Sunday March 3rd Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Ay up, I'm first, yahoooooo, av a French Roast, sit down and shut up......oh I am enjoying lent. I said shut up!
The weather is kind of March'ish, not too cold, not too wet, not too windy. Although the rest of Blighty has had some snow and flooding. But we're OK so who gives a crap. Did I say, I'm really enjoying lent.
I bet our Steve is presently strapped barefoot to two planks of wood and hurtling through Andorra like Lance Armstrong on speed. I know it's a different sport! Get over it!
Av a gud un and remember, Easter won't be long coming.
Ray, you'd lose that bet!
We made it to Andorra last night, but my boot bag didn't. :mad:
In the bag were my boots socks gloves hat, and helmet/goggles.
We went up to the gondola and purchased tickets for tomorrow and beyond, and then found a few places to rent and/or buy the needed items.

We're going to explore the town with friends, and get together for lunch.

Oh, and it's 35 and cloudy, with occasional snow showers.

Have a great day,

Our hotel

River walk photos
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Ay up, I'm first, yahoooooo...
Yer think? I was waiting for you since 0620 local... :well1:
What took you? :biggrin: (1110hrs here now...)
Easter won't be long coming.
Kinda, GF fully convinced that "it won't be long now", threw her cream-beige/black mesh summer riding suit into the washer this morning... before breakfast...
(methinks we'll see some more frost and snow around Easter... )
She also already scheduled the entire next w/e as hangar-time for her NT700VA... yep, big service is due... parts (valve cover gaskets) already arrived this week...
Then she experienced a coffee malfunction... always the responsible one, trying to save a few bucks, she went for pattern capsules from the local S-market...
Normally OK, but this time the whole badge is bad... I mean really bad tasting... yikes...
Cracked a genuine box Nespresso Chiaro open and then she too enjoyed a tasteful cup... she likes light coffee, I stick to my Capriccio...
Soft-boiled eggs and other stuff... nice to have time to enjoy a breakfast... during weekdays I only "throw a cup into my face" and get off to work...

Sonny, 18°C outside, GF out in the garden trimming her roses, picking weed, etc... various pterosaurs making a ruckus, nature awakens...

Have a pleasant day everyone! :cool:
Thx Ray for startup roast!
Woke up early and had a nice walk in the hills.
Coming down I met a childhood sweetheart;
She seemed so glad to see me
I just smiled…
Paul Simon

It’s mild, 11˚c/52f, a little wind, overcast.
Almost stepped on a viper….pffft.

Cooking for the inlaws later. I’m already in trouble so we’re skipping lent today.
Have a good one!

From todays walk
Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Ray.

36/68, with dense fog advisory this morning. Nope, not me, the fog is outside for a change.

I'm surprised the word grey/gray ever evolved they could have just said wales whales. .

@STinner Your cartoon reminded me that I need to clean up after the old man that lives here. I probably need to cook him some breakfast, too. And his dog needs walking. Pffftt.

Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Ray!

It's "Wales" here today: foggy this morning, mainly cloudy this afternoon, and foggy again this evening. It's pretty mild, though, with temps ranging from the current 3°C/37°F to 7°C/45°F and not much wind. And it isn't raining, so at least there's that.

@ST1100Y: Jeepers, that's one heck of an earthworm! Are you sure it wasn't one of those "sandworms" Frank Herbert writes about in Dune?
@steve3b3: I hope your gear gets to you today - it's kind of an essential part of the trip! :(

Gotta run...Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

I can't figure that the weather app is telling me, and yes I'm on my 2nd cup. Thanks, Ray.
Says 0% chance for rain, but from noon through 2pm the little icons have red lightning bolts. If I shared the screen shot, it may confuse you too, so I won't. I'm confusing enough already, without adding pictures. And oh yeah, we have a dense fog advisory like John, with 100% humidity. Guess that's about as high as we can get, huh?

Two days ago Roz broke a glass candy jar, and as she usually walks barefoot in the house, she cut her left foot. Just a nick really, but it bled and bled, so I cleaned it up with alcohol, then hydrogen peroxide, and put on ointment, gauze, and first aid tape. Finally stopped the bleeding, but she keeps walking on it and opening it up again.

I repeated the process, put a sock over it, advised her to quit putting weight on it. She won't. So I borrowed some aluminum crutches no longer needed by a neighbor, but she is afraid of them and doesn't know how to use them. I demonstrated several times, and had quite a good time swinging around on them... little steps, giant monkey antics,... said I was just showing off, and she's afraid she will fall, because she won't trust them to hold her up, and so she still walks on both feet.

Today I will have to run video at church - watch the time, Mark - and she said she will go to a Doc In The Box to have it looked at this morning while I'm gone. She wonders if she needs stitches, but the cut is not even a half inch long. If she would just stop walking on it, it could heal. I get no respect!

But y'all have my respect, and Kaiser said he thinks he likes you too. I read these posts to him.

I think he pretty smart, but at 3 years old he still can't read yet.
@ST1100Y: Jeepers, that's one heck of an earthworm! Are you sure it wasn't one of those "sandworms" Frank Herbert writes about in Dune?
The whole property is infested... normally a sign of good soil, but:
The lawn has turned bumpy due their excavations, causing the robot-mower to hop along, at night you hear them rustling, in fall you'll see tree leaves just disappear in the ground...
Already shopping for a big-bag quartz sand to level and threat the lawn, should help keeping them at bay... unlike the ones on Dune ours don't like sand ;)
But that one for sure was the mother of worms... :oops:
I did think of it, but we have none at hand.
(Roz said, "super glue?!)
I said, that's what they use after a lot of surgeries. Looks like she will ask the folks to ensure there's no more glass in the cut... I said, I doubt there is, but now you'll open it up again to start the healing all over.
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Ray. 44F on the dog walk with all the sky parts showing up. Moon, stars and some clouds to complete the picture. little breezy but still a good walk. My CD player in the truck stopped working some time ago and after talking to the wife she said order a new one. I looked on line at Crutchfield's but couldn't find one I liked in a price range I like. there are a lot of cool radios out there but I'm not paying $800.00 for one. so the search continues. the high should see 72F
enjoy the day

stay safe
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