Anyone install the STS self cancelling turn signal module?

What the foam is doing is compressing to allow the switch to move far enough to make momentary contact, but at the same time providing enough "push back" to overcome the OEM latching.
OK. I got it working, finally. I tore the switch apart on the confidence that the wiring was fine because the calibration flash worked every time I turned on the ignition. But, while the switch was in pieces something dawned on me, Wait, the calibration flash works when the wires are connected to the bike but not yet connected to the switch!

So I expected the problem wire to be the left signal between the STS and the handlebar switch. Sure enough, when I removed the plastic and unraveled the electrical tape, the offending wire came loose from the bullet connector. I made one last stupid mistake by solidly crimping on a female end and went to connect it to the....female end. Oh brother, tore the female end off and crimped on a male. Good grief, the old adage about knowing enough to get yourself into trouble definitely applies to me and electrical stuff (plumbing too btw).

I have the brake module to install, but not this week, not after this hassle. I will be on America's 911 Ride by the end of next week and I am not risking anything else going wrong. We ride from the Flight 93 crash site on Friday to the Pentagon. Saturday we ride from the Pentagon to NYC and Sunday we ride across town to Ground Zero. It is a fanstastic ride organized and led my MC cops.

Thanks again for all who helped me through this mini nightmare. But I love those self cancelling signals. And my switch does work a little better after I disassembled and cleaned it out.

Trussellcma said:
Wait, the calibration flash works when the wires are connected to the bike but not yet connected to the switch!

Nice catch! Thanks for posting the cause and cure. Everybody benefits with each post of hints and kinks regardless of the farkle or repair or whatever.
Thanks for posting this my 4 way flashers are now working again. One more note: I experienced the STS unit freezing and not functioning on occasion so I have re-positioned the unit. If i hit the rev limiter the STS unit would quit responding and freeze in what ever state it was in when I hit the rev limit. It was previously mounted next to the left ignition coil. I suspect the close proximity to the coil was interrupting the controller. I have re-positioned it forward near the left headlight like others in the thread. Love the way it works now.
Love the way it works now.

My sts continues to perform very well,,, and maybe I am easily impressed,,, but I think it has been well worth the sale price that I paid. Several of us chose to locate the module up high in the upper front fairing. The thinking was that the sensors (gyro/accel) might benefit from being farther from the road,, than closer to it. Also,,, mounting the module solidly against a structural segment (as opposed to a flexible item, like a harness) transfers vibrations to the unit which are better sensed. This is also why velcro or double sided tape should not be used to pad the mounting point,, as this insulates the unit from those needed vibrations. These were all recommendations passed along from STS,, for us early installers. I am glad members are getting some good results,,, Cat'
My sts continues to perform very well,,,

I think you hit the nail on the head regarding using velcro pads to prevent the switch from latching. An article in the paper described how plastic items in museums are deteriorating w/ age, and went on to describe what happens to neoprene in space suits. Seems this stuff hardens with age, turns brittle and crumbles. Since our bikes will last forever, we all (those that used neoprene dots in our STS modified bikes) may be making hand turn signals down the road. (By that time, our worn out body parts will be replaced on a swap-for-new basis, a grow-your-own system, or simply replaced with mechanical bits like the Borg.)
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