The Paulcb Memorial Coldest Ride, Winter 2023-2024

Not likely, I doubt the Canadians will send us any more of their cold air! Winter is over around here about Feb. 6th.
Don't be too sure of that. We finally had ONE day where the low AND high temps were above zeroF and Saturday early morning will be back down to -14F... after another 2 inches of frozen white stuff tomorrow afternoon! If not for that added snow the roads might have been brrrly ready for riding on Saturday. I would like to get out between 9-10 am when temps will be climbing through -10F to -8F but with the snow it's looking doubtful.
we're supposed to have a high near 50 next Wed, Thur, Fri
Yeah, we only get mid to upper 30sF those days through the next weekend. So you get the bigger heat wave. :rolleyes:
It's really depressing putting up with this kind of heat wave... this time of year. :rofl1:
We just had 2.5-3.5 inches today. Started just after lunch and the actual snowfall ended about 8 pm but wind is making drifts all around. Wind chill expected to be -25F or lower the next 2 mornings. More than 2 ft of snow in the last 10 days.

Sending it all your way @the Ferret :thumb:
We just had 2.5-3.5 inches today. Started just after lunch and the actual snowfall ended about 8 pm but wind is making drifts all around. Wind chill expected to be -25F or lower the next 2 mornings. More than 2 ft of snow in the last 10 days.

Sending it all your way @the Ferret :thumb:

Thanks pal.

Woke up to about 3". Only thing I'll be riding today is quad with snow blade lol

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This morning...

Think I can get the bike even to the end of the drive? The street is not as clear as my driveway... still. The rain and 34F temps should clear off the streets but don't expect much effect on the snow pack on the sides. And then a LOT of refreeze each night.

I used to have a real nice 10hp elect start self propelled dual stage snow blower but as I got into my late 60's it was beginning to become hard to go up and down my long driveway so many times so I bought the quad with blade. It's still wears me out lol

Got it to this stage now. Still can't get out on the bike, but like yours, the road is worse.

Correction... we got over 4+ inches. Not a big difference but with drifting that made some places 16+ inches.
More snow last night. Woke up to 6 degrees. Rode the quad and plow to clear the drive again. No motorcycle riding today.
If not for the latest snow squall that moved through I am certain the streets and drives would have been clear enough to ride this morning. It was -9F an hour ago but already up to -1F now. But the snow did come through and the street still looks like a white packed down slab of slippery stuff. Though my driveway is looking better... there's actually a path of mostly bare concrete TO the street that is just enough to carefully ride without the tires sliding out from under me. But no place to go after that. That's not nearly a long enough ride to put into this contest.
Lacking snow to make the snowmobile ride comfortably smooth for the rider and the sled, seemed like getting coffee 30 miles away was a good idea. Ended up stopping at a friend's to drop off a bag of the finest central MN coffee - "Hats Off" is the name of the shop in Long Prairie if you want some (am I allowed to advertise that?). And taking the long way got a nearly proper 100 mile ride. Only thing missing was the ton. The sidecar is too much of a parachute to make that happen, besides a couple ventures on some ice covered gravel were interesting enough. You know pick up speed before going up hill just so you make it. Now I'm waiting for my truck to heat up and start so I can pull the rig up my driveway. That's a 1st not making it up my driveway on a motorcycle.

Included below is the refreshing -14 F temperature upon departing and all the clothing minus a long sleeve t-shirt. Definitely worth it for coffee that I could have mail ordered for $0.00 shipping. The Papa New Guinea was still cooling on the roaster when I arrived.14 Below Weather.jpeg9 Below ST1100.jpeg14 Below Clothing.jpeg
Lacking snow to make the snowmobile ride comfortably smooth for the rider and the sled, seemed like getting coffee 30 miles away was a good idea. Ended up stopping at a friend's to drop off a bag of the finest central MN coffee - "Hats Off" is the name of the shop in Long Prairie if you want some (am I allowed to advertise that?). And taking the long way got a nearly proper 100 mile ride. Only thing missing was the ton. The sidecar is too much of a parachute to make that happen, besides a couple ventures on some ice covered gravel were interesting enough. You know pick up speed before going up hill just so you make it. Now I'm waiting for my truck to heat up and start so I can pull the rig up my driveway. That's a 1st not making it up my driveway on a motorcycle.

Included below is the refreshing -14 F temperature upon departing and all the clothing minus a long sleeve t-shirt. Definitely worth it for coffee that I could have mail ordered for $0.00 shipping. The Papa New Guinea was still cooling on the roaster when I arrived.14 Below Weather.jpeg9 Below ST1100.jpeg14 Below Clothing.jpeg
No fair…. Got to be on 2 wheels :rofl1:
Agree - seems like cheating to have the chair. For sure it makes my pucker factor a lot lower on the 1.5 miles of unevenly mild ruts coated in packed ice/snow on the trip out to black snow free roads. And when getting groceries I can spend a whole lot more $$ than with the two wheeler. If I was closer to tar I would have one of my two wheelers set up with those barkbuster hand guards - the enabling farkle for me to go out below freezing. Of course this is my only ST1100 and it is an ST riders site.
Wait a minute... That's a web weather report (not a time/temp sign or temp sensor on the bike) and it looks like it's saying the "FEELS LIKE" temp is -14F. Or am I mis-reading that?
I seem to remember in times past that it was stated not to use simply a web weather report as the ride temp. But I didn't see that stipulation this time around. Those web based reports can show one temp for a general area (usually an airport or city office) and there is a totally different temp where you ride so I think that's kind of sketchy... But as I said, that was not given as one of the rules this time around.
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