What does your nickname stand for?

What does my nickname stand for?

I'm never sure of that.
When we were dating my wife and I went to see "To Kill A Monkingbird". She tagged me "Boo" from a character in the movie, Boo Radley.
So what's up with that? Reclusive? Kind? Brave? I'm never sure just what she is getting at. :shrug2:
But, we will celebrate our 43rd anniversary (or 43rd adversary) in July. :)
STirps means a line decending from a common family. A group of animals equivalent to a superfamily. The name of my bike is Jezabelle STirps.
Mine's easy

Its a nickname that I have from all over. Swifty comes from my surname, Swift. I'm Chris, and, yes, I do have a son named Jonathan. Lets see who can work that one out (lots don't).
That what my GRAND KIDS call me. RITCHIE 13 & KAITLYN 10, If I had know how much fun Grand kids are, I would had them first.
"wjc-jr300". Again somewhat boring, but I use it everywhere. It's simply my initials and I'm a junior + (since I'm a professional bowler) 300 for a perfect score!:D

Given to me by my riding partner since high school, after being totaled "bike and rider" by a miserable little tree rat on monitor pass back in May 01. Had to ride a wheelchair for a couple of years, but now on a new to me 03 and making up for lost time. If you see someone off his silver ST chasing something with a baseball bat that will just be me.:03biker:
It's that feeling that tugs at you sometimes when the roads are clean and clear. It could be a long straightaway where you can see for miles. It could be a climbing stretch where the roads are paved very smooth and have generous banks in the turns. It can even be caused by an unusually strong tailwind. Or it's just so dang hot, you throw water on yourself and speed up to cool down. You know what I mean.

If I am riding with a group, I'll sqwauk on the radio that I have that feeling again. They know I'll be waiting for them somewhere down the road or at the next major intersection. Sometimes I'll get someone to breakaway with me - very cool.
Spencer is a name that has stuck with me since 1984
When I went in the service a certain DI got it in his head that I looked
like Robert Urich of Spencer for Hire, and Vegas fame.
Since he couldn't pronounce my last name, from that day on I
answered to Spencer. My permanent party AA squad name was Vegas.
Since it was a Cohort unit I spent 4 years with the same group I trained with
so it stuck to this day.

Spencer (Frank Turnier)

(it's also my English Bull Terriers name)
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I am kinda of a large guy so Stealing Picanic Baskets came to mind Hence Yogi
Got'ta watch that...

when Derek (ST0C 001) first visited CA, he stopped to see one of the older HSTA members. They rode out into the good roads. Later, Derek was asked why he rode so faST!!

Quote: "I don't know. I guess I just feel the need for speed."

That was in the spring of '93. You all know what happened in the spring of '94.

Y'all be careful out there.

George - STOC 004
in Kingman, ARizona

Need4Speed said:
It's that feeling that tugs at you sometimes when the roads are clean and clear. It could be a long straightaway where you can see for miles. It could be a climbing stretch where the roads are paved very smooth and have generous banks in the turns. It can even be caused by an unusually strong tailwind. Or it's just so dang hot, you throw water on yourself and speed up to cool down. You know what I mean.

If I am riding with a group, I'll sqwauk on the radio that I have that feeling again. They know I'll be waiting for them somewhere down the road or at the next major intersection. Sometimes I'll get someone to breakaway with me - very cool.
A thread with Legs like an ST!

I know I'm late to this one. I jumped from page 6 to page 10, then 11. I'll go back and read the reST as soon as I do this. Skip to the bottom for more. ;^)

George = The boy's name George is pronounced jorj. It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "farmer." Saint George, a knight who became the patron saint of England, achieved legendary status through the medieval story of his struggle with a fire-breathing dragon, symbolic of the devil. George was a royal name in England, and in the US, George Washington made it as popular. Giorgio (jee-OR-jee-oh) is an Italian form. Use of the Geordi variants may be influenced by the character Geordi LaForge on the TV series "Star Trek: The Next Generation." See also Joren, Keoki, and Yuri. Singer George Michael; fashion designer Giorgio Armani; comedians George Burns, George Carlin; baseball legend George "Babe" Ruth; US Presidents George Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush; actor George Clooney.

George has 33 variant forms: Egor, Georas, Geordi, Geordie, Georg, Georges, Georgi, Georgie, Georgio, Georgios, Georgiy, Georgy, Gheorghe, Giorgi, Giorgio, Giorgios, Giorgius, Goran, Gyorgy, Gyuri, Igor, Jerzy, Jiri, Jorgan, Jorge, Jorgen, Jurgen, Jurek, Jurik, Yorick, Yorik,

"Alas, poor Yoick, I knew him well."

Not exactly a nickname, I guess, but...

I've considered the License plate ST GEO (St. Geroge, ST George) especially after running STick down US-129 (The Dragon.) I guess DRGN SLYR would be appropriate, too. But too many characters. ;^)

STick is my SSMST 91. She's named that so when the boss says, "Get on the STick", I can...


...with a clear consciensce. ;^) Her current plate says STOC 4.

ReSTored, my black 91, is named that because... she is.

I've really enjoyed reading this thread. Didn't notice til nearly half through that it is over a year old!! Long legs, indeed.

George - STOC 004
in Kingman, Arizona
Lancealot Duluc ("Lancealot of the Lake", or so I'm told, a friend who gave it to me).

When I first read the story of King Arthur, I loved it. Especially the part of how Lancealot was the protector of the Queen and the Champion Knight. I also liked the dark or mysterious side of Merlin. I also watch or read all that I can about this period and the "myth" or "truth" of Arthur.

I have used Wizard or Merlin (and Wizard Merlin) in some form throughout the years until...a friend told me, I was very chivalrous, and that Wizard wasn't fitting, so she dubbed me Lancealotduluc, and it stuck.
Wall was taking over the SabMag BBS and I needed a name of some sorts. I had just finished putting a head gasket on a 87 Toyota Supra (24 valves, straight 6) and since I was riding a V45 Sabre at the time, I came up with SupraSabre. Which is also a takeoff of the 50's Fighter Jet the Super Sabre.


I sold the Supra to one of my sons, he wore it out (225k) so he bought another one (89) and it now needs an engine, so i bought it from him figuring I would put an engine in it and drive it to work when I needed to take the cage. But now he wants it back, so I'll be Supra-less again and if I sell the V65 Sabre, I'll be Sabre-less also. I was thinking of changing it to No-Supra-No-Sabre!...:D
I worked in the "sky" for 31 years... (military and major carrier) :plane1:
Now my endeavors are "for heaven's sake":sun1:
(Serving as pastor of a contemporary christian fellowship)... :chat1:

And I am an aspiring author :yes:
(Articles & essays + 3 book projects in the writing-works...)

Ergo the handle: Skywriter...
I .M .Rubicon wasa nickname a man of 80 used in the early 90's .
He used it to get info through snail mail (spam ) at that time instead of his real name .
he also pointed me to a book where the rubicon trail was the point of no return in the pioneer days. Hence the nick name of
I am the point of no return= IMrubicon
Started using it in the early to mid 90's on the early internet.

Which by luck I bought a Jeep Rubicon in 2003 and have caught a lot of flack for the email address's I use but has been my nickname for over 10 years
This is the Dempster "Highway" in Canada at the Arctic Circle. I like this kind of stuff! Apologies for it not being an ST.

Easy, I'm Black and I ride a Honda in the land of Harley and drive a Toyota in a Chevy/Ford/Dodge area. What other man of color has had so much success dealing with "rice"?:D
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