Another Uncle Phil Medical Adventure

Well, things turned out better than I hoped for. Since my veins appeared to be small, the surgeon decided to open the artery up and clean it out rather than do a bypass. One less cut to endure. But they did have to cut through some leg muscles and move them around to get to the artery. Just got up on a walker and me and the nurse (draggin my IV pole behind me) limped down the hall and back. Can you say PAINFUL? But at least I'm up and moving. Thanks for all of your kind thoughts and prayers. Those are probably why I got a 'clean out' instead of a bypass - I was hoping for the 'clean out'. And my foot feels a lot warmer now that I am getting better blood supply.:D
Uncle Phil, That sounds great. I hope the muscle cutting was minimal, recovery from that may take the longest. Get well.
Your Friend, Ron
Just read your post. Some good news, Clean out. Won't be long, back on the bike for some riding fun.
Keep up the good work=walking that is, moving.
That is excellent news Unc!

I'm so pleased that the surgery went well and that you are vertical again (much better for bear hugs!). I hope to see you soon - perhaps at the Ohio RTE - even if you have to come on the equivalent of two bikes (i.e. four wheels....)!

It's good to hear that everything went well. Hope to see you on the road, soon.

Ride Safe
Glad to hear it was the lesser of the two procedures take your time and heal up. Looking forward to seeing you out on the road Phil!
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