How Bad is the heat?

My 03 produced some heat. No burning or anything, but hot air around the lower legs and in the crotch that was noticable when the temps were above ~85 or so. The biggest relief was though wrapping the headers, and then adding the fairing deflectors. From what I've seen here, I think the 03 is slightly hotter than the later years. But that is just a guess. YMMV

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It's a hot bike. Hotter than my Triumph Trophy was (at speed) as well as my CBR1100XX(w and x- nice old lady bought me a new one)

At 95 this summer, I had to ride without the jacket for the heat. I'm 6'3" with a 35' inseam, so my legs might be more in the heat than others. I've a friend who's about as tall as I but has shorter legs, and he's owned hotter bikes.
Like everyone else said the heat issue is subjective. I use to ride a CBR954rr on the street in Arizona 110+ summer heat and that bad boy would heat up your inner thigh and bake your nuts to raisins! :rolleyes: :D

I now ride the ST on the street and don't feel the heat issue at all. :04biker: :bow1: :D

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I wonder......
To those of you that say your ST is hot.. Do you ride with the
screen up??
I very rarely ride with the shield up, and have no heat problems.
However, that being said, when I raise the screen up, I DO notice
an increase in the heat being sucked up to my legs and torso
because of the increased vacuum when the shield is raised...
Shield height an issue maybe??

When it is hot out, I ride with the screen down for obvious reasons (I get more air on my body). So that ain't it.

My last bike was a Pacific Coast, which has zero engine heat. So coming from that, this bike is hotter. I don't get burned, but there is hot air coming off the motor that gets the front of the seat hot and swirls around my legs making summer riding hotter than it ever was on my PC. Of course the motor is 1300cc vs 800cc, and the PC had a completely closed body and an internal fiberglass shroud over the motor, so I expect more heat. I think the heat issue is subjective in the sense of what you're used to or ridden prior to the ST. For me the ST is hotter than my PC, but not enough for me to dump the ST and get a PC.

I cannot over state what a BIG difference wrapping the headers has made for me.


Putt said:
I wonder......
...when I raise the screen up, I DO notice
an increase in the heat being sucked up to my legs and torso
because of the increased vacuum when the shield is raised...


Noticed the same while raising the screen at highwway speed.

Lower it and feel the heat blown away from your legs.
I agree about it being subjective. For instance, I live and ride in Palm Springs and have no complaints whatsoever. I have no idea what they are talking about in the Cycleworld article. I am 6'2 and have fairings, etc. Of course one feels heat..but not enough in my case to stop riding or switch bikes!.
I was never aware of the heat throughout the summer (but I always wear full gear). However, now that the weather is getting cooler, that my legs are warmer than my torso. So, on my red, there is heat coming off the engine that I'm detecting. It's just never been an issue in the hot weather since I was hot all over. Now the extra warmth is actually pleasant.
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