Im leaving boston

Ill take a pic of it and send it to you. Its really nice!
Where i stayed prob isnt good. No water or power. The place next to me is a more civilized place and has power, etc. i think she said $12 per night. Here is the pic of the better place. Both are on the same lake. 7794B549-5351-40DD-926E-A12016A57C6F.jpeg
Fire ants can't be taught, they can only be experienced. :p There is no greater panic then the first sting felt on your thigh and you look down to hundreds or thousands of the little bastards all over you. Only thing you can really do is brush them off as fast as possible while getting stung. Don't jump into water - they float and your head is a nice perch.

But seriously, what RT mentioned. Before even standing in one spot too long look around. During the rain (like now) they are very actively building or getting to higher ground, so you will see a lot of activity. Normally during the heat their mounds look old and abandoned. They are not, they are just down deep to stay cool.

I am enjoying your travels! Thank you very much for posting your findings. Some day I would love to take a long trip like this.
Fire ants can't be taught, they can only be experienced. :p There is no greater panic then the first sting felt on your thigh and you look down to hundreds or thousands of the little bastards all over you. Only thing you can really do is brush them off as fast as possible while getting stung. Don't jump into water - they float and your head is a nice perch.

But seriously, what RT mentioned. Before even standing in one spot too long look around. During the rain (like now) they are very actively building or getting to higher ground, so you will see a lot of activity. Normally during the heat their mounds look old and abandoned. They are not, they are just down deep to stay cool.

I am enjoying your travels! Thank you very much for posting your findings. Some day I would love to take a long trip like this.
It has been my pleasure to post. Hope everyone enjoys this.
Fire ants can't be taught, they can only be experienced. :p There is no greater panic then the first sting felt on your thigh and you look down to hundreds or thousands of the little bastards all over you. Only thing you can really do is brush them off as fast as possible while getting stung. Don't jump into water - they float and your head is a nice perch.

Texas is starting to sound a lot like Australia...
Fire ants can't be taught, they can only be experienced. :p There is no greater panic then the first sting felt on your thigh and you look down to hundreds or thousands of the little bastards all over you. Only thing you can really do is brush them off as fast as possible while getting stung. Don't jump into water - they float and your head is a nice perch.

But seriously, what RT mentioned. Before even standing in one spot too long look around. During the rain (like now) they are very actively building or getting to higher ground, so you will see a lot of activity. Normally during the heat their mounds look old and abandoned. They are not, they are just down deep to stay cool.

I am enjoying your travels! Thank you very much for posting your findings. Some day I would love to take a long trip like this.

I spent 5yrs living just SE of Austin on a horse farm. I made it my mission to clear the half acre my house was on of fire ants. I poisoned, burned and boiled the bastards out until I had a fire ant free zone. Had to do maintenance to keep it that way, but once I had it under control it stayed that way.

We had a flood once and there were softball sized balls of the ants floating around looking for a place to land. They are nasty.

My deepest thanks to everyone at ranch stoc! Had a ball and picked the hell out of the brains that knew a lot more than me. Thanks for the gift!
So, i left the stoc this morning and was greeted w rain so sharp it felt like sleet. It wasnt too long, but it hurt! Had to slow down and flip my bisor closed, both of which i dislike.
ended up finally on 180 west in rory. 400 mi to alb nm. At the speeds people drive here, illb there in about 15 min. People here think the 7 on a speed limit sigh is a 9, and drive that way! Far be it from me to slow them down. Had a bit of wind but was relaxed and enjoyed it.
i doubt ill make alb nm tomorrow but i really dont care. My camping gear is soaked and hopefully will b dry soon.
I know right..... The worst part about that it is full of Texans....;)

You'll never hear me say a bad word about Texans. Not one. My 5 years there were some of the best of my life. Great people, great State. You gotta live there and embrace it to appreciate it. Can't tell you how many New Englanders told me how terrible Texas was despite never even visiting. Yeah, I'm a fan of Texas.

You'll never hear me say a bad word about Texans. Not one. My 5 years there were some of the best of my life. Great people, great State. You gotta live there and embrace it to appreciate it. Can't tell you how many New Englanders told me how terrible Texas was despite never even visiting. Yeah, I'm a fan of Texas.

My kids work in pagosa springs and have hd touunle w texans, but when i worked in stowe vt, we had torouble w canadians. Im certain i and they had our share of problems withmpeople in general, as there r so many barieties.
i just spent twodays w people from the area and they were wonderful. Im grateful for the time they gave me.
My kids work in pagosa springs and have hd touunle w texans, but when i worked in stowe vt, we had torouble w canadians. Im certain i and they had our share of problems withmpeople in general, as there r so many barieties.
i just spent twodays w people from the area and they were wonderful. Im grateful for the time they gave me.
You got problems with Canadians? Mabel, saddle up the War Moose and pack the maple syrup fer the waterboarding. We ride South at dawn....
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