NL: Tag

Jun 3, 2007
ST 1300A
Well, I stole this idea and brought it to our Dutch forum.

Here is my tag for NL.

Due to the fact it is taken rather in central NL. This means that every Dutchman from any of our 4 corners could go there within 2 hours, without exceding the speed limits....
Good job, Rene'.

I rode nearly all day Friday and Saturday to go from North Dallas to El Paso, Texas. Admittedly not the most direct route but still nearly 800 miles. Texas really _needs_ two tags! :D

Last year I made a ride for our ST owners called the Castle Ride.
I made a trip around 15+++ castles within a circle of 60 miles diameter!!
Steve, all of you are more than welcome.

Last year I met Ren? from Winnipeg, Canada ( he moved now to BC) and we did some trips here.
And if I am not able to join you, I can give you routes for your Garmin.

Mac and George want to know which flight/airport to arrive, to get to your tag....and a phone number for a place to rent a bike.?.?.?


Going on a 600k trip on Saturday with a mate, so Sunday is a day of rest. Thinking of picking up the tag on Monday, weather permitting, and posting a the new one on Monday night. Will confirm a time on Sunday. I am sure I know where it is; went fishing near to it once on the old rhine!
Going to keep new Tag in The Netherlands though; it's where it should stay - for now! Watch this space!
Going on a 600k trip on Saturday with a mate


When I first read that, I saw it as "a 600 thousand mile trip". :bow1:

A quick glance to the left of the screen disspelled that notion, seeing your location and realizing it is just a bit more likely you meant "a 600 kilometre trip". :p:
ow! I just noticed this thread. I know where it is too, even spent some time there with some elves..

Anyway, i'll wait a few days for doc to pick up and move the tag, before stepping in.

Nice one Ren?!

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