Im leaving boston

Being the uppity yankee that i am, i found them underwhelming. It was that or “tater tots”, whatever they are. Still, a very nice group works there.
The deal with grits is what you put in them. They are pretty tasteless by themselves. But add sweetening or cheese or what ever your favorite thing is and they take on that taste and can be quite good.
The deal with grits is what you put in them. They are pretty tasteless by themselves. But add sweetening or cheese or what ever your favorite thing is and they take on that taste and can be quite good.
It was a bit gritty and i did put butter in, which helped. They need a dollop of bacon grease!
I might b stuck here today. The rain is really coming sown! The weather guy is talking about sudden tornados or big wind. Being here too long is not a good thing. Across the street is a store w pooboys, pickled jalapeños, poutain, deep fried catfish and accents so thick i could cut them w a butter knife.
they have a little room w gambling machines too!
Im watching the weather and it looks like a hardball day, and i really dont have to b anywhere. The next two days are in the swamps and animal preserves along the lousiana coast and i love to travel them in nice wearher, which will b here tomorrow.
Im in lafeyette la. Had to stop for a while because of lightning. I wasnt too cool about that. But i did see egrets, huron, turkey viltures and tons of turtles. Had to blow some bucks today and buy a mesh jacket. I was sooo hot! Its humid here and i was stifled. So, now im blue! Heading for the swamps in the morning and on to tx. Gonna b early for the st meet so im gonna find a few nice loops. Im gonna head north in tx from lake jackson, which is south of houston. Anybody know some cool rides around there? Ill have to burn a few days before the meet.
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