Back To The Repair Shop - Again!

Uncle Phil, I think I have it figured out. You do your taxes every year and write the check to the IRS, then you go into the shop and get enough parts replaced to retrieve your tax money with Medicare. Very clever!
My friend, if you've never had a Cornish Pasty, you have led a sheltered and deprived life!
The ribbed edge let the miners hold the pasty with their dirty hands and still enjoy the wonderful rest of it.
For regular folks, we can just eat it with the rest of the pasty.

I like them as well as a Melton Mowbray Pork Pie -

Sheltered, no. Deprived, well yes that could indeed be the case. I'll add it to the list of things to find and try.
The famous Cornish Pasty - eaten by tin miners world wide! Must be made with potatoes, skirt of beef, onion and swede and preferably shortcrust pastry.

Add me to the sheltered group. That looks like an Augusts Fried Pie made in Lubbock, Texas. They used to be better than they are now but had many a Cherry pie throughout the years.

Bet Coop has had a couple.
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My little 'test' ride the day after Christmas -
Many thanks for the ridealong, Phil!

You sure you should be putting FroST on the centerstand?

Loved some of the personal anecdotes. We were dirt poor after father was MIA in Korea. Our sweet treat was Grandma’s warm homemade bread with a bit of brown sugar.

Your RRs always make me hungry for some reason.

Happy New Year! Hope to see you again in it.

Glad to hear you are back in the saddle. Looking forward to that happy time when our paths cross again and I can get a good hug.
Good to hear progress is being made. Be still, God will heal. You're in a transformation phase, He has a plan. Keep faith!
Just got back from the vascular doctor this morning. The blood flow in the left leg after the repair tests as good as the blood flow in the right leg - 100%. They were amazed at how little swelling the leg still has at this point (only about an inch over the 'normal' leg). Now I just have to work on getting it back in condition - slowly, but surely. Walking a mile a day now, and will increase it as time goes along until I'm back at 3 miles a day. Thanks again for all of the prayers and kind words of encouragement along the way.
Great to hear you are on the mend Phil and I do love a Cornish Pastie and a pork pie! Hope to see you soon Janet and I are thinking that when we do get to leave NJ we will end up in TN.
Hi Phil, hope & pray all gos well & everything works out as you have planed it, stay strong & stay positive & ya will be back fresh as a daisy in the summer. Just plenty of rest & lots of meditation will keep you strong. Gud luck brother.
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