Article [13] ST1300 - Add On digital voltmeter

I have used the Add On digital voltmeter before
and it's a nice product that provides for a
clean installation.

I purchased this at for under $30 shipped.
Here are some pics of the meter, it measures 1 1⁄4" X 7/8":

  • Step 1
    Decide location - I wanted to put my meter below the left side
    fairing pocket.​
  • Step 2
    Remove Parts - for the location I chose, you will need to:
    - Remove seats
    - Remove left side saddlebag
    - Remove left side panel
    - Loosen and prop up upper gas tank

    There isn't much under this part of the fairing but you do want
    access to it so you can work and there are some wires nearby
    that you don't want to accidentally cut.​
  • Step 3
    - I didn't have any masking tape but found some paper
    bandage tape which worked just as well. I masked off the area
    I intended to install the meter.


    I took the backing lock plate that is supplied with the meter as a
    template. Then used a pencil to trace the inner cutout of the
    plate. This will actually be smaller than the opening you need but
    that's a good thing as you don't want to cut a hole too big.

  • Step 4
    - I used a Dremel with a cutting disk and simply cut the
    4 sides of the pencil marked rectangle. Remember, it's better to
    cut a smaller hole that you can trim than a bigger one you can't.

    After you cut the hole, keep testing the fitment of the meter and
    trimming a little more with a knife. If you do it this way you won't
    need the backing plate that came with the meter, it will be snug
    enough on it's own.





  • Step 5
    - I ran some wires from the OEM fuse box location then
    under the gas tank and under the left side frame and up through
    the hole. I bent a couple electrical connectors, crimped them and
    then connected them to the voltmeter.

    As I said above, I cut the hole very close and the meter has to be
    pushed into it with just enough force that there is no need to use
    the backing plate that comes with the meter.

    My power is coming from a tap into the switched power from the
    back of the fuse box. The ground I ran to a tap of a wire which
    was already coming from the negative side of the battery.



  • Step 6
    Put everything back together
    - Once you have everything connected
    you've probably already tried the meter by turning on the key.

    Reading during idle:


    Reading during idle w/PIAA 910s and high beams on:

You're Done!

Others have commented this meter is not the most accurate meter
however, it is not far off. My main reason for getting it, other than
the cool look, is to see when typical readings change
providing me a warning that I may have electrical issues.


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Re: Add On digital voltmeter

Okie-Dokie: I swapped my 85/80 watt headlight bulbs for 60/55 watt +50s. The voltage read on the Datel meter rose by 0.4 volts. I have not ridden at night with the lower wattage bulbs, but I did notice how much longer the higher wattage bulbs are. I suspect that having the longer bulb was not a good thing for light-focusing. We'll see.

Also: I rode yesterday with an 88 degree air temp. The fans came on as before while sitting at a stop (on the freeway, of course). I am pretty sure that the voltage reading I saw was correct, and it mirrored what I saw when I thought that there was an meter error. I'll keep an eye on this as the temps go higher still, but I think that the meter is fine.

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Re: Add On digital voltmeter


Also: I rode yesterday with an 88 degree air temp. The fans came on as before while sitting at a stop (on the freeway, of course). I am pretty sure that the voltage reading I saw was correct, and it mirrored what I saw when I thought that there was an meter error. I'll keep an eye on this as the temps go higher still, but I think that the meter is fine.


Follow-up: My battery is shot! 11 volts is all that it could muster after sitting out over night. That the volt meter alerted me to the problem was neat.

Re: Add On digital voltmeter

I had a meter-caused scare returning from SoCal last weekend. Flipped the switch (SPST toggle next to the meter) and it showed 11.4 VDC. In the dark! A hunnert miles from home!

Turned off all the farkled 'lectric gear, voltage rose to 12.3. Well that'll get me home, I guess. UGH! Stock lights still look plenty bright, tho, and don't drop when I hit the brake. Hmmmmmm.

Reached down and fiddled with that toggle and -Boom- 14.1 V.

Whew, dodged another bullet.

So, Friday mornng rode down the hill to get Solo to the interstate. While he was filling up and getting his receipt, I jumped back on to head home. NADA! Nothing! I pulled the side panel, detached the aux. fuse block and direct wired the stock wires to the battery. Zooom, good to go.

Don't know yet (yard work kept me busy this weekend) exactly what the problem is, but that meter reading may have been more real than I realized at the time. Short to ground somewhere in the aux. circuits.

More to follow.
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

I've added a relay and a momentary switch to the voltmeter circuit so that I can see the battery's voltage by itself, when the battery is under load with the key on, and the charging system when the engine is running.

The momentary switch was placed inside the right storage bin, just above where I have the Honda accessory cigar lighter mounted. It should be out of harm's way there. To check the battery, with the ignition switch off, press the momentary switch to obtain a reading. Otherwise, the meter reads when the ignition switch is active.

Please see the schematic below for wiring details, and for photos of the Momentary Button, Battery Voltage, and Alternator Voltage.



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Re: Add On digital voltmeter

VERY nice addition...
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

Short answer 1-Yes. 2- Yes and No.
Long Answer Sort of but don't worry about it.

The voltmeter only has 2 connection and will estimate the voltage between them. I haven't hooked mine up yet but I've read they are not that accurate. Any time current flows there will be a voltage drop in the wiring. If you hooked it up to say a heavy drain item it will meaure the reduced voltage. The voltage you're probably most concerned about is at the battery terminals to measure state of charge but just look at it as a relative reading from where you hook the meter in. IOW voltage will be slightly different everywhere you measure it but will be proportional as the system voltage changes with total load and state of charge.

Oh, good answer....hehe

The bottom line, is that we're not looking for accuracy (in that it reads 13.8V vice 13.7V) what matters is how it varies over time. If every day you hope on your scoot and it reads 14.0V every day, and then one day you hop on and it reads 13.8V, then a week later 13.5V. Then you might have a problem (assuming that all else is constant). The performance specifications that I've seen on most of these meters show them to be pretty accurate (+/- 5% or better).
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

I haven't put one on my ST yet but had one of these on my old VFR. It's LCD so you can always leave it on and it will not drain the battery. Not good for night driving though.

That's the one I have on my ST. Accuracy is listed on the datasheet as .2V or +/- 1 count. That's pretty accurate as far as I'm concerned.

I have mine mounted below the left faring pocket and attached to a switched source, so it is only operational when the bike is on. I suppose with it's low current draw, I could have hooked it up to an always on source, but I didn't even consider it.

It's not water proof and I've had some issues with rain and washing the bike, but it still works. Seems to me I only paid $24 for mine though.
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

Great discussion and how to article!

I was thinking of adding a digital voltmeter connected directly to the battery with a toggle switch located next to the meter. That way I could turn the meter on before starting the ST1300 and check voltage measure under load in addition to running voltage measure.
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

I'm wondering how these volt meters have held up since installation. Did everyone's work out OK or have any developed any issues?
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

Mine has been fine. Only been 10 months though... I've been through tons of rain though if that helps.
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

My Voltmeter is A-OK. I got the knock off one too. Lots of rain and bike washes here too!
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

Mine is working ok... And my comfort level with my battery/charging system is MUCH better.... :D
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

Hey Mellow,

Thank you for all your help you are always on top of things and being new to the sight I really thank you.

Re: Add On digital voltmeter

Hi Joe:

I used your article to install one of these on my 1100. I really like it and think it's one of the quickest and cheapest farkles you'll find. Plus it serves a great purpose.
Thanks for the great article. And thanks again for the great jacket. (In my avatar)

Re: Add On digital voltmeter

No problem guys... I'm pretty good and the simple easy stuff... LOL
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

I gotta get another one for the new bike. The one I put on STick last spring has worked fine so far. It's wired direct to the battery with a switch in line.
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

I've just ordered one of these (and a digital thermometer that is the same size) to put on my NT700V. I started riding on a GL650i Silverwing that had BIG digital displays of voltage, temperature, CB Channel (not that my CB on that bike worked, but channel indicator did), and maybe time. They were above the speedometer and tach, and were pretty prominent. But they didn't hurt my night vision (that's why they're red -- it doesn't effect night vision) and I always thought that people must look over when I went by at night and see all those red digital numbers and think: "Man, isn't that guy cool."
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

Joe, last week I looked at the photos of your install and ordered a volt meter, today I went back to the install and the photos are gone, only the name of the image is there, this is since the new site. How do I open your photos ?
Re: Add On digital voltmeter

Joe, last week I looked at the photos of your install and ordered a volt meter, today I went back to the install and the photos are gone, only the name of the image is there, this is since the new site. How do I open your photos ?

Sorry about that.. looks like those are lost.. I'll check to see if I have them elsewhere.
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