Vinny's New England trip

Feb 2, 2009
Dahlonega, GA
2018 NC750X
OK, it is the eve before departure and we are pretty excited. Beverly and I have been planning this trip for a while and it is the first long distance trip for her. She has done a two day with me back in the summer to test a couple things about riding two up. After making some adjustments in what we want to take along... we are almost packed and ready to go. May I mention this trip is "Our 25th Anniversary" gift to one another. (But it is mostly about her;)). The major part of the trip will be along two lane back roads in as much as possible. We will be stopping frequently for breaks and to "smell the roses". Our first day will be from Dahlonega, GA to Charleston, SC. After that, all bets are off! A general direction is in mind, but not cast in concrete. We would like to see the coast on the way to Canada. Will be bypassing NYC and Boston, BTDT. Will be focused on Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Montreal, Ottawa, Lake Champlain, Niagara Falls, Adirondacks, and the Blue Ridge Pkwy. If all goes well, we should be back in a couple of weeks.
I just learned this morning how to post pics on google... so, I'll start this post with a couple of pre-departure shots...
looks like u picked some great areas to explore, have a great trip,, my wife and I stopped at our local small honda dealer on thursday and they had seven wings , very unusual for the size of this dealer, 3 new ones and 4 used ones, my wife said i should get one ( in six years when i retire) cant wait. Again enjoy your trip

I'll know you and Bev are excited. This will be a great trip. Keep us posted.

Be safe.

OK, we made it to North Charleston, actually a place called Goose Creek. The trip for the most part was uneventful, but it served the purpose. We are now, at our official starting point. We left home at 9:03 this morning in no hurry. (Believe me, it can't be any other way with the wife going along!) We stopped for lunch in Elberton, Ga. at Micky D's. The back on the road. Next stop was for gas in Newberry, SC. It took 5.809 gals and traveled 213.0 miles = 36.66 MPG for the first tank... not too bad considering it was two up and pulling about 250lb. trailer. Next stop was in Summerville, SC for dinner at O'charlies. Stopped for the night at the Econolodge in Goose Creek.
Did not take any pictures during the route, not much to take shots of on this leg... lots of pine trees, cotton fields, swamps, etc. There were a few beautiful Victorian houses along the way in some of the small towns, but by the time we spotted the, it was too late to take the pictures. The only other two spots interesting was Lake Greenwood and an old abandoned store building somewhat off the road in a small town about 60 miles back... kind of wish I had turned around for that one. Well so much for smelling the roses today....
Tomorrow begins the actual adventure.
Vinny, sent you a PM with links to some of the roads from the link Phil sent you, and comments on the ones around my area. Good luck on your trip, and I hope to meet you when you are passing through if our schedules work out.

Tom and Beverly,
Wishing you both a great and safe trip! Sounds like you have a wonderful trip planned, a great way to celebrate your anniversary and retirement.
Keep us posted and share lots of pics.
It is amazing how many little things one can learn on these trips. Little things like "Don't shake the dew off the bike cover until it is OFF the bike"! What good is a bike cover when you end up drying off the bike because you took the cover off wrong...jeeezzzzee. Oh well. The morning was great, got off to a good start arguing with the GPS... I really did not want to go ten miles north just to cover that distance going south again, but when you tell it to avoid interstates and you got to go over big bodies of water, that's what cha get. We started by visiting Sullivan's Island and Isle of Palms. Great place! Way out of my league... probably why I did not see any ST's hanging around near those big beautiful expensive homes. It was a great place to visit. Next we traveled up US 17 most of the day, going through places like Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach.... Wilmington... etc. After a while we got tired of all the stop and go city type driving and began to take some of the bypasses. We did stop and take a few pictures so if they finish uploading by the time I finish typing this, I will include the link.
The best for last. When we started getting tired and hungry, we pulled off to a little historic town called "Edenton, NC". This place is what post cards are made of. The perfect Chamber of Commerce type of place. Beautiful, well kept town...every last street, every last home looked like a Norman Rockwell setting. We ate a quaint little place called "Waterman's Grill". The food was wonderful, great service, great atmosphere. Highly recommend it for a RTE for some of the members near the area. This Grill is near the end of a city street that dead ends into a wharf area along the Roanoke River... I think. Very picturesque.
We have stop here for the night.
Will try to attache a link in the morning. Picasa is not acting right... or I'm doing something wrong.
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