Ride For Cambodia?

I do.'t no this thing tasty or not. Am sure it taste like chicken, that's southern folks said about rattle snake.
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Is he tasty?

Only if we're lucky enough to catch one for George to cook up on his camp stove.
I will venture a guess that the odds of us even seeing one in the wild are only slightly greater than getting eaten by a shark.
Thanks for the tip, Tip. Keep 'empty coming.

Droid S 3 & TT2
Only if we're lucky enough to catch one for George to cook up on his camp stove.
I will venture a guess that the odds of us even seeing one in the wild are only slightly greater than getting eaten by a shark.
Thanks for the tip, Tip. Keep 'empty coming.

Droid S 3 & TT2

Using yur Samsung to respoind, Danny? That "anticipation" feature catches me out quiet often. I suppose it'll get better with practice but, as a touch-typist, I miss my full keyboard.
practice...practice... practice I still fight with that predictive speller.

Why I don't turn it off? I guess because I'm just a bad speller and it makes me look smarter than I am if I just cooperate with the program.
Gotta keep one eye one the highlighted word that it wants to replace your word with while your not looking, correct as necessary.

Sometimes my spelling is so bad it cant find the word I'm looking for, that's when the funny stuff starts.
Always proof read before sending. Even then, be prepared to laugh and look silly.:D
Best of luck for all that are going. I didn't read every post, and we always hope everything will go well on a trip like this, but make sure you are prepared if something does go wrong.

1. Make sure there is a family member capable of handling a rough situation with a passport in hand before you leave.
2. Not sure if the Cambodians would recognize it but the American embassy should. Get powers of attorney amongst the group giving others in the group the power to make a decision for you if you are incapable of doing so.

These are just things I would do if I was making the trip. George and Danny are much more the world adventure travelers than I am.

Thanks Bill. Georgette said "I have my passport ready but I'm not bailing you out of jail, so behave yourself"
To me this just means "Don't get caught" :D
So my Ram "X" mount finally came and is looking pretty good. It's got a firm grasp of my phone/GPS with no slip rubber bumpers as seen here:
An IPhone is standing in for my Droid as I snap the pic.
The only issues with mounts at this point can only be dealt with while prepping the bike.
I am happy with this mount right out of the box, We''ll see what happens in the real world. I still think I will tether as a back up.
Droid S 3 & TT2
I agree, Tether on a short leash.

Also agree about the visas,,, everyone I've read about has had no problem with entry to Thai or Cam.
Okay - now all I need to do is take a little trip down to Nogales for a Typhoid vaccine and Malaria drugs.....
I'm gonna buy my malaria drugs over there, across the counter for doxycycline sez Dean on the forums.rideforcambodia.com site.
Sounds good. I'm going to see my infectious disease quack just before the trip and whatever can wait until BKK will wait.

Since the kings gets coronated at the end of the Cambodian ride, I think we can avoid the crowds by staying in the back hills until the festivities are over....unless we want to get into all that for the pictures.
Could it be like our meet with the clown in Matamoros, Danny? :D

Mentioned this elsewhere, but I'm gonna wait on my Typhoid until Bangkok. Real PITA and expensive to get it in the USA.
Ya, it would be just like you to upstage the King. :)
...and the clown was in Reynosa

Droid S 3 & TT2
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Just a reminder: our Cambodia ride is a charity event to support Sustainable Cambodia, for kids' education and other important improvements. I'm accepting donations at my PayPal account, email cattmando@gmail.com. Be sure to type Sustainable Cambodia in the comments.

Thanks in advance,

Ya, this is the dark side of this trip. We're collecting for a very good cause. :) although you probably won't be hearing much from me on that through the actual trip. I leave that to George.

Not sure of the charitable contribution write off status of this organization, but it'll be deeply appreciated either way.
I'm not gonna worry on the deductability of the contributions. Assume they haven't filed as 501(c)(3) charity.
I won't envy any poor soul who happens to be leading a ride through strange territory on the left side of the road with questionable road signs in a foreign language and trying to decipher the GSP nav promps to whats out there in the real world while slaloming the local traffic, potholes, landslides, animals, debris, kids and police.

Draw straws? And buy 'em lunch, I say.
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