Lane Splitting - "and the beat goes on" !

I learned to split lanes when touring Europe. Driver's skills there are much better, they focus on their responsibilities and don't pout or act out with stupid and dangerous actions. When I returned to the US, even with the slower speeds and larger gaps between cars and trucks, I felt less safe. For other reason too, if I could afford a permanent move there I would leave tonight and never look back.
Not interested. I don't even know if it is allowed in my region,,, although I would think not. Fact is, most of our area auto drivers are too poorly skilled for me to trust them to this degree. Good luck to those who choose to lane split,,,, Cat'
I can't speak to insurance companies, but as an officer investigating a collision between a lane splitting motorcycle and vehicle, the motorcyclist is almost always going to be found at fault. The exception would be if there was a really good uninvolved witness who stayed around or the auto driver admitted fault. I'm sure it has happened, I've just never heard of it. That being said, I lane split and will continue to do so when legal and safe. I think I'd still be stuck in traffic somewhere in South America if I hadn't lane split (like all the other motorcyclists there) when leaving big cities like Lima and through miles long traffic jams in the Andes.

As already mentioned in this thread, it seems those most opposed to lane splitting are from places that don't allow it. I would expect the opposite response because it is such a valuable tool for motorcyclists in California and foreign lands, and am always surprised when I read of motorcyclists who are opposed to the practice.
As already mentioned in this thread, it seems those most opposed to lane splitting are from places that don't allow it. I would expect the opposite response because it is such a valuable tool for motorcyclists in California and foreign lands, and am always surprised when I read of motorcyclists who are opposed to the practice.

It's simply because drivers of cars don't have a clue. They put themselves wherever and whenever they please, oblivious to most others. And because it is not legal here, they, as well as most motorcycle riders, haven't any idea that the practice actually exists elsewhere.
Crashes and road rage begging to happen.
I would love to see lane splitting legalized in WA. I have 2 tickets from WASPs so I have stopped for now. I have had a couple anger management candidates move over so that I could not get by others who started cursing my name and using the finger before I even pulled up even with them. My rational on splitting is that a driver who gets a surprise from a motorcycle passing between lanes is more likely to move away than towards. That is our normal response. Here in WA we can ride the left hand shoulder when traffic is stopped but no faster than 10mph. If something bad happens a driver dives to the shoulder causing more possibility of an accident then if I am between two lanes of traffic. Also, that is where all the garbage is thrown.
... a driver who gets a surprise from a motorcycle passing between lanes ...

A month or so ago I added LED headlights. With them on Highbeam and my modulator going, I have people "diving" to the left shoulder and the right side of the right lane, all the time. Sooner or later (couple of months?) they will realize I'm just a lane splitting motorcycle (and not a cop), but the "I didn't see them coming" isn't too much of a problem, most see me coming ten cages away! Those that use their mirrors or/and aren't on their cell phones, that is.
It wasn't too long ago that Virginia legalized lane-sharing of 2-wheeled motorcycles. Before that was done, bikes stopping beside each other in the same lane at a traffic signal could and were charged with reckless driving. We can now legally stop at a signal while sharing a lane, but I don't know any riders around here that want to share a lane while travelling at any speed. First time I visited CA, I was not aware of lane splitting being legal ... didn't know it was allowed anywhere because it seemed like a crazy idea ... then wrote it off as a left coast thing. But I did not like bikes to split lanes near me, especially in NorCal where many dashed white line lane divider markings included rumble bumps (looked like inverted bowls glued to the pavement). Hit one of those on a bike just right (especially when wet) and you're probably going down.
It wasn't too long ago that Virginia legalized lane-sharing of 2-wheeled motorcycles. Before that was done, bikes stopping beside each other in the same lane at a traffic signal could and were charged with reckless driving. We can now legally stop at a signal while sharing a lane, but I don't know any riders around here that want to share a lane while travelling at any speed. First time I visited CA, I was not aware of lane splitting being legal ... didn't know it was allowed anywhere because it seemed like a crazy idea ... then wrote it off as a left coast thing. But I did not like bikes to split lanes near me, especially in NorCal where many dashed white line lane divider markings included rumble bumps (looked like inverted bowls glued to the pavement). Hit one of those on a bike just right (especially when wet) and you're probably going down.

They are called Bot's Dots, and no, even in the rain you don't go down because of them.

Like I said in an earlier post:


So for all of you that can only inform an opinion based on what you fear and heard, until you experience it, you really don't have a clue!
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I can't speak to insurance companies, but as an officer investigating a collision between a lane splitting motorcycle and vehicle, the motorcyclist is almost always going to be found at fault. The exception would be if there was a really good uninvolved witness who stayed around or the auto driver admitted fault. I'm sure it has happened, I've just never heard of it.

Yep. What an insurance agent does is irrelevant to an AI determination. I imagine they are bound by company policies but if no cite is issued they probably have a little latitude.

As already mentioned in this thread, it seems those most opposed to lane splitting are from places that don't allow it. I would expect the opposite response because it is such a valuable tool for motorcyclists in California and foreign lands, and am always surprised when I read of motorcyclists who are opposed to the practice.

Personally I'm not opposed to the practice but choose to confine it to filtering except on rare occasions. I don't trust myself and four-wheelers even less in this respect. Twice I've had vehicles deliberately block me. A little unsettling.

A month or so ago I added LED headlights. With them on Highbeam and my modulator going, I have people "diving" to the left shoulder and the right side of the right lane, all the time. Sooner or later (couple of months?)

Do you use the modulator full time? I had one on my GL1000 and got tired of people telling me my headlight was 'shorting out'. But I'm thinking of doing something similar just for lane splitting.
;1933230]Last january i paid a short visit to californicate.
I was on the 210 e in pasadena, and almost clipped a lane splitting chp.
Guys really, stay in your lane. It is dangerous enough out there without increasing your odds of dying.[/quote]

An ironic perspective.

Better yet, if you are in a cage, stay to the left of the #1 Lane and to the right of the #2 lane and you will be fine. If you see a modulating headlight behind you, then you are too close to the line, so move over!

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You guys that think lane splitting is dangerous should try riding a bicycle in traffic! I have way more problems with cars on my bicycle vs my motorcycle. People will deliberately try to force me into the curb, throw things at me, even pull into the bike lane to keep me from passing them! Lane splitting is a piece of cake!
Difficult understanding reluctance of permitting "lane-splitting" within the Continental USA. Isn't it about time - and long overdue??

Thank you,

Just a thought :

Perhaps you could all write "none of the above" , come November 8th. Then invite Good Queen Beth back as your head of state , at which point you'd all become British again and filtering/lane splitting would become legal

Check please ... I'll see myself out !
So for all of you that can only inform an opinion based on what you fear and heard, until you experience it, you really don't have a clue!

I wouldn't do it on the interstates here in GA because I see way to many cages already lane splitting in there own way by taking the white lines on the road as a mere suggestion of where they need to stay , it's like they are in a constant state of I'm about to move over and I watch them weave back and forth across lane markers( like the start of a NASCAR race almost ) in essence taking up 2 lanes . This I have witnessed and experienced . Besides people are to distracted and I was taught you should always try to give yourself an "out" hard to do that between 2 larger heavier vehicles .
The way people talk about how dangerous lane splitting is, you would think that there would be total carnage for bikes in Cali and other parts of the world that allow it but there isn't.
Right. So the fact that I think it's probably not a good idea to swim near a bunch of sharks while holding raw meat doesn't count, because I've never actually experienced it.
Critical thinking, logic, deduction, these are all meaningless right? Unless you've actually done it.

Ironically, with this reply you supported SupraSabre's original point. The vast majority of shark species don't attack humans, so its very likely you could do exactly what you say, and not be harmed, if you know something about sharks. So you're at least consistent, ignorant of the danger of lane-splitting, and ignorant of the danger of sharks.
I just don't get the pin feathers in such a whirl over it. It would not be required nor would anyone be forced to participate. Those that deem it too dangerous would be fine and those who don't would be fine. A bit like mixing bias and radial tires, or the kind of oil to use (there, I thought I'd just toss those in here to stir the pot ...) :D
I just don't get the pin feathers in such a whirl over it. It would not be required nor would anyone be forced to participate. Those that deem it too dangerous would be fine and those who don't would be fine. A bit like mixing bias and radial tires, or the kind of oil to use (there, I thought I'd just toss those in here to stir the pot ...) :D


Most arguments for and against are based on opinion, few facts. The culture in other parts of the world has become more 'refined' than ours in certain respects....all one has to do is watch interchange videos from India and Pakistan; just trying to get to work or is unimportant. Our driving culture is still largely a culture of 'I fought for this position, I will defend it with every irrational fiber of my being'.

We have choices....if lane splitting becomes legal, play or not, choice will be one will be forced to do it.
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