Article [13] ST1300 - Screen Mod

Hi guys,

I've read loads of different threads on here about all the different screens available, and also some of the mods that have been done to improve the air flow and buffeting situation.

My first decision on this subject was that I was going to have a go at improving the stock screen first, and depending on the result, it would possibly steer me in the direction of which size and shape of screen would be best for me, as around 90% of my riding is done with a pillion and it is SWMBO who has the most issues with the standard set-up.

The first alteration I did was to alter the angle of the screen by removing it and its mounting brackets and replacing it with only the top bolt which holds the bracket to the mechanism in place, thus altering the angle greatly, and also allowing more air under and behind the screen. This did actually work and improved things quite a lot, and I felt I was going in the right direction, although it was a bit flimsy and untidy.

After another couple of weeks of thought, I decided on my next coarse of action. This was to make some spacer plates to place between the angled bracket that bolts to the screen, and the sliding bracket. I made these out of some flat 1 1/2" aluminium stock. The screen is now around 1" further out from the bike, and 2 of the holes have been elongated so I can also alter the angle also.

The result of this has been very posotive for both myself and the Wife, with greatly reduced buffeting, to the point that after a 150 run out last Saturday in temps of around 6 deg C, and having the screen in a number of different positions, I asked her what her feelings were to which she replied "I didn't really take any notice" from which we agreed that normally she would get of the bike complaining, so no news must be good news.

My next step will probably be to make some more brackets which look a little neeter from a fabrication point of veiw, and see how I go with it over the rest of the winter.

Heres a few pics to give you a better idea of what I'm on about.



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OK, just made 5 sets and they are all spoken for. No more scrap lying around my shop, so no more will be made.

Sets for:
1) Zoran
2) George
3) Phillip
4) Greg
5) Indian Express (I need your name and shipping address, please email it to me. Your PM box is full)

Zoran, George and Phil's went out today. I need an address for Greg and Indian Express still!
Put mine on when Eric sent them a few weeks ago....finally got to ride it today.....first time in 3 months......38 degrees and windy.....went about 150 miles.....amazing difference.....the back pressure and helmet buffeting are all but eliminated.....helmet is much queter.........that air gap between the fairing nose and the windshield makes all the difference in the world.........thanks again Eric.....................................ff
Please post measurements or a pattern for the Screen mounting plates.
Inquiring minds want to know.
If you read the first couple of pages of this thread there are pictures and dimensions..........the Eric ones I have are just a simple plate that extends the windshield out about an change in wonderfully.............................ff
I made the brackets today from organic glass as I found it easy to work on for the purpose to try the mod. I tried the offset by slightly more than 1 inch and also tried it at angle. Tested both variants on higher and lower screen setting. The best combination which worked for me was the upper screen setting and the bracket with perpendicular offssetting without any angle. Will test it couple weeks. The first impressions are the mod helps greatly to minimize the backpressure and also the noise.
Just want to say thanks to all the folks here who contributed to this thread. Great inspiration. Here is my attempt at making this mod. Like earlier prototypes it set the windscreen 1" forward and maintains the stock angle. When in the full up position it does position the windscreen slightly lower than stock due to the change in angle from fully down to fully up.Made from 1/8" x 1 1/2" steel bar stock. Just painted black. Next time I will learn to power coat. Initial ride of 40miles looks promising. Greatly reduced buffeting on my helmet and much less back pressure. I am only feeling a small amount of back pressure with the screen fully up. Here are my pics.

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I have not read the entire 18 pages of this article so pleez dont slap me for my lack of knowlege. Has anyone ridden in a heavy rain after making this mod and if so how is that working out? Getting more water? No difference? ??
Has anyone ridden in a heavy rain after making this mod and if so how is that working out? Getting more water? No difference? ??

I have not ridden in the rain since. Prior to the mod rain would curl back around the wind screen. I can't imagine it would be worse. In any case I'm NEVER going back to stock. The reduction in turbulence alone is worth taking a chance on a little rain.
Another fabulous thread! Once again I am surprised to look down and see that I read 19 pages of posts. Many thanks to all those that contributed.
Beeker, thanks for pulling up an old thread, don't know if I would have read through it if you didn't.
When I get some time I will be giving this a shot.

Thanks to all who contributed.
Thanks for all the info, ideas and pics for mods here on the windscreen! :bow1:

I took a slightly different path and just modded the factory bracket itself, welding on these little wing lets that give me 3 position options at the bottom mount. The top mount stays the same. I'm using the middle position now and found things to be much smoother for both myself and passenger. The extra tab slips freely into the rubber slot w/o issue.
It also allows more none turbulent air to hit my body to help keep me cooler as the temps rise.
My next plan is to just cut it out so it's just a slot that allows me to set the bottom of the shield at any angle i wish.
BTW I have the only none electric windshield model out there, the 03 none abs. I also plan to try and source all the needed parts to go electric on the shield soon if it's not too costly.
Thanks again for the incite to these issues, I'm happier now.


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Brilliant! That's pretty slick. Great idea! :)

Thanks for all the info, ideas and pics for mods here on the windscreen! :bow1:

I took a slightly different path and just modded the factory bracket itself, welding on these little wing lets that give me 3 position options at the bottom mount. The top mount stays the same. I'm using the middle position now and found things to be much smoother for both myself and passenger. The extra tab slips freely into the rubber slot w/o issue.
It also allows more none turbulent air to hit my body to help keep me cooler as the temps rise.
My next plan is to just cut it out so it's just a slot that allows me to set the bottom of the shield at any angle i wish.
BTW I have the only none electric windshield model out there, the 03 none abs. I also plan to try and source all the needed parts to go electric on the shield soon if it's not too costly.
Thanks again for the incite to these issues, I'm happier now.
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