Danny, Khris (tankereng) is heading to Germany in the April/May time frame, might pass it to him at Moonshine, would be a great LD pass.

George, Tankereng,

If it goes to Germany I can pick it up on my way to the Pan Gathering in Belgium (Aug 2011).

If the hand off to me is successful, it will be there.....:headbang:
Khris, Let hope this WEE is up and running soon to allow me the month or so I'll need to comfortably get back to Moonshine.
Here in Michael, a Brit living in Ontario riding a small Honda in Costa Rica and Panama:

Here he is heading to Costa Rica...don't think for a minute I didn't want to ride with him:
We'll make it happen some how Danny.....if it's meant to be, it will be... :) If fate has chosen another path for the STOC tag then that's the direction it shall take....
We'll make it happen some how Danny.....if it's meant to be, it will be... :) If fate has chosen another path for the STOC tag then that's the direction it shall take....

This was my feeling about it too, It will develope a life of it's own.
My stronger feeling is to get it to Moonshine on time though.

Meet Anya Spielberg, Stevens third cousin. She is a writer and is going though the process of becoming a resident of Panama.

Anya and Howard. Howard has a hair raising story of riches to rags after market crashes, divorce and two heart attacks. Now he lives on only his Social Security check:

A couple of travelers:

Robert from Colorado. "I've everywhere, this is as good as anyplace to settle down."

Jazz sax great, Carlos Garnett played the festival in Boquete, Here he is signing the STOC TAG:
Here are the bass player and drummer of one of the jazz bands at the Boquete Jazz Festival.

Pat Belleveau, from BC is one of the big gun Sax players at the festival. We both knew Michael Brecker and Bob Mitzner personally.

A local MC club signs in.

Glad to see LittleST checking in. :D

Danny, yur doing a great job with the tag, looking forward to the hand off
Well, hate to say this... My Germany assignment has been cancelled so I won't be able to take the STOC Tag to Germany. :( Looks like I'll be heading to California instead..
Well, hate to say this... My Germany assignment has been cancelled so I won't be able to take the STOC Tag to Germany. :( Looks like I'll be heading to the Sunshine state instead.. Still waiting on confirmation on that though.

Well, that is sad news .... for the TAG at least. I am not sure how you feel about this change, but maybe Florida is OK TAG territory.
Hope to see you at Moonshine...
No problem, Khris. We'll find another world traveler. No reason you can't take it to FL. In your bidness, should be pretty easy to find someone headed overseas.
I'll be traveling "South" to locations all over....Would definately make some interesting TAG destinations... ;)
Linda, one of my yoga instructors in Boquete signs:

Jennifer, Garys wife and one of my riding buddies on the trip north towards Moonshine:

Dennis is a rider who helped Gary set up with highway pegs for the trip north:

This fellow is an MD and a rider from David, Panama.

A Costa Rican Brit rider in Panama:

And another Brit rider in Panama:

Neil fixed my bike and bailed me out of Aduana jail:

Ricardo is our host at the post-impound reunion in San Jose, CR, a staging for the ride north:
The Boys got a chance to a roll with Jeff and me in his Pitts Stunt plane. They're hanging by their tether.

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