Fork Fluid Leak?

Nov 4, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Hi everyone!
Hope you can help me with this.
I am noticing a small amount of what I presume to be fork fluid appearing daily on the front rim bottom, right side. It is quite clear and feels oily, as in not like brake fluid. There is none of this on my brake disc, nor can I feel or see where it might be coming from. My bike is an 06, so maybe something has let go, a seal possibly?
Thanks for any direction.
It is possible one of the seals have gotten nicked...

clean down the fork tubes and keep an eye on it for fluid
Good point.

Can you tell me which fork has the fluid in it, is it the right one?

That is the side that is somehow collecting fluid on right tire rim bottom.
If you have a fork leak it will be noticible. Put your finger behind the dust sheild on the fork is there is fluid there it's leaking.

You said this is clear fluid......fork oil...used fork oil is nasty and black.

Maybe coolant??? I don't if that one is possible.
I would say brake fluid. Is the resevoir full on the right side of the handle bars?

Both forks have fluid in them
When I blew at a seal in my '03, the fluid was pretty clear. At that time, I was about 18 months into new Sonic springs.

Try laying on the ground with a flashlight and see if you can follow the fluid trail up to the fork seal. My fluid was clear also, with 32k on the bike. Like Jay said wipe your finger just below the fork seal area and see if you get any oily residue on your finger.
As stated, both forks have fluid, if it is wet on the fork above/behind the plastic black dust shield then its leaking... they should really feel dry.

BTW, you should make sure the forks are clean after a trip.. those bug bodies are enough to nick a seal when they dry up.

And I'm going to assume you mean the RIGHT side while sittin on bike ( normal reference )
If if was the other side, I'd say to check the SMC :)
Ok, thanks guys.

I have confirmed that the right fork seal is leaking, by bouncing the forks and
then feeling new oil on the slider.

Thanks again for the diagnosis!
My fork seals both starting leaking after a fork oil change, had to change both seals (used OEM seals) not a problem since..
Little trick from the dirt world. If you have a leaky fork seal,

1. pry up the dust wiper with a small screwdriver
2. clean the area out under the dust wiper
3. cut a peice of 35mm film negative into about a 1 1/2"x 5/8" peice
4. slide the negative down into the oil seal and slide it around the fork a couple times. Keep the negative at such an angle while sliding it around the seal that any sand/dirt it picks up will be popped up out of the seal/fork.

This sometimes works to dislodge the peice of gunk that is letting oil through the seals.
Its worked for me a couple times now. And is easy to at least try before tearing the forks off the bike.
Little trick from the dirt world. If you have a leaky fork seal,

1. pry up the dust wiper with a small screwdriver
2. clean the area out under the dust wiper
3. cut a peice of 35mm film negative into about a 1 1/2"x 5/8" peice
4. slide the negative down into the oil seal and slide it around the fork a couple times.

This sometimes works to dislodge the peice of gunk that is letting oil through the seals.
Its worked for me a couple times now. And is easy to at least try before tearing the forks off the bike.

Works good!!!! There is also a product called seal saver you can get them at cycle gear for 5 bucks or so

Just went to Cycle Gear and picked up the Seal Mate, for five dollars.

It slips in there and has a simple hook to catch any debris on the way back up.

Will try it tomorrow.
Hope that works for you. You may need to pry the dust covers up to get to the seals but I've had good luck.

if it doesn't work John O has a tool kit for loan and there is rr report over at

best of luck!!!!!

Oh if you have them shop serviced remove them from the bike it will be cheaper and it's easy to do.
It worked!

Just used a small screw driver to stretch the dust cover enough to slide
the Seal Mate under and in between the slider and the seal, slid it around
the seal a couple times, and somehow it must have dislodged whatever debris
that was causing fluid to leak.

Now, I have no idea if supposed debris could have gone, sure did not see any
come up when I pulled the thin seal mate material up and outl

So, I guess it must still in there somewhere. I don't care, problem solved very cheaply and quickly!
Cool!!!! Glad it worked make sure to clean them off real good. I alway throw a little wax on them seems to help with buildup.
I just tried the 35mm Negative film and it worked! I seen the right side seal leaking two hour ago and I am planning a very long trip in two days..., ST-Owners forum was the first place I looked for a easy solution! Thanks!!! :banr1:
Glad it worked! I always pry the dust covers up then clean the area real well under the dust cover, then do the negative trick.
Sometimes the leaks come back...sometimes they dont!:biker:
I see an issue with the 'clean the debris out' method.

By cleaning after every buggy ride you'd keep them clean; but, I don't think cleaning after noticing a leak will keep your forks working properly.
Now you do not know how much fork oil is in the fork...
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