Harley Riders.....Do They Wave at You??

Look closer. I have noticed many of the cruiser/harley riders doing a little two-fingered wave thing without taking their hand off the bar. You'll miss it if you aren't looking for it. I'd say that at least 90% of all motorcyclists acknowledge my wave. Doesn't seem to matter what they are riding.
I wave at all bikes. Funny things is, if expecting a wave you've gotta realy pay attention... it might just be a finger or two off the grip or a full blown wave (hand and forearm raised) or the famous Harley wave, two fingers down to the side. I'll catch myself sometimes seeing just what type of wave I think I'll get. Here's my observations:

Harleys - two fingers down to side
Harleys w/ape hangars - no way
Other cruisers - two fingers down to side
Sport bikes - couple fingers/half hand
Touring Bikes - hand out to side
Wings - same
BMW - full wave (my style)

Me - full wave
Yep, most do.
Often they give the V-2 wave.
I use the V-4 wave (Think "Na-noo na-noo" or "Live long and prosper")
Scooter folks are the worst about returning waves.
I wave at all two-wheeled vehicles. The majority wave back, nood or the two finger from the handle bars.

I love reaction from scooter pilots, they are surprised I wave at them and you can see it. I don't think I have ever not had a sportbiker not wave.

I do notice the ones with Ape Hangers don't wave ever. I think they are stuck!
Most wave but there are a few that don't, and yes they appear they could be 1%'s or close. I have an amended hand wave for those that don't - hopefully they can see it in their rear view mirror, and I am sure they would recognize the meaning.

That having been said, 3 Harleys and their dates caught up to me and my Goldwing buddy to let him know they smelled burning rubber coming from his bike, and helped us clean mud from under the front fender that had stuck in there and wore a groove in the tire. Don't ask me how we got the mud on our bikes, it's too embarrassing. Anyway, they started grabbing tools and talking and were very friendly. I was glad to meet them. This was near Kerrville, TX.
Hi Everyone,

I wave at all types of riders including Bicyclist, they seem to very friendly, Hey it 2 wheels, and thats where most of us got addicted to 2 wheels.

Florida no helmet law, The more that die, they seem to more addiment about no wearing a helmet, Ya know defiance. its there life, some call it
"Cleaning up the Genepool"

I have abunch of waves left, I'll spread em around, maybe it burns calories!!!!

Later Vern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I don't care, to me it it does not matter what you are riding, a Vespa, Wing or Harley. If you are out on the road braving the elements & cage drivers stupidity/wrath and enjoying yourself on two wheels you deserve acknowledgment, I don't even care if you wave back.

Unless I have a handful of clutch at that moment, every bike I see gets a wave. If I can't wave, I at least try for a head nod. Almost all wave back.
I might not have 1000+ posts. My first driver license was a MC license in 1976. I waved than and I still do now. Im not to bored, to busy, or stuck up not to wave.

The other day there was a kid about 4 years old with his BMX bicycle and full gear (including a full-face helmet) coming my way on the other side of the road. I couldn't stop laughing after he gave me the wave (two fingers down and out), but I certainly waved back at the little guy. I'm sure it made his day. I wave at everybody.
why does every harley that is ahead of me at a light think that i want to race to the next light? maybe loud pipes do save lives because i sure dont want to be next to them................and they dont even wave goodbye

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Had a guy on a white dresser snub me yesterday...I was riding the ST home. Pretty sure he saw me coming. Slowly turned his head as he approched me like he was checking out the house he was passing. Funny thing is if I had been on my dresser he would have broken his arm to wave to me.

Some of these guys kill me when they come into our shop...more do da's than you can count. Once they realize that we're not a new comer to the sport they get humble.
We've rode more miles in one day than they ride all year.

I make sure they now I ride it all. Love the ST and I let it be known.
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