Coldest Ride 2018-2019


- - - Tetelestai - - - R.I.P. - 2022/05/26
Rest In Peace
Jun 4, 2013
Celina, TX
'97/'01 ST1100 ABSII
Yeah, I know it's September and still warm for most of us, but a few have mentioned snow flurries in their neck of the woods. Like last year, just post the lowest temp you've ridden in for more than a few miles for the 2018-2019 winter. Extra details would be nice, but not required, i.e. gear worn, where you went, etc. I'll post the names and temps of the top 10 in this first post, as they are generated. Also... no windchill, no handicap and no participation trophies! Don't hesitate to correct me if I miss someone or make a mistake.
  1. fredflintstone -25°
  2. T_C -5°
  3. rjs987 -2°
  4. cdnemsguy 5°
  5. ST Pili 5°
  6. mudduc 7°
  7. kendoo 16°
  8. the Ferret 17°
  9. TOS 17°
  10. ardykay54 18°
All temps in Fahrenheit. Latest updates in red.
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Yeah I know, it's still warm for most of us, but a few have mentioned snow flurries in their neck of the woods. Like last year, just post the lowest temp you've ridden in for more than a few miles for the 2018-2019 winter. Extra details would be nice, but not required, i.e. gear worn, where you went, etc. I'll post the names and temps of the top 10 in this first post, as they are generated. Also... no windchill, no handicap and no participation trophies!

So, can anyone beat the 67°F I rode in this morning? ;)

Spokane Valley 40" F 9-17-18
Edmonton , AB, Canada. 0c, 32f. Week or so ago.

I had snow coming down and freezing to the windshield. Three season mesh jacket, summer ventilated gloves, jeans, work boots. Only dared due to the fact it was a freak storm with the roads still holding the previous two days heat. I'll dig up the shot I took... Edit: Attached file


  • 2018-09-12.jpg
    98.4 KB · Views: 69
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Edmonton , AB, Canada. 0c, 32f. Week or so ago.......

Same here on the Mansfield - Whitfield Road, VIC AUS on the ride home from the Long Weekend Coming across the highest point at around 900m, struck low clouds, snow and sleet. This was around midday, road had warmed from a few hours of sunshine, but thought it prudent to slow down. Heated grips and vest were on medium, thermals on under riding gear. Temp went to double figures as we dropped into the valley at Mansfield, found a café with an open log fire and enjoyed a bowl of roasted tomato soup and a pot of tea for lunch.

We are just coming into our Spring and will have a few nights in single Celsius figures, but days are generally sunny with temps into low 20's Celsius. Summer will be here soon enough and riding temps will soon be in the high 20's and low 30's, not looking forward to the mid-40's. Done a few rides at 45C (113F), but that might be the subject of another thread.
Mr. Williamson, I don't want to leave out our southern hemisphere brethren... I know you're coming into Spring down there, but what was your coldest ride this past winter? If you like, I'll post it and we'll see where it stands at the end of our little game here.
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Afan, where did you see 26°F recently?
Afan, where did you see 26°F recently?
Yes, I just realized I didn't explain anything.
It was April 1st (no April's joke! :D), I was testing my new heating gear. The pic was taken in Newton, IA (41.699352, -93.020714, Google Maps) in front of the Community Bank. 40.2 miles from home (Urbandale, IA). Half way was riding on I-80 and 2nd half on US-6.
Hm... While I was writing the date (above) I just realized you were looking for Winter 2018-2019 season. That was actually 2017-2018. I "read" Coldest Ride in 2018. :mad:

Yeah... I know... I'm disqualified! :D
Mr. Williamson, I don't want to leave out our southern hemisphere brethren... I know your coming into Spring down there but what was your coldest ride this past winter? If you like, I'll post it and we'll see where it stands at the end of our little game here.

We don't have the cold winters here in Australia like you guys do in the US or CA. When we were is Dillon Colorado in early May last year, the overnight temp dropped to -14C, that's the coldest I've experienced, and IMHO is not riding weather. But it made for a brisk walk to the bakery coffee shop for breakfast.

The lowest temp last Winter (ends 31 August) was -2C / 28F, but I wasn't riding that day. The lowest temp I rode in was 0C / 32F, this was on
Sunday 16 September, ie. in Spring, so technically not Winter.
Well I don't have a photo because the snow was freezing on the road and it was too cold to stop and take my hands off the heated Oxford grips, my butt off the heated seat and unplug my heated jacket, but September 14th, -6C in snow. Not proud, just sad.:( Next colder spell I will grab a photo. The temp stayed 3 bars...I love my ST!
NICE! I've never been on a snow machine, but they look fun as hell. I've lived in the Southeastern USA all my life. We only get 1-2 snows a year. So i've never known any one that has one. One day I am going to take a vacation in the winter and go ride some!

They are/can be a blast, when the weather is decent (-0F and above) and the riding types are as varied as the terrain around you, just like motorcycles. Trails, deep woods, lakes/swamps, mountain (no personal experience-yet), flatlands, etc. and the sled types are as diverse as bikes as well.
That Switchback Turbo is a bit of an odd beast in the sled world. Four stroke twin 750cc with a turbo that makes some serious power. Acceleration is amazing when it has enough traction. Heavy, very heavy. Bought it late last spring to resell, but after a few lake rides (only place left with enough real snow at that time) it will probably join the fleet as a keeper and sell the wife's unpictured Indy 500 Classic.
The U.P. of Michigan has a fantastic trail system, gets a lot of snow to groom trails with and lots of places that rent sleds reasonably. The South Dakota Badlands area is reportedly also great.
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