Friday Café, 02/23.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
And I'm first, shock, horror. French Roast it is then. Help ya'selves.
34 to 44 with blue skies and a 20 mph blow from the West, it's a bit brrrrrrrr. But not Canadian brrrrrrrr.
We're back from Berwick-upon-the-Tweed and the coffee pot is fresh and hot.
Today will be a some'at day but probably not until after lunch. There is a god.
Enjoy your pre Saturdays, they're the best.
Av a gud un and remember, 50 years can go real quick.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for being first Ray, and for leading with your usual elan and aplomb and insouciance.

It's a cloudy damp (wet, really) 40°F in Rockville. The wet is a carryover from yesterday's rains, which at times came down pretty heavily and at other times were accompanied by strong rumbles of thunder. We expect 54 Fahrenheits to gather during the day, with gradual clearing overhead.

More work on the sewing station today, rotating clamps from one component to the next as needs be. While I'm waiting for glue to dry I'll dive in and experiment (on some scrap material) with routing the shallow mortices for the hinges that will allow the flip-top extensions to do their thing. I may also set up for and drill holes for the pocket screws that will reinforce the joint between the sides and the back. It'll be handy to be able to dry assemble the thing to get critical measurements and dimensions for parts still in the pipeline.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Morning all! Dark and chilly (6C) here but sun and warmer (8C) promised for later.

The president of the contracting company we fired showed up in our driveway yesterday. Was a bit nervous at first but he came to apologize and said we did the right thing! Wasn’t expecting that.

Physio showed me a new exercise to help straighten out my leg/knee. Hurts like a son of a gun to do but it sure worked. Who would have thought short term pain = long term gain? It’s almost like…..putting in effort leads to a positive result!?!?! Nah, coincidence……

Heading back to bed, hope everyone has a great day!
Well Howdy!
Happy Friday, coffee, and thanks to Mr Ray for a large cuppa with all the fixins.
This must be Friday - Ray says so - not that it matters - all days are great!
Here at the hotel, I'm having eggs with biscuit and gravy (not the best for health - but oh, so tasty).
This IS Savannah after all!

Here's a favorite of mine from that era (A Savannah homeboy)


And a view of the Talmadge Bridge and a tugboat - wave hello!!


Y'all have a Winderfill Day!
FRIDAY…At last. Just kidding, it’s the same old Saturday, repeating itself.

Thanks for the coffee, Ray. Much appreciated, while waiting for first light. 48/62, with plenty of sun. Can’t complain about that.

No groundbreaking enlightenment from me this morning. It's still dark, as a matter of fact.
55 now, the rain came and left overnight, we'll see mid-60s today.
I woke 45 minutes before the alarm, as I went to bed earlier yesterday eve.
Which means... Coffee time!
Thanks Ray.
One Saturday soon, I'll hook up with a dualsport group I've met on ADVrider, but their planned ride tomorrow is labeled "not big-bike friendly and not for beginners", so I'll take the advice and ride somewhere else. While I may be beyond "beginner", there's no need to prove anything while they will all be on 250 -400cc bikes, and I've seen some of their ride reports.
Some are pretty gnarly, for sure.
Moseying on this Friday, someone turn on the lights.
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The president of the contracting company we fired showed up in our driveway yesterday. Was a bit nervous at first but he came to apologize and said we did the right thing! Wasn’t expecting that.

That was a very stand-up action on his part- I'm impressed. I'd be even more impressed if he'd offered at least a partial refund of fees already paid as further, and more tangible, apology and recompense for the poor service.
Thx again Ray!
Yesterday became a real saturday, and it looks like today also will end up like that.
Mrs Stus’ siblings are coming together tonight, and that won’t be a quiet Party.
My task is to make Dronning Maud dessert, and to take no prisoners at the bar…

Son called from Oslo, he had just passed the theoretical exam to get his motorbike license.
He hopes to have taken the practical within a few months.
I didn’t know about this, a nice surprise indeed.

Just above freezing, 30mph breeze, sleet.

Have a good one!

From the summer archives…….Dovrefjell
Their rides can go up and down sketchy muddy single track, long, rock-strewn hill climbs, and through trees too close together for GSA handlebars.
Eight or more miles from any kind of road, and they had recent rains too.
The videos and pictures are in the thread "North Alabama Riders" in Regional Forums, and it's nearly 300 pages long, so they've been at it a good while. Some 15 core riders, who are at most of the rides, and I've seen a few flats, a few rescues, and generally a good time with some choice lunch spots.
And yeah, donuts sometimes, too. A couple of their wives ride with them on the smaller bikes, and the ride reports are entertaining to me, anyway, as I know some of the area up there. I'll have to ride 2 hours just to meet them, but the Central Alabama thread isn't nearly as active, with a thread only 8 pages long, for comparison.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

Canadian cold? Not here, not today, I say.

Sitting at zero with snow that'll flip to rain in the next few hours. Everything is already black iced and I expect some more. Temps will pop up 2 degrees and we have some rainfall warnings in effect. Lots of rain combined with frozen ground that can't absorb it means possible localized flooding.

Still brings back PTSD of our basement flood about 15 years ago!

Hope everyone has a great day.
Their rides can go up and down sketchy muddy single track, long, rock-strewn hill climbs, and through trees too close together for GSA handlebars.
Eight or more miles from any kind of road, and they had recent rains too.
The videos and pictures are in the thread "North Alabama Riders" in Regional Forums, and it's nearly 300 pages long, so they've been at it a good while. Some 15 core riders, who are at most of the rides, and I've seen a few flats, a few rescues, and generally a good time with some choice lunch spots.
And yeah, donuts sometimes, too. A couple of their wives ride with them on the smaller bikes, and the ride reports are entertaining to me, anyway, as I know some of the area up there. I'll have to ride 2 hours just to meet them, but the Central Alabama thread isn't nearly as active, with a thread only 8 pages long, for comparison.

Yikes that sounds like the dirtbike track I used to ride! Goldwings and ST's don't do well and sometimes they get scratched!
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Ray.

It's 34 and raining in MA this morning, and we'll see off and on rain this morning. Temp will rise to 46.

I met with the prospective contractor, yesterday, found him pleasant, but don't think we'll use him.
Something about gutting the kitchen/bath, impacting structure with a new slider, new electrical and plumbing, all without permits...
In spite of that, I did get some further feedback regarding the expected cost. The bid that I DID get is in the ballpark.
That got me to go to the Experian website to find my credit score, since we'll need a loan, in lieu of robbing a bank. Found errors in my information, called, and they corrected it, allegedly.

Brenda found another company, and we'll talk to them when we get back from our trip.

I didn't get to the gym, yesterday, but did get out for a 4 mile walk.

I'll head out to the gym today, and perhaps do some cardio, while I'm there.

Have a great day,
good morning all. thanks for the FR Ray. 46F on the dog walk with light clouds here and there and a bright full moon to light the way which made for a nice walk. got the gym today and grocery shopping but was told by the wife that she was going to go shopping when I went to the gym. she had an injection in her left arm yesterday and can't work out today at her gym so she offered to go early so we could have the afternoon to ourselves. we will see what the day brings. the high should be 76F. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Good morning all and muchas gracias por el café Francés, Raimondo.

It isn't "Canadian cold" here either today: we're already just about at the high of 4°C/39°F with very little windchill. Conditions are a mixed bag today, though. We have fog right now, we'll see mixed sun and clouds this afternoon, and then we'll get scattered snow flurries this evening. The temperature will do a spectacular swan dive tonight and tomorrow will be around 20 degrees colder than it is today! Then it starts warming up again. It's been a crazy winter.

OK, gots to go, lots to do. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Morning coffee slurpers, and many thanks Ray. 27f doubling to 54 by early afternoon, and.... sunshine!!

Not a lot on my plate today, did someone say "Go Ride?" Why thank you! I just might
Thats enough for now... have a great day!
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