Another Uncle Phil Medical Adventure

I'll add my prayers to all the other UP.

And I'll pray for the surgical, recovery, and nurses that work with you too... (They need it! :D ) Actually because I want everything to go smoothly!

Wow Phil, prayers added.

With all the new tech the Doctors have these days, you'll come out upgraded: in like a ST1100, out like a ST1300! :D
Sorry to hear this Phil, Wishing you a speedy recovery. We will all see you in Mansfield in a couple of months, hale and hearty as ever. I expect a big hug like last time!
I'm sorry to hear about this latest medical speed bump. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. I look forward to meeting you down the road.
Geez Uncle Phil-

Seems as though you've had your share and several other people's share of hard luck lately. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Wow. I bet you're thinking will this stuff never end? Thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. Any idea what causes this? Are you currently on any meds that can cause clots? Any chance this was related to your knee surgeries?

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Ashley - My 'hunch' it is from the abdominal aortic aneurysm repair back in September where they sliced open the two main arteries in my groin (one to each leg) in a major way. The larger incision just happened to be on the left side but then I'm not a doctor. I felt the thing run down the left leg and then stick. Pretty freaky feeling to say the least. Never had any trouble with clots before this and there are none lurking anywhere else in the body that they could find. And believe me, they've been looking! ;-) In fact, I have a copy of my last CAT scan where I can look at my aneurysm repair and both of my knee placements in blazing color on my computer when I really get bored! :D
U keep this up UP & you'll have a coffee cup with your name on it in the OR. Just like Tim the tool man.
I pray every day for all man kind, I will add your name to my prayers. 10 days for the doctors to make it all better than new, an they will.
Hang in there.
Ace - It's pretty interesting when you overhear the conversation about scheduling surgery - The doctor's office gives them your name, and the response is -

"Oh yea, we know him..." :D (actually happened on one of my orthopedic adventures)

I keep hoping I'll get a 'frequent cutter' card or something like that! ;-) This will be the 18th time I've been under anesthesia so I hope my body doesn't have a 'counter' with a max number of times on it. The discussion with the anesthesiologist goes like this -

"How do you do under anesthesia?"

'Well doctor, all right I reckon. This will be my xxth time." ;-)
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Vinny - The deal is it's stuck in an artery not a vein. I've learned a lot more about this whole blood clot deal that I ever wanted to know. ;-) For vein treatment they can put in a filter and then do clot-busting. With an artery that 'terminates' in your feet and toes, if they busted the clot, the pieces would clog on down the line and you start losing toes and possible a foot. I already asked the doc 'Why can't you just shoot a little Draino in there to clear it up?' He said he didn't have any ... :D
Good explanation! Praying for you and the docs!
MOTY one minute the Dr's best buddy the next.
Wishing you a very speedy recovery and remember Scotch Whisky is a great blood thinner, mine's like water.......
Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery Phil and hope you're back in the saddle soon,prayers and best wishes from Ireland.
Positive thoughts going your way and we will have to have breakfast in April.

Ace - It's pretty interesting when you overhear the conversation about scheduling surgery - The doctor's office gives them your name, and the response is -

"Oh yea, we know him..." :D (actually happened on one of my orthopedic adventures)

I keep hoping I'll get a 'frequent cutter' card or something like that! ;-) This will be the 18th time I've been under anesthesia so I hope my body doesn't have a 'counter' with a max number of times on it. The discussion with the anesthesiologist goes like this -

"How do you do under anesthesia?"

'Well doctor, all right I reckon. This will be my xxth time." ;-)

A couple of comments. You might ask if after 18 surgeries the 19th is free. Hey - you might as well negotiate, make that after 17, the 18th is free. And, many years ago, I read an article that discussed what surgeons say in the OR, and that the patient, even though unconscious, can hear and react to what the doc is saying. So, listen up, and if they start talking about riding, you can probably say (while out like a light), "Been there, done that, and why don't you try a ride New Zealand next time?"

Maybe you could post said cat scans and x-rays of your knees on the site in the 'Phil - Technical' Forum.
Take care UP - hope everything goes splendidly and you heal up fast. Can't have you laid up all summer, you got ridin' to do.
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