pick up some lawnmower parts - air filter, spark plug etc., I've ignored my poor mower for far too long. I'm sure there will be other assorted errands and tasks to come along. Also, a nap ;) .

Stoo, a word of advice; stay schtum. Never good to share one's involvement, whether one was involved or not.

Hope everyone has a great day!
good morning all. thanks for the coffee and breakfast Ray. 41F on the dog walk with a mix of clouds, stars and a slight breeze. yesterday I went to the gym and then grocery shopping. after lunch I took a nap that lasted 3 hours. sure was fun. got a radiator to install in a jeep today for a friend so we will see how that goes. the high should see 63F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Ray.

It's sunny out, with some poofy clouds, in spite of the Weather Underground reporting that it's cloudy. I'll believe my eyes...
38, going to 42 with a chance of occasional rain.

Yesterday, I did the gym thing, and found some of that occasional rain during my walk in the afternoon. Just a drop or so, occasionaly.
When Brenda arrived home, neither of us was feeling gun range ready, so we went out for dinner, instead.
We ended up meeting some friends there, and chatted with them, while dining.

We'll try for the range, today, maybe a visit to Home Depot, and Linner, somewhere.

News folks have been talking up the coming Total Eclypse for the last few days, to the point that I think I'll just walk out into the back yard and see what I can see from here. It won't be total, but I won't have to drive North with a million other sightseers, either. I was one of them in '17 on the Cherahola, so I think I checked that box.

Have a great day,
bike shop is fully a/c-ed now... comfy...
I have a curiosity question for you Martin;
Because of the winter climate that we have, putting anything on the roof in residential is very rare and is always avoided. Putting A/C units on the roof is never done here.
What happens with that unit when the roof is being redone? I know that those units are not very heavy. Is it as simple as one or two people hold it up in the air off of the roof while someone else redoes the roof section underneath of it?
Geez, my head is spinning already. Not just because I just woke up, but having read all the projects going on this early.
But of course, Ray's coffee (or mine, or someone's) is always the first order of the day, and that's one I'll gladly obey.
Lessee... there's yardening, protein-gathering, stone moving, mechanic'ing, taxing, cooking, landscaping, HVAC'ing... y'all are wearing me out.
And a smattering of good news'ing, what with Weasel's new gig and Stu's release from implications.
I can't compete with all that busy-ness, or maybe I just don't want to. I "may" cut the grass, as I filled my 5gal can with with non-ethanol yesterday, but I really need to wrap up my taxes thus weekend, as my foot-dragging is costing me a ride with online, unmet friends in North Alabama today. A little cool now at 50, adding maybe 15 to it later, but near 80 tomorrow.
NOW we're talking!
Well, we have a neighborhood meeting in a short while, which I haven't attended in a while, so I need to boogie and find out what's happening, what's gonna happen, and what might happen in my little domain.
I'll find some excuse to take out the GSA later, as we rode the ST to work all week.
Hey, there's an idea... wire up the trailer lights to it today.
Y'all carry on, and thanks for inviting Kaiser and me to all your festivities.
Morning Ray & All from mixed clouds and Sun, in Southern Utah!

The current temp is @ 35F, and heading for only 47F, but at least, no rain/snow is in the forecast! :) There is a slight breeze out there right now, but later we could see the winds coming from the W @ 16 to 27mph.

Not too much happened yesterday, other then Chris's friend, across the street, that's moving, had us come over and pick up four big outdoor rocking chairs, a swing type seat and a outdoor table and chairs. The wind got pretty bad as the day went on, so there was no way to do much else out there.

Today, who knows. We'll see what happens.

Chris made some home made sourdough bagels for breakfast, we washed them down with OJ. A Pepsi will be in my near future!

Anyone :bk13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Afternoon Yall, yup slept in today. Yesterday was full medical exam , positive points,Prostate is normal. Doctors still trying to figure out why I have lost alot of weight ,down to 145 from 170 in three to four months and I am not on a diet, worst part strength and endurance is down to about 2 out of 10 being 10 the strongest have been. Few day's ago started "Lady" bearly got her up right off side stand.
Evening all from Monday's land of excellent solar viewing.

Was on the road before 7 today as we had a 9am appointment to get Mrs Obo's car serviced. We usually don't use the local dealer due to past issues (one such event was they smashed up my car during a "test drive" during a service visit.) We made it home about 8 hours later. The drive both ways was around freezing and a mix of rain, wet snow and snow. No clear sky was seen.

Other than having lunch while out (2 can dine for $79 at a pub???) not much else was accomplished, other than Mrs. Obo picked up two new sweaters and 5 new blouses at a mall there. I did all my shopping yesterday at Amazon. Have a couple set of the Zmoon leds coming for the Wing as well as a current splitter for my clamp meter. I've got a short extension cord with the outer insulation stripped off I've used in the past but decided to splurge an a purpose made splitter. Now I can easily figure out current draw on any AC item I so choose.

Glad to hear folks were getting things done and having a relatively decent day. Hope it continues to go well for you all!

Because of the winter climate that we have, putting anything on the roof in residential is very rare and is always avoided. Putting A/C units on the roof is never done here.
What happens with that unit when the roof is being redone? I know that those units are not very heavy. Is it as simple as one or two people hold it up in the air off of the roof while someone else redoes the roof section underneath of it?
Rooftop placement is quite popular, cause folks want it, you guessed right, out of sight, out of mind... and since everybody feels entitled these days, avoid neighborly complaints...
Even on apartment buildings you'll find "CDU farms" on the rooftops... a) to get the noise away, b) the city doesn't like facades look pimpled like a teenager's face...


This is only one row, we did like 60 condos in that building alone...

With the dawning ban of natural gas condenser boilers we will see a lot more of such, big run on air 2 water heat-pumps now, and of course have the outdoor units to be placed "hidden" from residents... within the city one must not exceed ~32 dB(A) ambient noise... (and soundproof housings are hilariously expensive...)

In my case its a simple space issue: the rear wall is already someone else's property, left and right are the other garages, front is the access/driveway (the place is designed like a self storage, with sheds left and right...)

As for roof repair: simply call "the guy", have him pump down the refrigerant (back into the CDU), cut the power, detach the pipes (carefully wrap the open ends), place the kit aside, let the roofers do their thing, have the guy return, connect the pipes, draw vacuum, open the service-valves, restart the kit... not a big ordeal...
There's nothing like a full English on a Saturday morning with a mug of French Roast, help yaselves. There'll be Staffordshire Oatcakes on the side too.
If we survive that it'll be onto baking Bara Brith and an Apple and Plum Turnover. Then I'll get my Hot Skoked Scottish Loch Trout prepared for tonight. Does life revolve around food? Seems to.
The weather is.......daft......, 54 to 66, 56 mph blow from the SW and it'll get wet, again. Thank you Kathleen. Pffffffftttttt.
Av a gud un and remember, eat your pig pudding.
Nothing like a Brit breakfast
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