Friday Café, 02/23.

Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray! See below for hugs!:ukflag1:

We are getting close to our departure date!

Morning all!

May I add some Spelt sourdough to the mix today with butter and preserves!



Y'all have a great day



I enjoyed the motorcycle rock! :run1:

I’ll have some Spelt Sourdough with Ray’s coffee!
Tons of hugs to you all! Especially Ray!

68-77F today with a stiff SSE breeze!
Another SWFL day of sunshine!
Morning Ray & All from mostly sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 31F, heading for 53F, no winds right now, but later we'll see them out of the N@ 8 to10mph.

I did it!

I took off on the :dr13: and rode 104 miles, just to ride! :thumb:

I rode out to an area I knew nothing about and found out after I got home, I turned around at the right place. The roads from there were all gravel/dirt!


Although it wasn't a "big" ride, I was a nice ride. Temps were upper 40Fs into the lower 50Fs.

Lazyman's breakfast today. Pepsi to come later!

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
The president of the contracting company we fired showed up in our driveway yesterday. Was a bit nervous at first but he came to apologize and said we did the right thing! Wasn’t expecting that.
I'd be even more impressed if he'd offered at least a partial refund of fees already paid as further, and more tangible, apology and recompense for the poor service.
Good start on his part, accepting that they screwed up is admirable. However, I would be more impressed if he had showed up to beg forgiveness, asked to continue with the job and provided his personal grantee that they will be there everyday from now on until the job is completed and that the work will be done to your expectations and satisfaction. Him agreeing to a change in the payment schedule that gives you more leverage and holds him to account would be in order as well, and as a gesture of making amends.

Finding a new contractor is a real pain. Finding one who is willing to take over what someone else started is even more difficult. They don't know what was done, how it was done, or what problems they are inheriting from the previous contractor. Many contractors simply will not take on a job that is already in progress, especially if they know that the contractor who started it was canned due to incompetence. However, easier said than done if you have reached your limit with this guy. It makes it hard to have any faith in him again.
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