The Wednesday - The Tenth

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Git up y'all!
We gotcha some'at caffination as @Upt' North might say.
It's a huge pot o' hot where having is better'n not.
Enough mugs on the table for all youse mugs.

Sometimes I have a rough night sleeping - this was one of them.
Does that happen to youse?
Dunno why - just is. Must be the eclipse - yeah, that's it.

It would appear that I will be left alone for a major part of the day whilst my lovely wife visits Doc-upon-the-tooth.
Mr Tractor is anxious to get some digging done since the Piedmont has avoided @Nashcat 's rain for another day.
I wonder what the day will bring. Pictures to follow.

Y'all have a wondorfill day and avoid contaminated fuel!

This ugly mug is present and correct sir, please fill my receptacle.
The's stopped raining and Wooler Water stayed in its was close. It's mild and no surprise it'll rain later. I'll enjoy the dry whilst it lasts and will presently move onto Kitchen Cabinet repair, tinkering, trying my best not to make things worserer. What could go wrong!
Er'Indoors is away to Duns for some'at feminine, I don't ask, why would ya. Duns is a nice little borders town just inside Wee Bonny Jockland. They all talk funny though, a bit Scots don't ya know.
Av a gud un and remember, if you're doing some'at it's probably better than doing nowt.
Good morning everyone

Sometimes I have a rough night sleeping - this was one of them.
Does that happen to youse?
Dunno why - just is. Must be the eclipse - yeah, that's it.

Yep. Thanks for being so civic-minded and getting a pot o' joe set for the rest of us.

It's 60°F and cloudy in Rockville but hasn't rained (yet); the forecast had that set to happen overnight when I looked last but now it's moved slightly to the right on the timeline and could dampen us with "scattered light showers" between 0600 and 0800 hours. After that, though, it'll clear off and warm to perhaps 77, making an excellent day to spend on the goof golf course.

It would appear that I will be left alone for a major part of the day whilst my lovely wife visits Doc-upon-the-tooth.

Mrs. Fun is planning to spend the day at the House of White in downtown DC, where there's an event to welcome the new Prime Minister of Japan. I wasn't invited, which suits me just fine: I don't do crowds, "networking" (schmoozing with intent), or politics.

I've posted a more complete report of our eclipse viewing over in the "How was your eclipse day?" thread but here's a sample of one of my better shots, just for your private appreciation. Sorry I checked out during my absence, but we were so busy socializing with my cousin and her husband there just wasn't an opportunity.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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Thx Nick!
Nice startup as always!

Yesterday is not worth mentioning.

Today is 8˚c/46f, a nasty wind from north, sunny.
Went for a walk.
Cooking, talking to my bike, reading. It’s plenty.

Have a good one!

From the hills today…..colder than it looks!
Morning all and thanks for the insomnia juice Nick.

-2C here and sunny, headed to a mostly cloudy +7. There's rain in dem dair hills (so they are saying.)

Another slog for pennies day, but at least I'm not workin' for free.

STella's still waiting for her new battery, but the weather's not conducive to riding yet anyway, regardless of what my body and brain tell me.

Hope you all have a good'r.

G'morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick...:usflag1:

37/55 under sunny skies in Colorado Springs today. Rolled in last night from Arizona with the family and RV returning from my FIL's memorial/Celebration of Life. Up early this morning to head back to work. Today is my first trip based back at home in Colorado Springs since my return to SkyWest... looking forward to settling back into my old routines again.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Nick.

It's 40 and sunny in MA this morning, becoming cloudy as the day goes on and rising to 65.
Rain will begin later in the day, and continue overnight.

Yesterday was beautiful, though, and I got a few outside things done.
I hung the screening on the gazebo, cleaned up the front porch light, and made some headway on the garden tractor mower deck, before running out of daylight.
I took the VFR into Worcester to bring some paperwork to the VA, but not before checking with the ship about the Goldwing.
That was ready for pick up, so I went and collected it, as well.

Today, Brenda's taking my truck to work, and I'll bring her car to the shop for new brakes and rotors.
I'll walk back home, and then take the Wing to the gym.
I missed out on the gym visit, yesterday, but did manage a 3 mile walk.

Enjoy the day,


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Good morning, all, and thanks for the shot of caffeine, Nick!

I didn't sleep particularly well last night either - must be something in the air. It was lovely and bright this morning, and the sun is still making a valiant effort to shine, but the clouds are quickly gaining the upper hand. The rain will start soon and will continue to fall through most of tomorrow. Temps'll be mild, though.
It is currently 6°C/43°F with a feels-like of 2°C/36°F, going to a pleasant (but damp) high of 17°C/63°F.

@ibike2havefun: Awesome shots, Keith!!
@Whisker Bill: Dang, that sux. Sorry you have all that to deal with, but glad neither of you were hurt!

Lots on the agenda today, so I'd best giddy up. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Nick.

It's 40 and sunny in MA this morning, becoming cloudy as the day goes on and rising to 65.
Rain will begin later in the day, and continue overnight.

Yesterday was beautiful, though, and I got a few outside things done.
I hung the screening on the gazebo, cleaned up the front porch light, and made some headway on the garden tractor mower deck, before running out of daylight.
I took the VFR into Worcester to bring some paperwork to the VA, but not before checking with the ship about the Goldwing.
That was ready for pick up, so I went and collected it, as well.

Today, Brenda's taking my truck to work, and I'll bring her car to the shop for new brakes and rotors.
I'll walk back home, and then take the Wing to the gym.
I missed out on the gym visit, yesterday, but did manage a 3 mile walk.

Enjoy the day,

I loved a ride I had on a VFR, but then my poor ole back began to yell!
Thanks for the coffee Nick, and I'll try my best to be careful while posting this early in the morn. Yeah, I know some of you poor insomniacs have been up a good while, but I Snoozed my alarm for an hour, after several good hours of deep dreamless sleep. It's highly unusual for me to stay awake once I lie down and close my eyes.

Sleeping must be my finest talent. Is sleeping actually a talent? Who knows, but if it is, I'm really, really good at it.

Fully cloudy this morning, rain chance predicted at 70 or maybe 90%, I don't recall but we'll be clearing sometime Thursday. That's tomorrow, innit? Maybe Kaiser can ride tomorrow, we'll see.

Tell ya what, I haven't typed any bloopers yet (that I know of), so I prolly should pour another cup into my groggy head and get out of here before I spill something or otherwise unadvertently get myself in big trouble.

As I leave, I'll also offer my sympathies for Judy's car, my gratitude they weren't harmed, and my appreciation for Keith's dark photos. Wish I still had mine from back when, but wishing won't bring them back, will it?

"In art and dreams may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth."
-- Patti Smith

Who is Patti? Is this the singer chick? I don't know, but I like the quote.
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Nick. 47F on dog walk with clear sky and lots of stars to see. yesterday was a good day. got my Wal Mart run in and didn't end up with to many off list items. a nap was in order for the afternoon which rounded out the day. The high should be 82F today. I have my gym class at 10 so that takes the morning and after class I'll head over to Sams Club for a few things. if I work this right I'll get home in time to, thats right another nap. I sleep well at night but I'm finding a 1or2 hour power nap mid afternoon works fine. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning Nick & All from sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 40F, heading for 67F, with a slight breeze right now. Later the winds will be coming from the N@12 to 14mph.

I got very little done yesterday, swapping out the front foot pegs on the 2004 for some Goldwing pegs, that I took off the 2010, before giving it it Brett.

Then spent the rest of the day, nursing a bad stomach. I'm thinking there might have been something in that omelet that I ate yesterday, that didn't agree with me. Even now my stomach isn't back to normal.

This morning, we'll be heading down to ST George, for a Costco run. That will be most of the day. Depending how I feel after that, will dictate the rest of the day.

Boiled eggs, bacon, toast & OJ to wash it down. Pepsi sometime later today!

Anyone :bl13:, (like @970mike), have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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