Please Pray For Quinn Josephine

Quinn saw her specialists thursday. Her weight was down a little from discharge so they are adding her mct oil back to give her some extra calories. Her total bili was 1.7, normal is under 1.2. Direct bili was 1.2. Her liver function was worse which could be for a few reasons. She could still have some inflammation going on or could be from the antibiotcs. So we will have those rechecked in a week. We also met with speech therapy on ways to get her to bottle some again. But for the most part it was a good appointment. And no more antibiotics or picc line!
Clearly there are still some issues to be cleared up, but sounds like Quinn is making progress!
Still sending her (and you) loving thoughts. Keep up the good work, little one!!

Big brother and Quinn


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Still using the feeding tube to get enough calories in her little body. Sheila has a little tool to move around in her mouth to get her tong to follow so she won't forget how to work it..She still has along way to go but she is heading the direction we want. Thanks for the prayers and please keep it up.
The Dan
Well she broke 10lbs. That's a good thing!!!!!! Everything is holding steady and we pray it stays that way.
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