Crash at OnSTOC! :(

Wow, so many words of encouragement from this awesome extended family of riders! I can't tell you how much they mean.
My shoulder blade injury is very painful, but the doc gave me some stronger meds yesterday and they've brought the pain down a couple of notches; still hurts like blazes, but I slept longer last night than I have since the accident.
So I'm in good spirits and these messages from all of you have a lot to do with that!

Thank you, friends.

I believe I read that you are in Lachine as am I. If you are stuck and need assistance with anything let me know if I can help.

Andrew, that's much appreciated. I'm not doing too badly, but it's amazing how many things you can't do with a messed-up scapula! So I may take you up on your offer one of these days.
Hey, by the that you on that white ST1300 on 24th Avenue?? :)

Sorry to hear that. Hope you heal well soon. ATGATT has saved my hide as well. DAMHIKT

Aw, Ram, I know it. I remember. :( I remember that day all too well! Glad we both came out relatively unscathed!


I'm sorry to hear about your crash but very glad to hear you weren't seriously injured. Heal up quickly.

No, not me- I have a black ST. I doubt that you have ever seen it because I to am recovering from an accident (still!!!) so I know all to well how it feels and I can sympathize. I have just begun to start riding again. Short trips only because there is still pain- testing my limits. Glad to read that you seem to be doing well. Hope you continue to improve and recover quickly and fully so that you can get back on the bike sooner than later. Good luck- heal well.
PATTY... PLEASE heal fast and well...even better than before :) Appreciate hearing the details since I just put new PR3's on last night and am about to scrub them with 225 CAREFUL slab miles on my way to that you warned/reminded us about new tire breakin :) Friends and aquaintences have had rough a motorcycling year, so I hope the trend changes course quickly. Get well and hope to hear you're back on 2 wheels in the near future !:yr1:
As usual, I'm a day late (several!!!) and a dollar short. Sorry to hear about your "getoff" but sooo glad to know you are in recovery mode. Heal swiftly and completely.
Hello Patti,

Glad to hear your now home. It was good seeing you although better circumstances would have been nice. Get well and take care of yourself!
I'm a little late to commiserate on your get-off Miss Patty. I'm glad to see you posting prodigiously - your healing obviously is proceeding rapidly and that is a good thing. I just wondered if there were visiting nurses available to you to help change your dressings. No need to struggle if you don't have to. Take your meds. I can tell you from experience that they are your friend at this moment in time. Don't beat yourself up about this. Probably there was nothing you could have done to prevent it under the circumstances.

Hannah and I wish you well.

I'm a little late to commiserate on your get-off Miss Patty. I'm glad to see you posting prodigiously - your healing obviously is proceeding rapidly and that is a good thing. I just wondered if there were visiting nurses available to you to help change your dressings. No need to struggle if you don't have to. Take your meds. I can tell you from experience that they are your friend at this moment in time. Don't beat yourself up about this. Probably there was nothing you could have done to prevent it under the circumstances.

Hannah and I wish you well.


Thanks, jp! One excellent thing about our socialized medicine system here is that we have free walk-in clinics called "CLSCs" in every borough and there's one near where I live. I went there today to have my dressing changed. The nurse was great and gave me some materials that make it much easier to change the dressing myself; she also gave me enough of these materials to last me until my follow-up appt. at the clinic next Tuesday. She also said the burn is healing well, no sign of infection. I'll be seeing my GP tomorrow and will bring the new dressings with me so he can change it there, once he's looked at it. So it's all good!

You take care too, hope you're doing well! Greetings to Miss Hannah. :)

is this blog of your injury going to take over the ONSTOCK BLOG?
appreciate your injury and feel badly for you.....but do we all need to hear/read the intimate details?
this is something i would think you would discuss in private.
is this blog of your injury going to take over the ONSTOCK BLOG?
appreciate your injury and feel badly for you.....but do we all need to hear/read the intimate details?
this is something i would think you would discuss in private.

This thread is not about OnStoc as much as Peppermint's accident and her path back to normal (well, as normal as she was to begin with :D:D :D:D).

As far as the OnSToc event, the thread dedicated to the event itself is located right here and has all the pics and details about it.
is this blog of your injury going to take over the ONSTOCK BLOG?
appreciate your injury and feel badly for you.....but do we all need to hear/read the intimate details?
this is something i would think you would discuss in private.

Its quite easy to ignore this thread. I, for one, would like to keep reading updates on how Patty is making out after her very close call.
is this blog of your injury going to take over the ONSTOCK BLOG?
appreciate your injury and feel badly for you.....but do we all need to hear/read the intimate details?
this is something i would think you would discuss in private.

Don't mean to Dog pile BACKRACK... I see you have posted 12 times... you are new... you will figure it out... with our help <g>

Heal fast Patty! And keep your progress updated please,,, right here in your thread.
is this blog of your injury going to take over the ONSTOCK BLOG?
appreciate your injury and feel badly for you.....but do we all need to hear/read the intimate details?
this is something i would think you would discuss in private.

This thread is completely appropriate. Folks not only want to know what happened, they want to support and encourage Patty. (Almost) everyone wishes her the best possible recovery, while being sympathetic as to her pain. ST-Owners is a place where people care about people!
This thread is completely appropriate. Folks not only want to know what happened, they want to support and encourage Patty. (Almost) everyone wishes her the best possible recovery, while being sympathetic as to her pain. ST-Owners is a place where people care about people!

+1 We care and as much as we would all prefer to never need to speak of such events, they happen and we are here as much for friendship and support as we are the bike-specific discussions, actually more so.
is this blog of your injury going to take over the ONSTOCK BLOG?
appreciate your injury and feel badly for you.....but do we all need to hear/read the intimate details?
this is something i would think you would discuss in private.

I agree with George Joe and all the rest we talk about crashes to hopefully learn a bit about what happened and maybe help someone else prevent a crash. Also we all happen to care about Patty as well as all the members here and like to keep up with the healing process.
Uh. The title of this thread is crash at ONSTock. If you are not interested in reading about the crash at ONSToc and the subsequent recovery, it seems quite rational you would not read this thread.

I am also very interested in how Patty is doing and am happy for this thread. I would hope others would take interest in how I am doing if I had such a significant wreck.

Well said!!! Take care Patty we are cheering for you!
is this blog of your injury going to take over the ONSTOCK BLOG?
appreciate your injury and feel badly for you.....but do we all need to hear/read the intimate details?
this is something i would think you would discuss in private.

Oh backtrack, if you were only here when the "I've Got a Secret" thread were alive. Hang around, you'll see how close of friends you can make in here.
Heal well Ms. Patti and keep us posted.
Patty, first off I'm very glad to hear you came out of this get off relatively ok. Hope you're back to normal soon.

Mick, does this mean you don't expect her to fully recover? I'm just saying.......

Get well soon Patty!!
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