Friday Eve Café, February 1st.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Ay up, there's French Roast and Chocolate Pastries fresh out of the oven.
Rejoice @Slammer , tomorrow's Friday which will mean a real Saturday will soon follow, just don’t think about Sunday because we all know what follows Sunday?
It's sunny and the 65 mph wind has decided to visit Norway, I hear it hit their west coast at 115 mph. Yes you read that right. Ooooo Missus. I suspect Stoo probably missed the worst of it either that or he's currently a lot further east than when he went to bed.
Today, Ethel what are we doing today, oh yes, eye tests and food shoppin. Sounds doable. Maybe, pffffffftttttt. I dont know if I'll walk around the opticians with my arms outstretched shouting I'm blind, I'm blind. It didn't go down too well last time. Or thinking about it, the time before!
Oh well, fear not dear friends, let's kill this Thursday with aplomb, and remember January isn't just a's open! I can't wait to visit the new attraction, a totally grey (yes GREY) wind tunnel where it is a constant 65 mph from the West and sideways sleet to add to the fun, it'll be smashing.
Forgot :doh1: , 40.6 °F now with a feels like of 34.2 °F
Relative Humidity 81%
Rain Today 0mm (0mm Last Hour)
Wind SSW 6mph (14.1mph Gusts).
Snow above 2000 ft.
That's better.
I could tell you what the forecast is but there's probably little point but it may include the first February storm. I think we're up to P, so probably STORM PITA :woohoo:.
Morning all! This is becoming a regular occurrence unfortunately. It's dark, I'm pretty sure there's a temperature of some kind and I don't hear rain. Likely as accurate a forecast as the "real" ones.

I'm suffering with cabin fever....recliner....washroom.....exercises....recliner.....

Right, off to see if Morpheus is willing to pay a visit.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good Morning All!
Whew, thanks Ray - I've already purchased tickets for Januaryland!
I can't wait to be splashed with cold slush as the tour bus pulls up!

Home again, home again - jiggity jig!
Mr. Tractor awaits his parts to come from Maryland by Mr. Big!
That was a most enjoyable trip with lots of sights to see.
I wish I could've stayed longer; the House of Fun is truly a house of fun!

@Weaselinsuit keep up the good work - I've known several people now that have had the surgery.
The worst part is over!

Hiking is on the menu today and the weather is expected to cooperate.

Y'all have a wonnafill day and remember to enjoy all the fun time you can!!

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray. I'll bet the reason @STooRay hasn't checked in yet is that he went for his usual hike and didn't account for the breeze. Easy sailing headed away from home and now he's stuck in Finland or Murmansk or somewhere else to the east of his house because the wind has him pinned against the wall of the local pub. Too bad for him it's the outside wall...

Ennyhoo: it's a crisp, frosty 29°F in Rockville with nary a puff of air stirring, reported as mostly cloudy but I saw the moon and a star when I took the bins to the curb so I'm not so certain. After Mr. Sun starts in on his daily chores it'll reach perhaps 54 degrees and be sunny until it isn't.

I'll probably continue doodling and noodling over design options for the sewing center Mrs. Fun has requested.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

For all of you hoping to go to Januaryland today, the devil is in the details. According to the poster they don't open until tomorrow: "Closed Dec 21 - Feb 1"

As for weather, it's -4 (-7) headed to 2(-2) with snow on the way. Winds gusts here max out about 11kph. Like I told the doc, at least there's always lots of room for improvement.

As for our resident hobble goblin @Weaselinsuit, you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you might just find, you get a new knee.

Enjoy your day everyone.


good morning all. thanks for the coffee Ray. 52F on the dog walk with moon, stars and a few clouds to make the walk pleasant. it was nice enough yesterday to ride the ST to the gym and back home for about a 50 mile loop. today I have a dentist appointment at 10am. no ST for that trip as the wife is coming along so we can stop at another part of the gem show after my check up. the high should see 74F but wind at noon and then clouds roll in at 6pm and bring a chance of rain in the late pm and early am. so tomorrow's dog walk might be a wet one. enjoy the day

stay safe
Thx Ray(on)!
Not for the weather, you mind…
Maxed at 80 mph in the midst of the night.
Further north….115mph, and it’s not over.

Had a tremendous tailwind first hour of my hike, you were right about that Mr Fun!
Took a long break in a shelter, and walking home was not that bad.
Had to climb the roof to replace a tile when I came home.

I’m taking a rest now, until bed time.
Have a good one!

I took this picture two years ago on a sailtrip. The island name translated is Weather Island. Guy who owns the mailbox was probably sick of his newspaper blowing away.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Ray.

It's cloudy and 32 in MA this morning, rising to 42 and remaining cloudy.
Maybe some rain this evening.

Yesterday's skiing went well.
I started out on the blue trails, and found a huge mound of snow at the beginning of the first one. Dodged that, and found the trail in good condition to the bottom, where I had to ski through and around the active snow making guns. They turned them off sometime during the first hour, and I got 4 runs in before taking a break.
I sampled some expert slopes, and made my way to the north side of the mountain. Skiid until my knees and quads told me that they were done.
People that I spoke with on the lifts told me that they were the best conditions that they'd seen, yet.

For some reason, I slept late, and awoke to an empty house.

I'll eventually make my way to the gym, but have nothing else planned.
Maybe some Advil...

Enjoy the day,
Thanks for the coffee Ray, it's cooling quickly outside here at 30F, but will warm to 60s, or so they say. But just barely.

@Obo 's knee picture reminds me of my abdominal bypass surgery, a couple of years back. I taped a sheet of notebook paper on my belly, on which I wrote, "Measure twice, cut once."

They put me under so fast in pre-op, I don't know if they laughed or not. I took some pictures of it taped to me, but as I don't look good in a hospital gown, I won't share it here.

On the way home from work, I remembered a friend Bryan still hadn't seen Kaiser and the trailer, so I texted him to see if he was home. (He's a former BRC student, and helped me look at some German Shepherds before I got Kaiser, and he has a gorgeous male named Toz.)

Bryan was doing some work on his Harley at a friend's garage, and invited us to stop by, so we did. Wow, what a shop! Bike lift, laser engraver, all the woodworking tools, a real man cave. So Kaiser and Toz got to see each other for the first time in a while, and they were cool, no drama, no snarling, no barking. We need to get them together again.

Meanwhile, I need to follow Keith's lead and get the garbage cans out to the street. And get the pup in his trailer and head to work.

Thank you, Warm 'n Safe. Y'all go start your February, I think there may be some day where we're s'posed to buy a card for some reason...
Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee and pastries, Ray!

It's mild again today: 2°C/36°F with windchill just under freezing. Very dark and overcast, mixed rain/snow on the way (but not much, they say). I think we have a run of sunny days coming which, if true, is cause for celebration.

Turns out that I, too, went for eye tests yesterday. There is good news...and not so good news. Although my vision seems to have improved over all, my right eye is significantly weaker than the left, the "floaters" I've had for quite a while have gotten worse, and...sigh...I have cataracts in both eyes (not bad enough for surgery at this point). Soooo...I've been booked for a dilation test next Wed. morning to see what's going on in my right eye and whether there's an issue with the retina. Man, this aging thing really sucks eggs.

Ah, well, time marches on. Everyone have a great day, stay safe, go safely and hang on to your tiles!!

Good morning & welcome to February all!
Thanks for the start Ray!

I’ve had floaters for ages, my sight is deteriorating as well. I was visiting yearly with my optometrist, he cut it back to every second year. Both my parents were legally blind at their end, but I’d kinda like to be able to see the end as it comes barrelling in!!

56F with a high of 72, apparently a nice light NNE breeze to keep us from perspiring!
Enjoy your Friday!
Good morning and thanks Ray.
67 to 80+ is the forecast today, with a small chance of rain.

Our Kilauea volcano to the South is acting like an eruption might happen any time now. There have been 1400 shallow depth earthquakes on the Southwest caldera since last Saturday.

Stay safe!!
Good morning all,,,,Thanks for the coffee earlier. 30 degrees F and foggy early this morning. As far as I can tell from the calendar, this is the 4th Saturday this week. Trying to get use to not going to work. For others not quite there yet, I can confirm,,,,, it's easy to get used to. What to do....I need to head to the workshop and install some Altrider reinforcements on the draft horse, to make her ready for the upcoming season. Oh and the chickens, ducks and turkeys need a new 50 pound bag of feed. Never a dull moment. Have a great day ,all.
Good morning all,,,,Thanks for the coffee earlier. 30 degrees F and foggy early this morning. As far as I can tell from the calendar, this is the 4th Saturday this week. Trying to get use to not going to work. For others not quite there yet, I can confirm,,,,, it's easy to get used to. What to do....I need to head to the workshop and install some Altrider reinforcements on the draft horse, to make her ready for the upcoming season. Oh and the chickens, ducks and turkeys need a new 50 pound bag of feed. Never a dull moment. Have a great day ,all.

Happy 4th Saturday @Tor. Hope you enjoy all the Saturday's to come!
Morning Ray & All from a mostly cloudy (Thank you, SoCal), Southern Utah!

Currently it is 50F, heading for 50F, and they are calling for rain, for a good part of the day. We shall see if we get that much. Winds have been blowing since last night, maxing out around 20mph and those will probably stick around with the rain.

So I had said, one of my sons wants one of my bikes. And I had turned the 2010 (with over 100K miles on it) to :bk13: thinking of selling it to him. The bike is is really good shape, I wouldn't hesitate to ride it anywhere. But I was afraid that it was going to be wishful thinking on his part. Well, I got a text from his wife yesterday and she wanted to know when we were coming down to SoCal next time and would I bring the bike, down to surprise him with it? She doesn't want him to know, so I told her, no problem. Once I got to know Katie, I always thought she was a keeper! ;)

So, next month, I'll trailer the bike down to them. I know Brett will be excited! :hat3:

Chris and I will be heading to WalMart this morning, trying to beat the storm, so we can pick up a few items without having to go shopping again over the next week, which looks like we'll get more rain and possibly snow.

Lazyman's breakfast, Pepsi will come later.

Anyone :bk13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
@SupraSabre You know Bob, it may be even more special to him knowing you were the one doing al the work on it. Nothing quite like getting one of your dad's "prized possessions."

I'm sure your 48 years of commuting & lane splitting in SoCal made an impression on your youngsters over the years. (not to mention just being a great dad?)

As for keepers, I'd agree from you've said above. ;)

Morning all.....

Thanks for the start up. Another foggy and gloomy morning. 40 and raining.

And speaking of skiing....... Both of the ski hills are closed due to warm weather and recent rain.... :mw1:

Recovering from a pizza coma this morning. Looking forward to leftovers for breakfast......
Today holds a day to prep for Friday. 6 dozen oysters show up......and they will need to be shucked and slurped.

You folks have a fabulous Friday Eve.
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