Scout vs Schwannoma

Glad to hear things went well.

Be sure to take it easy with the balance issue. After my first operation I pushed things too hard and went down a couple times. After the 2nd, 3rd and 4th operations I knew better.

I hope recovery continues at a fast pace.
So glad to hear you're doing well. I hope a full recovery comes quickly for you.
That is just GREAT Bob, glad to hear your home. Seems like yesterday we were talking about this at YooperSTOC. Will continue keeping you and family in my thoughts. Bob

Indeed Bob..and Bob! It DOES seem like yesterday! Keep up the healing and Rehab Bob! We'll see ya before we know it! ;)
Hmmmm, thinking an invalid tour might be in order:
Tim in Lawrenceville, GA;
Kreis in Knoxville, TN (unless he's out on tour! :eek:);
Danny in ??, MO;
Scout in ??, IL.
'nother Danny up in UP (is that doubly redundant? :D)

I could pic up a thousand miles, see some ol' friends, 'n report my personal prognosis. :D
So, are still going to sue Playboy?

In the sense of self humiliation and a good chuckle. I didn't get this comment. I told my wife and she explained it to me. First time ever she had to explain a joke to me instead of me to her. I guess those pain killers got a little humpf to them after all. I may have got it if it were my wrist, but my elbow. I can't even image having to reach that far. Ok, no more of that. I don't need Mellow coming over giving me thump in the head for misbehaving.
Bob, I am so pleased that this has turned as good as it has. Continue the healing and take advantage of all our prayers.
So how'd that walk around the block go today? :)


By the time I got ready it was 90 out. I decided to postpone it. I did have to walk from the car to the doctor's office and after that, the goal of an entire block may be too much right now. Maybe around my cul de sac first before I try for the whole block. Thanks for checking on me. Staples come out on Sunday.
By the time I got ready it was 90 out. I decided to postpone it. I did have to walk from the car to the doctor's office and after that, the goal of an entire block may be too much right now. Maybe around my cul de sac first before I try for the whole block. Thanks for checking on me. Staples come out on Sunday.

Well, Bob, +1 on the "Executive Decision" you made; 90 degrees is too danged hot to walk around blocks when you're healthy!
I agree with Mark...slow and steady. Sounds like you're doing incredibly well already; it'll only get better!!


Thanks for the update Bob. I'd have postponed to as hot as it was here yesterday. Heck, in this heat a fella can work up a sweat just typing a post.:D At least you are recognizing the limits and setting reasonable goals. Sounds like you will be getting around fine before you know it. Any improvement in your hearing yet or too early to tell?
Bob, let me know as soon as possible................. I can swing by Saturday and take those staples out for ya:crackup
Staples were removed today. No infection. Now it is just time. The feeling will return to my face as the numbness subsides. The ringing in the right ear should disappear along with the numbness. Balance will return and headaches will diminish as the brain stem slowly works itself back to where it is suppose to be. I went up and down the stairs today. It was nice to be able to sit in my recliner. It missed me. :)

The doctor is somewhat amazed on how fast everything is recovering for me. As a guess he said I have the ablitilites of someone that is 3 to 4 weeks out of surgery. It has been a week and a half. Once the outside wounds heal it is just waiting for everything inside to recover.

I again want to thank each of you for your support, thoughts and prayers. I really do believe that it had an impact on the outcome of the surgery and my recovery. :hotpepper
I am so glad your recovery is progressing this well. Don't over due it.
My wife and I did follow your advice I got at CAMP-STOC to avoid Chicago on our trip west.
:hat1: Incredible! :hat1:
come on out to wiSToc now ;)
but seriously! glad to see you progressing so fast Bob!
We will have to get a RTE going real early Spring...
or DTR in the winter just for YOU!!!:D
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