Wednesday 21 February - a Hot Coffee Day

Petunias? Really Todd.... What we want to know about is the peaches!
Yes you know what they charge for a six pack of petunias these days...??? Hyway robbery I say......

The peach trees will get a good pruning in the next week or so. They are getting a bit large for my garden space, and not sure if I need 800 pounds of peaches.
Then again, the sales of said peaches might fund more train parts....... ;) :thumb::run1:
What a "Peach" of a day! :rofl1:

Morning Williamson, Ray & All from an overcast day in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 41F, heading for 48F, with rain predicted for most of it, but it looks like it all went to the East of us. :hat3:

The winds are out of the WSW @ 10 to 13mph.

Chris has to buy her own peaches, so she can "can" them. Then I get to enjoy eating them all year long! :thumb:

Chris made sourdough bagels this morning! YUM! Pepsi will come later!

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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