WI: Tag

Old Tag - (couldn't get the exact photo to upload)
Weyauwega Silo - next to the Dairy Barn (YUM!) I couldn't get all of Weyauwega without falling in the water!IMG_2662.jpg

New Tag - Not too far away - couple hours by back road!
Chatty Belle.jpg

Sorry it's not farther south! :)
Old Tag - (couldn't get the exact photo to upload)
Weyauwega Silo - next to the Dairy Barn (YUM!) I couldn't get all of Weyauwega without falling in the water!IMG_2662.jpg

New Tag - Not too far away - couple hours by back road!
Chatty Belle.jpg

Sorry it's not farther south! :)
Did you actually go there to both on 7/31?
Did you actually go there to both on 7/31?

It's not a requirement to get both tags on the same day. Having said that, it's usually a good idea to do so when the tag seems to be moving rapidly, i.e.: lots of people involved in the game. This hasn't been the case in the WI tag for the last year or so but you always run the chance of getting scooped if you don't. Isn't that right Mary-Anne!?! ;)

New tag is a little more than 3 hours from me. Normally not an issue when it's located in the Driftless area, if you catch my drift. I suppose as a consolation prize it is only 32 miles from it to the Norske Nook. I'm going to be busy for the next week or so painting the house so feel free to go move it before I can...
This was a little trip to go pick this one up and I had hoped I hadn't got scooped before I returned home.Optimized-IMG_4605.jpg

This one is a little farther south. Looks like of marshy in the background. ;)Optimized-IMG_20160320_125056303.jpg
Ya got me Kevin!! But I got the Z in the Alphabet Tag. Sometimes you're the Scooper, sometimes you're the Scoopee...


  • ChattyBelle8:16.jpg
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Just curious, I was there around 12:30 today, how close were we to meeting again?

I was there just after high noon, then stopped at Donna Cozy Kitchen for lunch/breackfast. I took the longer way home too, went down to Cashton before heading home.
Answer to previous above : I did do both in one day! It was a great day to ride! Of course the danger was that I would get home and update the tag only to find I'd been beaten!
Got it.IMG_0354 (2).jpg

New tag. Hint Lake and MastIMG_0361.jpgScooter might know where this is. It is closer to us.
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Isn't it a rule, or at least courteous, to mention where the tag was located?

Always nice to mention something interesting, significant, humorous, etc about it, also. JMHO

Love the mastodon!


New tag. Hint Lake and Mast. Scooter might know where this is. It is closer to us.

Well after 30 minutes of googling I have given up. I have no clue. It appears that boat anchor displays are a lot more common than I would have thought. I came across a geo-caching site that said that there were 13 of them just in the Port Washington area alone...
Sorry about not mentioning where the Tag was. Another clue. Gold. Yes I know it's painted gold, it is a clue.
Still no joy. Most anchor jewelry is gold colored so you get a million hits with that alone. Its not at the Golden Anchor restaurant on Pewaukee Lake from what I can tell from Google streetview.

Norb, wouldn't be the first time I couldn't locate an item using google because of inexact search terms but I have a question. Can you find this using google???
+1 I've spent waaaay too much time looking for that damn anchor. I'm done.
OK forget Lake. Gold and Mast. You will not find a photo of the anchor. Guess you will have to take a ride to see if you are right. Is that not the point? Get out and ride. Some nice twisties near it. You know, Scenic %%%%%.
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