Tuesday February 20th Café.

Early morning all......
Thanks for the warm up Ray.
Where's @Williamson ??????

Insomnia you say.... Been up since 4am, not my normal.

Warmer and wet, no snow just rain. Kinda reminds me of the soggy days living in the Seattle area....... Ick.

Better go shower and shave, got no plans today.......... :shrug2: :rofl1:
Have a super Satuesday.

Oi! I'm 'ere. It's still Tuesday over there. I always seem to be waiting for you guys to catch-up.

Around 8:00am Wednesday here, gunna down a quick cup of instant coffee, time to go for a ride, I'll post a Wednesday thread when I return, if no one else has - yeah, that ain't gunna happen.

In the meantime, everything you need is in the kitchen, help yourselves. You can also help Helen look after young Sebastian, one of the Grandies, he can be a handful.
This is amateur hour, no where near winning caliber- see below.

Highway was being redone.
The road construction crew were sent out to repair and prep the road for repaving.
Once they were done, the utility sub-contractor was sent out to install a new utility pole in a new location. They put it in where they were told without questioning the new location. I did what I was instructed- not my job!
Then the paving contractor was sent out to repave the newly rebuilt road. Why would they question it at this point in the game- not my job!


Truth be told I would be willing to bet that they all questioned it and were told to mind their business and do what they were contracted to do and let the transport department worry about managing the project.
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