My new to me ride

When do you plan to get into Colorado? We are going to have raining weather on and off this coming week with snow in the high country. Pay close attention to the weather. Make sure you take a look at C-Dot's website each day you are in the mountains. Ride safe.
I plan to come into CO on Tuesday afternoon via I70. Staying in Fruita that evening. Headed south Wednesday via 141. Will keep an eye on the weather/roads. Thanks Chuck.
I plan to come into CO on Tuesday afternoon via I70. Staying in Fruita that evening. Headed south Wednesday via 141. Will keep an eye on the weather/roads. Thanks Chuck.
One thing I like a lot about the zumo is the weather radar warnings and being able to see the movement of storms.. I've stopped for a short time at a gas stop to let a leading edge of a front move through and even changed my route a little to go around a small storm.

Looks like you're having a great time with the new toy.
Whenever I am out in these desolate lonely highways and roads, my mind wanders to bygone times and I think of the pioneers crossing these vast distances with their families and everything they own. Lack of water and food, disease, conflicts with the Native peoples, rivers deserts and canyons to cross. What a determined spirit. On my bike I tend to think about what it was like to be a cowboy on the range and traveling through this expansive scenery. I just love that feeling. We have it soooo easy.
Whenever I am out in these desolate lonely highways and roads, my mind wanders to bygone times and I think of the pioneers crossing these vast distances with their families and everything they own. Lack of water and food, disease, conflicts with the Native peoples, rivers deserts and canyons to cross. What a determined spirit. On my bike I tend to think about what it was like to be a cowboy on the range and traveling through this expansive scenery. I just love that feeling. We have it soooo easy.
LOL... I typically just pull up Highway to Hell by AC/DC....
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