Wednesday 2-28 java

Feb 5, 2005
Kingman, Arizona
2000 ST1100 ABS TCS
Good morning, all. Fresh pot at The CattHouse. Been a long time since I started a new thread

1AM here. Just went thru Critical Tornado Warning. No damage here but sirens and warning alerts are loud! Storm has continued east now over Indianapolis.

There's some left over naan from my baking on Sunday. Grab it before it goes stale.

Weather now says 54, dropping to 28 and a high of 38 this afternoon. High yesterday was74. From summer to winter in less than 24 hours with a tornado in between.

As always, CAREFUL ON THE ROAD!!!!
Thx and good morning George!
Is the pot for smoking or drinking?
I’m a bit slow this morning….

We’ve got all kinds of weather and politicians etc etc, but thankfully we don’t have any tornadoes (yet).

5˚c/41f, quite calm, might be some sun.

@Peppermint So happy for you!

Walking, cooking, things.

Have a good one!

From the summer archives………..Trillhus camping…..Hallingdal river
What.....who am I......what day is it.......what?
I'll have a coffee and try to make sense of it all. Ta George, sleep tight, don't let them bite.
It's a steady and cool start here, around freezing, it might rain, it might get blowy. Yesterdays rain never really showed up which meant the back grass got cut. In February. Nuts! Plus I got to put new air filters on little and big red and a new filter cover on little red. Note to self....don't break this one....pffffffftttttt.
I don't really know what today might, I've got nowt.
Av a gud un and remember, sleep if you can.
Plus one for Stoo from last summer. Loch Tummel.

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Good Morning and thanks George for STarting us off.
*sluuurrpp* ah - just how I like it.

It's been raining here on the farm and likely to continue today also.
I guess that means no swimming, or sunbathing.
But that won't stop me from visiting Wal-upon-the-mart or a trip to the Harbor.
Time to stock up on necessities and hob nob with other Grociearists.

I think I'm fully recovered from the vacation now and time to focus on getting things done around here.
Planning, planning, planning execute, repeat!

Meanwhile, I shall have 'nother cuppa.
Y'all have a winderfilled day!

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the early coffee, @George. Glad you were spared any damage. Go check on the Moonshine Store, though, won't you? It'd be very sad to see it get hit. While you're there, have a bacon cheeseburger for old time's sake, why not?

It's 58°F and cloudy in Rockville with evidence that rain passed overnight. More- perhaps as much as 0.65"- is likely to come down today, making it highly doubtful that my golf outing will happen. If it does, it'll almost certainly be an abbreviated round. We'll see, but the radar / forecast don't look promising. Here's the expected situation at 10:00, with tee time set for 11:

It'll be a shame if we're rained out, since the high is expected to be around 63 and after today things cool off a bit for the next few days.

What's much more certain is that I'll start the day's fun with a scheduled visit to the dentist for a routine cleaning and checkup.

If golf is a non-starter I'll work more on the sewing center.

and for the car of the day (Mellow, I know this is a bike forum but I couldn't pass this one up)

Dave, any indication of the total acreage that hood takes up? Geez Louise that's a lot of bonnet!

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the early coffee, George.

Currently, it’s 5:00 AM and 72 degrees. And windy….gusts to 40. I finished my shopping for this week…Shorts, sunscreen, flip flops, ice tea, gloves, parka, hot cocoa, and tire chains, along with another can or two of deicer. Rain this afternoon with a low of 26 tonight. You gotta love the changing seasons in Tennessee….you get all of them in one single day.

Morning all and thanks for the coffee George. Glad it wasn't twisted tea!

Wet's the name of the game here today with warnings for rain and winds. It's a balmy +8C but we're supposed to see up to 150mm (6" of rain) and 110kph winds. Like a broken record, frozen ground = no absorption and thus flooding. Time will tell, well it'll show really.

Work for pay today so let's get at it. Yes, you've been sequestered to assist. Come on, it's what friends do right?

Enjoy your Wednesday.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, George.

It's 50 with rain in MA this morning.
The rain showers will turn to steady rain, and it will become windy, later.

Yesterday's ski adventure was abbreviated but good-ish.
I was parked in the next-to-last row, which made me wondering just how many people were into spring skiing.
It all became clear when I turned the corner past the ski rental building and found a bunch of EZ-ups.
There was an MIAA ski race final event happening, and the cars were from interested parents and participants.
In spite of the crowded parking lot, the trails were pretty much the same as any other day.
I skiid till about 11:00am, when the trails became too soggy for my taste. I didn't mind the "mashed potatoes" conditions, but the trail got scraped down to the icy base layer.
On one of my last runs, I stopped at the edge of the larger race trail for a bit to watch. Those kids can fly!

Today, I'll head out to the gym, and begin packing for my trip.

Enjoy the day,
good morning all. thanks for the coffee George. and great the storm passed you by. was 48F on the dog walk with some clouds here and there, plus some stars and the moon was out to light the way between clouds. got my running around yesterday all done. now for the gym today and what ever else might jump up. weather guessers say 50% chance of rain with a high of 66F. enjoy the day

stay safe
I dunno. While I appreciate the effort, a 5 or 6- hour old pot of coffee sounds suspicious. Well, unless it was put into a carafe, because cooking coffee for extended periods makes it too stiff. I like it hot, but smooth and flowing, almost like a liquid.
And I've just been traumatized by my own 15yo drip coffee maker, I got up and filled the basket, poured the precise amount of water in it, flipped the switch so the green GO! light came on, and stepped outside for a minute.
Yet when I came back to the kitchen to pour my first cup (I know exactly how long it takes to drip through, only 7 minutes), the light was on but no water or coffee was in the pot!
So I poured water into a pan and put it on the stove, guess I'll be making my own pour- over today.
I'm so distraught I can't think. I know I'll have a new coffee maker before I come home from work, though.
It's supposed to rain today and I don't care.
Is my water boiling yet?!
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and yummy naan, George! Very glad those twisters missed you!

We have some crazy weather happening today. It's still unseasonably mild; 9°C/48°F right now, 13°C/55°F later, and it's going to rain buckets all day. However, the temperatures will drop drastically this evening, so we'll be under a flash freeze warning, and they're telling us to batten down the hatches, as we'll be getting 90 km/h (56 mph) westerlies, also beginning this evening. So just as in John's area, we'll be plunging from spring to winter in a matter of hours.

Right, must prepare for my meeting with my new employer in a couple of hours. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Update: the pour-over with appropriate amount of boiling water was satisfyingly successful, and my first-ever legitimate panic attack has subsided.

I only say this, because I know a couple of you were worried about me. But it's OK now.

Rapid bursts of inspired ingenuity merged with life-saving desperation to literally save the day.

And most likely, my life. Another tragedy narrowly averted.
Update: the pour-over with appropriate amount of boiling water was satisfyingly successful, and my first-ever legitimate panic attack has subsided.

I only say this, because I know a couple of you were worried about me. But it's OK now.

Rapid bursts of inspired ingenuity merged with life-saving desperation to literally save the day.

And most likely, my life. Another tragedy narrowly averted.

That's what you get for snobbing early morning coffee: almost no coffee.
Morning all! 6C right now, we'll get up to 9C with rain all day.

Actually slept somewhat OK last night which was a nice change. Woke up a fair bit but always got back to sleep. I credit the Nyquil I took for a cold I'm working through. Better living through pharmaceuticals :D .

Not much planned for today other than a trip to the physio. The dogs are circling and being quite vocal about breakfast so I best get them looked after.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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