Good Saturday Morning - March the Twoth

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Wow! March twoth already - can you believe it?
Good thing there's a pot o' Black Rifle out there - Hot, Bold and just enough caffeine to make you dance!
Mugs are on the table - hep y'self. Anyone got any donuts?

Raining here on the farm. Yesterday kinda started out blue, then went white and froggy. Impending doom.
But I managed to spread the weed preventer in the beds (the outside beds), and weed killer everywhere else.
Heck, I even cut up old logs and burned some of them.
Parts are ordered for Mr Tractor and he's just jumpin' to get after things this year. He told me so...

So relax today or not - but have a coffee or twoth before you get started!

Y'all have a winderfill day!

G'morning everyone

Thanks for the as-ever upbeat start, Nick. Sounds as though you had a productive day yesterday.

It's 41°F and raining gently in Rockville, which will continue for most of the next 12 hours or so. Hopefully that'll wash some of the pollen out of the air and off my car; we'll see about that. It's almost time for me to start parking at the curb again rather than the driveway. There's a very tall hedge of yew bushes right next to my driveway parking spot and they drop all manner of sap, needles, and crud every spring. I'd just as soon they not do it on my car, so parking at the curb and away from the bushes is the best defense. Oh, and the oak trees drop these long fuzzy strings that get everywhere- want to avoid those as well.

You saw the in-progress photos of the sewing center yesterday. Today I'll remove all the clamps, disassemble the parts that aren't yet glued together, cut the drawer supports, and give everything a light pre-assembly sanding. That ought to fill the day, before we take the neighbors out for a belated birthday dinner this evening.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Let's dance
To the song they're playin' on the radio........sorry, got carried away there, calm down and have a coffee. Will do.
Ta me duck.
Sorry no duffnuts and what I have got I'm keeping for myself. I've given up kindness, generosity and my general pleasantries for lent. You may may not.
Yesterday saw farmyard manure and chicken shite distributed on the veggie patch in preparation for the growing season. The overnight sleet did a good job of washing it in. Result. Also scraped out some slab gaps and re-sanded them. Likewise, it'll be nicely washed in.
I was wudley awakened by a Mini John Deere Tractor complete with a salt grit hopper on the back. Pffffffftttttt.
I need my beauty sleep, the wude noise was enough to dislodge my Dickensian sleeping headgear. Have you noticed I can't pwonounce my r's this morning.
Av a gud un and wemember, all the PaSTwies have gone you losers.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick.

-4 here this morning and still dark. Headed to 6 later on they say. I won't see any of the light or weather today. Been at work since before dark and won't be leaving until after dark. It's one of those 15 hour day thingies, but it's double time pay today so yeah, there's that.

And Ray, ever find it funny how good things taste after they've had a good dose of shite to make them grow. I think the key is when you add said shite. Earlier is good, but at it at the end and well it's not nearly the same innit?

Hope everyone has a great Saturday!

Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Nick!
We are in Huntersville NC, we took a different route this trip!
Stopping to see a pal & his wife later today. (near Toledo) We’ll enjoy some refreshments & discuss the world’s problems!

41-63F with more showers, drove through a lot of rain yesterday too! :well1:

I saw this yesterday! I had to share it!
Check out the front bumper & the name on the door!!


You lot enjoy your Saturday & don’t give me any more thought!
I’ll be just be out there (fighting with more stop-n-go traffic) I know!
Good morning, all. Thanks for the BR coffee, Nick.

Looking outside, it’s dark and foggy. Me too. 46/61 and possible clearing this afternoon.

It’s that time of year, to change oil and sharpen blades on 3 mowers. Then, I guess it’ll be time to mow. I’m still waiting on a warm, sunny day to finish the garage remodel, so I can move everything out to have room to work. Maybe by Groundhog Day.

good morning all. thank you Nick for the BR coffee. today should be an easy one as I believe there is nothing on the list, Oh wait wife said some thing about painting our ceiling repair with a dry wall primer. she loves to paint, I don't. looks like an ST ride to anywhere for about 2 hours. that should be enough time for her to finish. its just a 4'x4' patch. the high should see 75F. enjoy the day

stay safe
@Obo when you're right you're right. Double Pffffffftttttt.
The veggie patch was deficient last year in the shite dept. There was no excuse, it was down to me. Pffffffftttttt.
After much due diligence, I ascertained that chicken shite wasn't the full deal. So bags of manure, compost, chicken shite, blood, fish and bone, bone meal and bags of sharp agricultural sand have been dug in recently. I will only use Growmore and Bone Meal through the growing season.
Our soil was very clay'y and that was removed the best I could and 6" drainage added to lead excess water away, the clay soil will pool quite badly if left to it's own device's. Whether the drainage works or not I'm not digging down 6' to find out. But in my defence pooling on the veggie patch is not an issue anymore.
The only problem now is I ache so much I can't plant anything.
Thanks for the coffee Nick, and we know a little bit about clay, too. That's what I need to dig out under my deck for a parking area, and that's also what helps me fall down when it's wet on the trails I ride on. It virtually erase any kind of tread on your tires, to the point they look like reddish- orange racing slicks, no matter what the tires looked like at the start.

Speaking of trail riding, mine is canceled due to the passing of one of my wife's dear cousins, who I really like quite a lot. Fell ill a month ago, and 2 hospital stays didn't fix her. She was a real character, and we got along right from the start.

The current drizzle and clouds are said to give way later to sun and 70s. Today Roz wants to go look for a new sofa for the cats to scratch, not that I wish to.

Kaiser never scratches the sofa, but he did chew the edges of a small doormat before he knew not to.

I hope your day is bright, or becomes so.
Good morning, all, and thanks for the caffeinated start-up, Nick!

It is a grey, overcast morning here, and it looks like it will rain for the rest of the day. The "vigorous cold front" has moved on and we're back to more early spring-like temperatures: 2°C/36°F now, 6°C/40°F later, windchills around freezing.

Lots to do involving boxes today, so I'd best get cracking. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Bon Appetite!

already 1440hrs over here, just finished lunch... :cool:

got up a 0620hrs, foggy, ~8°C... one hot cup <slurp!>
Once ze GF regained consciousness at around 0830hrs we had a larger breakfast consisting of boiled egg, Baguette, a piece of Camembert, some Austrian sausages...
two more large cuppa Joe's... yummy

Then outside, more concrete work to do...
A significant spring-observation is the sound-stage:
sitting in bushes and trees tiny pterosaurs screaming their mating-readiness out into the world; so do outlandish, dark-haired, Mediterranean looking blokes with their loud exhausts and oriental rhymes blasting out open car windows... to my ears the latter appears like a mix between a dying cat and someone struggling to unlock a pair of vice-grips attached to his scrotum... bizarre... :oops:
The scene is then accompanied by cough, sputter and misfire emitted while someone attempted to revive his lawn mover... eventually he gave up... ;)

So we broke out the tools, me hauling them across the lawn singing "high-ho, high-ho, na-na-nana-na-nahhh..." got rewarded with [the stare(TM)] from the neighbor's teenage-brat... yep, Disney's famous art-work isn't woke and actually rated-R these days... :biggrin:

Progressed on the third canopy support

ze trench...


GF distributing the dough...


14 bags ready-mix later...


cat-defense installed; I'm positive that Jonesy, the red-furred neighborhood-monster would like to leave his tiny paw-prints there... ;)


and yes, our Maple is definitely alive and in juice...

Thx Nick!
Late check-in today.
Mrs Stus’ aunt is turning 84 today, and I’ve been coerced to be the resignated driver, pickin up incapasitated Fil on the way.
Was planning to indulge myself with some of these…..pfffft!

10˚c/50f, a bit wind, no rain.
Several motorbikes on the road………metoo soon! (Don’t mixup with that other metoo thing…)

Have a good one!

Sunlight in the forest today
Thanks for the coffee, Nick. Tis a rather gray day here, forecast is mid 40's, but I'll look forward to tomorrow, 61 and sunny. Typical day here in Ohio - warm and sunny one day, cold and wet the next.

Yesterday I helped boil down some maple sap with a friend and fellow ST'er. I started the fire under the evaporator, but for some reason the smoke would not rise up the stack and instead billowed out of every joint. I looked in vain for a damper. The fire was boosted by a small blower and I examined every inch of the path the smoke took from the firebox up to the roof. No damper, nice stainless steel pipe, smoke still issuing from the cracks between pieces of pipe. I was quickly turning the sugar shack into a smoke house, with me being the smokee. When seeing became difficult, I went outside to check the top of the flue pipe - ahhhh hah! There was a closed flapper on top hinged on one side with a thin wire dribbling down toward the roof. Back inside, I climbed a ladder and on top of the big sap storage container was what looked like scrap wire, a pull and the smoke immediately stopped issuing from the joints in the stack and started flowing up and out like it should. Its amazing how much work it takes to make maple syrup. Forty gallons of sap gets boiled down to 1 gallon of syrup, and the wood does not cut itself nor split itself into convenient sized hunks to feed the fire. From my perspective, it is a labor of love. If you consider the infrastructure investment, disposable material cost, and labor involved in tapping, collecting, cleaning, boiling, bottling, not to mention cutting, splitting, and transporting wood, your $20 quart of the finished syrup is dirt cheap.

Also cut up some logs with my chain saw and hauled them to his workshop for later splitting. Another buddy said we choose what we do for recreation, and one man's fun is another's work.
@Sadlsor when we bought a new couch to get rid of the one the old kitties had ruined, I stripped all the fabric and padding from it. I then built a new 4 legged perch and covered it with the padding and fabric that I'd removed. It both looked and smelled like what they were used to, and it was partially pre scratched. It was taken to like a smelly fish to a bear, and has minimized the damage to the new couch that the perch sits beside.
Morning all...

Thanks da man.

Well, they were right.......... It is dumping big time. Look at the dark spot at bottom of pic to see the snow. Snowing hard enough that you can't see the lake.

That's all I got for ya this morning.
Go have a a Saturday.
Good morning and thanks for the coffee, Nick.

58 and overcast in Barcelona today.

We started out at 4:00pm yesterday, bus to Logan Swiss to Zurich, and again to Barcelona.
Currently on a bus to Andorra.
I managed to get an hour sleep on the way to Barcelona.

My boot bag never arrived, and they'll bring it to the hotel when it gets to Barcelona.
I'm guessing that they had a weight and balance issue, since I wasn't the only one missing bags.

We'll look for dinner, after we unload the bus and check into our hotel.

Have a great day,
Morning all...

Thanks da man.

Well, they were right.......... It is dumping big time. Look at the dark spot at bottom of pic to see the snow. Snowing hard enough that you can't see the lake.

That's all I got for ya this morning.
Go have a a Saturday.

I was at lunch yesterday, and saw an article about CA getting 10' of snow, possibly.
I told Brenda that we're flying in the wrong direction!
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