The Paulcb coldest ride of Winter 2022-2023

I see this as a trend for future winters.
I'm trying to figure out how to get my wife to think it's her idea to let me sell my big 2 stage snowblower and get a smaller battery powered one. Since she decided I needed the big one and insisted I get it she thinks I just cannot sell it without her approval. But I've had it for about 10 years now and have only really needed one that big two or three times early on and have never needed more than a single stage like I used to have in the last 5-6 years. And even then, more than half the snows we get it's not worth getting out any snowblower for. This year I only brought out the big snowblower 3 times and 2 of those times I was just too lazy to use the shovel.

Still I see future winters having a few days of really cold temps but just not as cold or not as many.
That would be GREAT! Thanks Al Gore!

I think one year since I got my quad with blade in 2015? I used it more than 10 times. Mostly it's been 5 or 6 times a year. One year it was once, and this year it was maybe 2 times.
Not many opportunities remaining in 2022/2023, but with our winter only just starting here in AUS, I might be able to post the lowest for the rest of the year. This morning's ride to work saw a low of 2C.


Not as low as in many posts, but hard to take without heated grips.



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I've always wondered how we can include those south of the equator in this game.
Make it an annual game to last the entire year... or maybe make it 2 games, one for the northern hemisphere and one for the southern.
That second option would seem to make more sense due to how much colder we seem to get in the northern half of the globe... at least in the USA and Canada.
I've always wondered how we can include those south of the equator in this game.
Make it an annual game to last the entire year... or maybe make it 2 games, one for the northern hemisphere and one for the southern.
That second option would seem to make more sense due to how much colder we seem to get in the northern half of the globe... at least in the USA and Canada.

I like the annual idea. Gives folks in the Northern hemisphere Jan-April and Oct-Dec and the folks down under June - August (their Winter)
Makes it a bit more of a competition for everyone.
Could be calendar based annual or maybe start May through April or maybe start October through September.
Those last 2 options would cover one whole season for each hemisphere.
Doing it by calendar year (annual) gives everyone the chance to compete against each other, regardless of location or when your winter falls.
Doing it by calendar year (annual) gives everyone the chance to compete against each other, regardless of location or when your winter falls.

Calendar years start in the middle of a cold season. Got to wait a year to have an ending.
Starting anytime of the year and going one year gives everyone a shot.

Sound like with southern hemisphere riders having less chance at the low low temps I’d suggest the coldest thread starts at their cold season. Give them a chance to be at the top of the list for a while.

Another idea is the each hemisphere has their own coldest thread. That way one person isn’t tied to this all year.
If ain't broke, don't fix it.

Whatever 12-month period threads like this are based on, someone, somewhere will find a reason to want a change; someone. somewhere will be advantaged or disadvantaged.

I seem to be the only poster from the southern hemisphere who posts in these threads (too lazy to read back through the thread, someone may be along soon to correct me), I'm comfortable with being disadvantaged as AUS temps are never gunna be as low as some northern hemisphere temps (but hey, that's small penalty to pay for living in the best damn and luckiest country in the whole world).

And in the end, it doesn't matter where the lowest recorded / reported temps are, it's more a matter of who and what was reported. That's my opinion, and on here it is correct - until it's not, which is better than at home where I'm not generally even allowed an opinion, and on the rare occasion I am, it's wrong.
So are you all telling me I have to wait another 6 months before you send my trophy?!?
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